91. Christopher!!!

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I smile looking around the new house as i just had gotten home from taking the boys to school... It took us a week... But everything was unpacked... Everything was in its place... I think... It will not surprise me if Mya will do a complete overhaul of the house in the upcoming weeks. With every box we unpacked she said... "For now, it can go over there..." She was nauseous of, and on which slowed everything down but slowly but surely it was done. 

When she would feel sick, i just put her on our new couch and made her tea and some toast... I had set a box in front of her, and she could tell me where it should go... It took a little longer that way but i didn't want her to feel uncomfortable... I didn't want her to overexert herself... 

The boys have settled in amazingly... But it was so adorable... When i went to wake up Oliver the first morning he was not in his bed... He had gone to Kevin's room and slept in the bottom bunk... When i asked the boys why we found out that both boys liked sleeping in the same room... We were so caught up in having them have their own space that it did not come to mind that they might enjoy it... So, we told the boys as long as it was not interfering with their sleep it was fine... 

The only ones a little off by the move were the dogs... They were a little nervous due to the new surroundings. But it was getting better... They loved the yard as there was so much more space for them to run around... The woods behind the house were great for our walks... 

I hear Mya in the kitchen... She is rummaging around the kitchen while humming and i can't help but smile... She is wearing one of my shirts her hair in a messy bun on top of her head and bare legs... I smirk as i think of the phrase barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen... But then i see her pour a cup of coffee for herself and i think of what the doctor had said about not too much caffeine... "Are you sure that, that is okay for the baby?" I ask and she jumps in the air as she had not noticed me coming in... "Chris...!" She squeals and i chuckle... "Sorry baby... Didn't mean to scare you... Was just enjoying the view..." I say grinning and she lets out a sigh... "One cup won't hurt... I can have one cup..." She says and i take a deep breath... "Okay... You are the doctor..." I say smirking and she rolls her eyes... 

"Yes, and on this doctor's orders, you have to kiss her now..." She says and i chuckle walk over to her cup her face and give her a passionate kiss... "What are you having for breakfast?" I ask all of a sudden as i see that the oven is on... Mya blushes... "Left over pizza..." She says shyly smiling. "Baby... That is not breakfast..." I sigh and she pouts... "But it smells and looks so good..." She says and i let out a chuckle and shake my head... "Dont start Chris... I need to eat, and it will come out a second later anyway so why no eat something i enjoy..." She says and i sigh... "Still nauseous?" I ask and she nods... "A little... Just need to eat something and the baby wants pizza..." Mya says and i laugh... "The baby huh?" I ask and she nods a little smirk on her face.

She pecks my lips again and moves out of my grip and opens the dishwasher... She starts to unload... "What are you doing...? Let me..." I say grabbing her shoulders gently moving her... She looks at me confused raising an eyebrow... "You eat your pizza breakfast..." I say pointing to the oven and she wants to say something but doesn't and takes her pizza out of the oven and sits down to eat.

But she does not eat much... After a few bites she sighs and pushes her plate away... "Okay the baby does not want pizza anymore..." She sighs and i smirk... "Can i make you something else?" I ask and she shakes her head... "No i can do it myself you just keep doing that..." She says pointing at the dishwasher... 

"I dont mind..." I say shutting the dishwasher even if i was not done yet... "What?" I ask Mya as she is shaking her head smiling... "Nothing... I would like some toast... But i am going to pee first... Or do you want to do that for me to...?" She asks and i blush... "No... You can do that on your own..." I mumble and she giggles... She kisses my cheek before walking out... "Dont touch my coffee!" She yells and i feel busted as i had grabbed her cup wanting to throw it out... 

I take everything i need for toast and when Mya comes back, she sits down at the kitchen island waiting for her toast... "So, i was thinking... Maybe we could go for a hike later... You know explorer a bit with the dogs..." She says and i look at her nervously... "Or we could just relax... With the wedding in a week, we could use all the relaxation we can get..." I say and she sighs... "Hiking is relaxing..." She mumbles looking disappointed... 

The toast is done and i put it in front of her... She sighs and takes a few bites but pushes it away... "I am not hungry anymore..." She mopes and stands up and walks out of the kitchen but not before taking her cup of coffee... 

All of a sudden i hear the vacuum cleaner and i drop everything and run into the living room where Mya is now vacuuming giving me a stroke...  "Here let me do that..." I say trying to take the vacuum cleaner... 

"Christopher!!!" She yells with an angry look on her face and i stop what i am doing turning bright red...

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