123. Okay... Only ma...

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"What is up with you two?" Ma asks as we walk into the kitchen at her place making us stop dead in our tracks... I dont know how but it is like she knows something is up... We had asked her to watch Iris and she did not even question why, so happy to have our little nugget for a few hours... "Nothing..." I say to quick, and she raises an eyebrow at me... Mya hides behind me and i feel her head resting against my back as she is suppressing a giggle... 

"Nothing?" She asks and i fidget with my jacket... "Yep nothing..." I mumble and she nods... "Okay... If you say so... You guys want tea... Something to eat...? Iris is still sleeping..." She says and Mya pokes her head out from behind me... "What have you got?" She asks licking her lips. I put my hand over my mouth to not laugh because if that was not a dead giveaway, i dont know what is... She had eaten her toast in the car but other than that had not eaten anything... As ma is looking in the fridge i look at Mya who blushes at me... "Maybe we should just tell..." She whispers only for me to hear... "Are you sure?" I whisper and she sighs and shrugs her shoulders... "Only your mom... Maybe it is a good thing for someone to know..." She mumbles and i smile and kiss her... "Only if you are sure..." I whisper... 

"What are you two whispering about..." We hear and look up at her. Ma is smirking as she seems amused... I look back at Mya who nods... "Okay... So... Maybe we do have something to tell..." I say a little nervous... Mya steps up to her and takes the ultrasound out of her bag... She hands it to ma whose eyes almost pop out of her head... "You are pregnant!" She squeals and hugs Mya. She has not even really looked at the ultrasound to see it were 3 babies... "Yeah..." Mya says her voice muffled as she is buried into my mom who is hugging her tightly... 

"I didn't even know you guys wanted another baby..." She says and lets Mya go who takes a deep breath straightening out her clothes making me chuckle... "Yeah well we did not tell anyone..." I say and ma has the biggest smile on her face... "Oh this is amazing..." She says clapping her hand together before walking over to me and hugging me to. I look at Mya who is smirking and shaking her head and holds up 3 fingers... "Ma..." I say as she is almost squeezing the life out of me... "I need you to look at the ultrasound again..." I say and she looks at me confused... 

"Why?" She asks and i smirk... "Just look at it again..." I say and Mya hands her the ultrasound again... "Do you see it?" Mya asks and ma looks closer a confused look on her face... "See what?" She asks and Mya giggles... "Where is the baby...?" She asks and ma point the baby out... "Okay... And what is that then?" She asks ma and her eyes grow wide, and she looks at Mya... "TWINS!" She screeches and Mya and i both chuckle... "Look again ma..." I say and she is so confused... 

"WHAT...! WHAT! NOOOO..." She says looking at us in shock tears in her eyes... "Triplets..." She whispers in disbelief. Mya walks over to me and hugs me from the side putting her head on my chest... "TRIPLETS!" Ma says now louder as if she still not believes it... We both nod smiling... Although it had been a shock, and we still needed some time to get our heads wrapped around it we couldn't stop smiling...

"Yes triplets..." I say and ma is now in tears... "OMG... You guys are going to have 3 babies..." She whispers and she sits down... "You okay, Lisa?" Mya asks and she looks up at Mya still in shock... "Yeah... Yeah... I am fine... Are you?" She asks Mya and we both chuckle... "Ask me again in a couple of months... It is still a bit hard to wrap my head around it..." Mya says and ma stands up... "Come on... Sit... Sit..." She says and pulls Mya away from me leading her to a chair... "How are you feeling?" She asks Mya who smiles at her... "Up until this morning fine... This morning was tough though..." She says and ma nods and cups her face... "What do you want to eat..." She asks and Mya smirks... "Dont know... Right now, i am more focused on what can i keep down instead of what do i want..." She says and ma smiles... 

About 2 hours later we are finally on our way back home... Ma had fed Mya and she was keeping it down so far... She promised to keep it to herself but was wondering how long we could keep this secret as Mya would be showing pretty early on... We told her we wanted just a little time to get used to it ourselves which she understood... When Iris had woken up from her nap we went home...

Mya groans as we walk into the kitchen... I put Iris in her play pen and walk up to Mya... "You just sit here..." I say leading her to a chair and sitting her down... "I will clean up..." I say and kiss her. She smiles and sighs as she looks around... "What were they thinking..." She mumbles and i shrug my shoulders... "Hell if i know..." I say getting on a chair to clean the ceiling and Mya groans... "Seriously... Even on the ceiling..." She sighs and i hum... "Yep... We need to talk on what to do with the boys when they get back from school..." I say and Mya nods... "I was thinking table clearing duty for a week..." She mumbles and i smile and nod... "Sounds fair..." I say and get of the chair to clean the rest...

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