85. Old friends

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I have my arm around Mya, my hand resting on her hip as we walk into the bar... It is a busy night. The bar is packed and i move her in front of me putting my hands on her hips as we make our way through the crowd... I can't help but notice a few eyes are on Mya... Hungry eyes looking her up and down and although i can't blame them because she is absolutely gorgeous... She is also mine and i have to mark my territory... I guess that has not changed in over the last years... Maybe i feel even more territorial now that we have kids...  So, i wrapped my arms around her shoulders as we walked planting kisses on her cheek... She giggles but all of a sudden, she stops walking... 

"You didn't..." She gasps and i chuckle... "Well, they wanted to see you for so long but with everything happening lately we have been too busy... So, i thought why not, have them celebrate your birthday with you... Scarlet told me to tell you happy birthday... She was going to be here, but her kids are sick..." I murmur in her ear my arms still wrapped around her shoulders... She turns around in my arms and hugs me giving me a quick kiss before squealing wriggling out my arms and running off as fast as she can through the crowd and in heels... 

I chuckle knowing i have lost her for a little while... I walk after her and see her jump in Seb's arms as he had already seen us and was waiting for her with open arms... If it had been any other man i would be jealous but this was nice to see... She hugs him tightly and he hugs her tightly back...I join them smirking hugging Mackie as we watch Mya and Seb... I shake my head as she dangles in his arms, and he kisses her cheek...  "Oh, i missed you, sora..." He says and she pulls back a little bit smiling... Sora means sister in Romanian... She chuckles and kisses his cheek... "Missed you to frate..." She says which means brother... He puts her down and she smirks at Mackie... "Come here idiot..." She says to Mackie who gasps feigning offence but pulls her in his arms hugging her tightly... "Why is he frate... And i idiot...?" He says and Mya laughs... "Because you are an idiot..." Seb and i say simultaneously and Mya laughs even harder... 

Mackie lets her go and she looks at them both... "I missed you boys..." She says tearing up a little and they both blush... "We missed you to... Glad to know this one finally came to his senses..." Mackie says playfully punching my shoulder... I just grin and pull Mya by my side... "Yep... Never letting her go again..." I say holding up her hand showing off the ring and she has the brightest smile on her face... 

"No way!!!" They both yell pushing me aside hugging her again... "Hey! Am i invisible? It takes two to get married you know...!" I say laughing and they both smirk at me... "Yeah, yeah... Congratulations... When you have a ring around your finger, we will talk again..." They say before turning back to Mya hugging her and i just laugh... "I am going to get us some drinks..." I say and walk off still shaking my head... After ordering our drinks i lean against the bar watching them... I can't help but smile... Mya is laughing and joking with Mackie and Seb... 

It is nice to see her happy, smiling and carefree... I know i did the right thing inviting them instead of making it a real date night like i originally had planned... The bartender hands me the drinks and i take them back to our table... "Yeah... No... Move..." I say as Mya is wedged between them and she giggles. I put the drinks on the table and sigh... "Sorry boys... My future husband is quite possessive..." Mya says smirking standing up and i give her a dark look making her smirk at me... I take her hand and pull her in my lap as i sit down... 

"A little jealous, are we?" She whispers in my ear and i look at her and grin... "Just claiming what is mine..." I softly growl back, and she blushes... I couldn't care less if she really wanted to sit between them i was fine with it... I just wanted her close... Okay maybe i am a little possessive...

We talk laugh and drink... Mya is getting tipsy when she all of a sudden stands up... "I am going to dance..." She says and giggles walking off to the dancefloor... I watch her making sure that no one is getting too close for my liking... "So how is dad life?" Mackie asks and i smirk... "It is the best..." I say smiling... "How is the other kid doing?" Seb asks and i focus my attention on Seb. "He is getting better every day... Still misses his mom which is understandable... But he is changing before our eyes..." I say and they both smile... "We can't wait to meet your kids' man..." Mackie says and i grin... "They are going to freak out... We started to watch all the Marvel movies..." I say and they both have proud smirks on their faces... "They better be team Cap..." Mackie says and i laugh... "Of course... I will make sure of that..." I say and we laugh...

"So.... When can we expect our invitations for the wedding?" Mackie asks and i laugh... "I have them back at the house for you both... By the way you have to share a room... The one where... it... happened is locked there is nothing in it... We dont use that one anymore..." I say and they sigh... We fall silent for a second until they start bickering about who snores the loudest... I focus my attention back on Mya who is smiling dancing swaying her hips back and forth on the music...She is in her feels... The music moving her.  She looks ravishing... "Excuse me... I am going to dance with my future wife..." I mumble leaving them behind to bicker and fight about who sleeps on the left side of the bed...

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