77. The interview

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I take a deep breath as i look through the glass into the interview room. Mya was with him... We had asked him who he wanted there, and he chose Mya... Our lawyer was sitting in the corner... The police had said a lawyer would not be necessary, but we were not taking chances... With everything that happened to him. With the way the police had handled his case in the past we were not going to risk it... We were absolutely set on protecting him...

I can see Kevin is scared... He is fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater... Mya had gone out and bought him new clothes yesterday... We learned he had one other outfit, and it was in the car and disgusting... She had bought him everything a kid needs, and he was a little flabbergasted by it all... A new backpack for school 4 pairs of shoes, underwear, socks, pants shirts and sweaters. A new coat and hats, scarfs and mittens... With everything i literally mean everything you can think off...

It has been 3 days since his mother did what she did... It had been tough... He went into denial... Saying over and over she would be back. It was heartbreaking... He was sad, angry and desperate all in one... He had outburst and was angry saying we were lying and that his mommy would be back... It was truly heart breaking to see and i have to admit tough to deal with... The only one who would get him to calm down was Mya. He was clinging to her like glue... Every evening i would take the boys on a walk with the dogs and that was the only time Kevin would seem carefree... He was warming up to me more and more after first pulling back... I didn't take it personally. The men in his life never been good to him and his protector... His mother was gone... I knew it would take time for him to fully trust me... But i was going to be patient... I was going to show him that no matter what i would not drop him and i hope in that way he would eventually let me in. 

We had a bit of good news though... We were able to claim her body and give her the burial she deserves... We were in the middle of planning it for when her body would be released...The scumbag that had no right to call himself her husband had said he didn't want to claim her body... He was brought in for questioning to. What we heard is that he was suspended from his job, thank God... From what i understood he had not asked about his son... He denied ever touching them, but our lawyer had said the evidence was overwhelming... It had been so overly clear that the police did dirty by her that there would be an internal investigation...

"What would your dad do when he was angry?" The detective asks Kevin who is looking down at his hands... "Hurt mommy..." He whispers barely audible... "Did he ever hurt you?" The detective asks... The had arranged for a female detective when we told them he would open up quicker that way... She was patient and soft spoken which i think helped for him to open up. They know he had been hurt. We had taken him to the hospital were a doctor documented all his injuries and he had an extensive check up with scans and x rays... 

 "Yes..."  Kevin says softly... "What did he do...?" She asks and he buries his head in Mya... "It is okay sweetheart... It is okay take your time..." She whispers and runs her hand through his hair. I smile... She is so patient with him... She really has taken him under her wing, and it was amazing to see how protective she had gotten over him already... "He burnt me and hit me with a belt on my back..." He says and the detective writes it down... "Okay sweetie... That is enough for today..." The woman says and i let out a sigh of relief... Mya shakes hands and i walk out of the room to wait for them in the hallway... I smile as they walk up to me... I get down to his level and smile... "You did good kiddo..." I say and to my surprise he hugs me... I look up at Mya who smiles and winks at me... 

"What do you say we go home to Oliver and grandma..." I say and his face lights up... I stand up and kiss Mya who smiles... To my surprise Kevin takes my hand as we walk to the car... I put Kevin in the back and sigh... "My team called... A statement has gone out... So now we just have to wait if everything dies down..." I say and she smiles and puts her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest. "We will be okay..." She mumbles and i smile... "I know... I just wish they would leave us alone... The kid has been through enough..." I mumble and she hums... "I know they all love the drama" She mumbles and i sigh... 

I open the car door for Mya help her in before walking around and getting behind the wheel. We drive back home wear ma and Oliver are playing board games... They start over so Kevin can join them... 

"I am going to take a quick shower..." Mya says and i smirk... We look over at the boys who are fully ingulfed in the game with my mother... "Want to join me..." She whispers and i smirk taking her hand pulling her up the stairs... She giggles as i quickly undress her before undressing myself and pulling her under the shower... I wrap her in my arms and kiss her... "We have to make it quick before they figure out, we are gone and come looking for us..." Mya moans as i kiss her in her neck... I smirk and chuckle... "Dont worry baby... I can do quick..." I growl and she giggles....

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