28. Bedtime

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After an amazing day Oliver is tired and snuggled into his mother on the couch. He wanted to watch a movie. But now he is struggling to keep his eyes open... I chuckle as Mya is mindlessly running her fingers through his hair only lulling him more to sleep... I remember a time she would do that to me... When i had a stressful day i would crawl over her putting my head on her chest and she would run her fingers through my hair her nails gently scraping over my scalp until i was so relaxed that i would doze off... God i miss those days... 

"I think it is time for bed sweetie..." Mya mumbles to Oliver kissing the top of his head and he protests with the last bit of energy he has... "No... I am not sleepy..." He says while his eyes fall shut again his head falling forward. Mya smiles as he clings onto her... She looks at me and i smile it is so beautiful to see the love she has for Oliver. It only makes me love her more... I stand up... "Time for bed bud..." I say and lift him up..."Nooo..." He protests half asleep and i chuckle as he is limp in my arms his head resting on my shoulder. Mya follows me as i carry him to his room... 

I watch as Mya gets him ready for bed. She puts him in his pj's and runs a washcloth over his face. As she tucks him in kissing his forehead, she removes the processor... He is already asleep. Out like a light... We walk out the room leaving the door open a little bit... "Can we leave the light in the hallway on... If he wakes up, he can't hear... I dont want to take away his sight to in an unfamiliar environment in case he wakes up..." She whispers and i smile... "Of course..." I whisper and we walk back to the living room... 

Mya looks around the room and starts to clean up a little... I watch her and i know she is doing this because she is nervous... It is just the two of us now. No more kid to distract or focus on... Oliver is asleep out like a light it is just us now... I am not without nerves either as i dont know what to say or do... I just feel awkward and sigh... This gets her attention and all of a sudden Mya turns to me and sighs to... "This is ridiculous..." She mumbles puts her hand on her hips and looks at me. "Please tell me you have a drink... Preferably something strong..." She says and i chuckle and nod blushing, all the while thinking that drinks got us into this... 

Mya follows me to the kitchen as i grab to glasses and grab a bottle of scotch... I hold it up and she nods... I pour us each a glass, and she takes it and slams it back making my eyes grow wide... This stuff is the good stuff the expensive stuff and she slams it back like it is a shot... Mackie gifted me the bottle telling me it was a bottle of Macallan over 30 years old... It didn't mean anything to me... It tastes good though... I had wanted to keep it for a special occasion but if this is not that, i dont know what is...  She pushes the glass towards me and i chuckle shake my head but pour her another one... I dont know why i expect her to slam it back again but she doesn't. Instead, she takes the glass and walks out the door... "Bring the bottle!" She yells as i watch her disappears outside and when i follow i smile... She is cuddled up in a blanket on the swing bench again... Only her head is sticking out of the blanket, and she looks so cute... 

I walk up and to my surprise she pats next to her for me to sit... I do so and she moves the blanket around us both and cuddles into me. I wrap my arm around he and she hums. This is how we sit neither one of us saying a word as we look out over the yard... She is the first to break the silence after a while. "He likes you..." She whispers before taking another sip of her scotch closing her eyes... "Well i like him to... He is a sweet boy. You did great..." I whisper and she chuckles... "Not really... It is all him... Yes, i might have guided him but by nature he is sweet and caring..." She whispers and i smile and kiss the top of her head... She hums and takes another sip of her scotch. I take a sip of mine closing my eyes as the gold liquid warms me from the inside... 

"How did you find out he was deaf?" I whisper and she sighs... "He was lying in this bouncy chair thing... We didn't live in the house we do now... The floor was all tiles and i dropped a pan doing the dishes... The sound was so loud, but he didn't flinch one bit..." She mumbles and i sigh... "Deep down i knew that something was wrong with him. When he was just a week old i had the feeling, something was off... God that sounds so stupid because it implies that he is defected or something... He is not... He just needs something to hear... I hate it when people treat him like he stupid because he is deaf... I mean he is deaf not an idiot..." Mya says her voice passionate and i smile... "Nothing is wrong with him..." I whisper and she smiles... 

We both finish our drink and i pour us another one... "This is good stuff..." She says grinning and i chuckle... "It should be... I think it is a 5000-dollar bottle..." I mumble and Mya snaps her head at me her eyes wide... "You're kidding?" She whispers and i smirk... "Nope... Gift from Mackie..." I mumble and she chuckles... "Well cheers..." She giggles and clinks her glass against mine... I smirk and another comfortable silence surrounds us. 

"Chris... Dont be surprised if Oliver crawls into bed with you tonight..." Mya whispers and i look at her a little confused... She sighs... "Sometimes due to the fact he can't hear he gets scared... It is called co sleeping... In order to feel safe, he will crawl into your bed... He will probably come to me... But i wanted you to know just in case... I mean... I know how you prefer to sleep..." She whispers blushing and i smirk... "Okay note to self... Where clothes..." I mumble and she giggles. I take in yet another sharp breath as her giggling sets off a fire inside of me... Her giggling is still making me feel on top of the world.

She snuggles into me more i think the alcohol is making her relax a little bit more and makes her a little bolder... Or at least make her a little less on edge and i take in a sharp breath as i feel her hand glide over my stomach as she gets more comfortable... Fuck i need to pull myself together... I think to myself as my dick twitches in my sweats... I try to relax and kiss the top of her head again. My whole body is reacting to her and i feel a shiver run through my spine as she grabs my shirt bunching it up in her fist my dick now certainly having a mind of his own... 

With her free hand she holds up her glass and i tremble a bit as i pour her another one... I know it is probably not wise, but she is a grown woman. Besides she would bite my head off if i would tell her what she can and cannot do... I dont think that has changed. It was something i liked about her from the day i met her... She wouldn't let anyone tell her what she can and cannot do. Or maybe i just want her to relax after a stressful day filled with all these emotions... Whatever it is i fucking love it... It is like her walls are coming down a bit...

"Chris?" She hums and i look at Mya... "Mya?" I hum back and she smiles... I just stare at her as she is so beautiful and gets even more beautiful when she smiles. "You really dont mind us staying here for 4 weeks... Or maybe even longer depending on how it goes with Oliver in the hospital..." She whispers and i smile and shake my head... "I wouldn't want it any other way... No matter what this is your and Olivers home to..." I whisper and we stare at each other... We get lost into each other's eyes. She blushes but doesn't look away...

"Dont move..." She says and i freeze as her hand reaches for my face, and she gently moves her finger under my eye... It is a gentle and intimate yet confusing gesture and when she pulls back, she holds up her finger one of my eyelashes on her fingertip... "Blow and make a wish..." She whispers and i take in a sharp breath thinking back at our moment under the stars were i told her to make a wish on a shooting star... 

I close my eyes make my wish and blow... Unlike her words back then, saying she had everything she had ever wished for, i do have much to wish for. Let's just hope i dont fuck up and wishes do come true. When i open my eyes again she is looking at me with a lazy smirk on her face... She takes another sip of her drink and sighs... "I probably should go to bed..." She mumbles and i hum... I dont want her to... I just want to sit here a little bit longer... "Not yet... Please..." I whisper in a pleading tone, and she smiles and says a soft okay cuddling into me again sliding and she slides her legs over mine as i wrap my arm around her holding her close her hand on my chest as we sit in complete silence surrounding us again... But it is not awkward or uncomfortable... It is nice... 

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