107. The tonight show...

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"Welcome to the show buddy..." Jimmy says smiling as i had walked on waving at everyone... I was feeling giddy... I could not believe that Mya was going to join me later... "Thank you Jimmy... Always happy to be here..." I say and make myself comfortable... 

"So how have you been buddy..." Jimmy says and i smirk at him... "I am good Jimmy... Very good..." I say and he smirks back at me...  "I bet..." He says and chuckles... "Well first off all... Congratulations are in order..." He says and i smile... "You got married..." He says and i grin from ear to ear... The crowd claps and cheers, i chuckle... "Thank you... Thank you... I am a very lucky man..." I say and Jimmy nod... "I have to agree... I just met her backstage and you are indeed a lucky man..." Jimmy says and i give him the back off buddy look... The crowd seems to pick up that and laughs... 

We talk about the fact i have two sons... Without going into too much detail about them... I look at the camera and wave hi at them knowing damn well that ma is allowing them to watch. "Tell grandma that you have to go to bed..." I say joking and everyone laughs... I can't help having that proud dad smile... Jimmy does not bring up the pregnancy... I think he wants to wait until Mya joins us... 

We talk about the movie and then it is time... I am having trouble sitting still as i am just excited, i know Mya will do great i just wanted to show off my beautiful pregnant wife... "After the break we will back with a special guest and will play a game..." Jimmy says and the crowd cheers... I talk with Jimmy laughing... Waiting until the break is over... 

Then we start again... "Okay we are back with Chris Evans... Joining us tonight is a very special guest... Mya Evans..." He says and the curtain opens, and Mya walks out looking a little nervous... I smirk and wink at her as everyone gasps and cheers.  I stand up and walk over to her kissing her cheek and everyone aaaahws... Mya blushes as i take her hand and lead her towards Jimmy... They hug and i lead her to the chair i just sat in, so she is sitting between me and Jimmy... "Welcome..." Jimmy says and Mya smiles... I can see she is nervous, but she pulls herself together... "Thank you... Nice to be here..." She says beaming... 

"Congratulations... A baby..." He says all excited and Mya looks at him, dead pan in the eyes... I can see that little mischievous twinkle in her eyes... "Baby? What baby?" She says dead serious... Jimmy starts to stutter and i have to hold my laugh... "No i am just kidding... Thank you Jimmy..." She says beaming rubbing her belly and Jimmy lets out a sigh of relief while the crowd laughs... I just smirk... 

"May i ask how far along you are?" Jimmy asks and Mya looks at me... I rub her belly smirking... "22 weeks..." I say proudly and Mya smiles... "Boy? Girl?" He asks and Mya slaps her hand in front of my mouth making everyone laugh... She shakes her head... "No, no, no Jimmy... Some things we are keeping to ourselves..." Mya says and Jimmy cackles... I put my hand over hers kiss it and take her hand away... 

"Fair... That is fair..." Jimmy says and i smirk... "So, we thought seeing as you two are newlyweds... We will play the newlywed's game..." Jimmy says and Mya and i both nod... He hands us each a little white board... Mya shifts in her seat... "You are going down pretty boy..." She grins and i smirk... "Bring it on, princess..." I say and she giggles... 

"Wauw both of you are really competitive..." Jimmy says and we both laugh... "It is kind of a requirement if you want to join the Evans family..." Mya says and i smirk... "You should see game night... Even the boys are competitive... Sometimes it is like a warzone..." Mya jokes and Jimmy laughs... 

"Okay question one is for Mya... Mya... What is Chris his biggest fear..." He asks and i sigh and we both put down our answer... Mya giggles... I know why she giggles but i stay silent... "Chris... Reveal your answer..." Jimmy asks me and i turn around and sigh... "Spiders..."  Jimmy says and Mya giggles and turns her white board around... "Spiders!" Jimmy says excitedly and she sticks out her tongue at me... "The other day he asked the boys to remove a spider..." She giggles and everybody laughs... Jimmy laughs and i sigh... "It was a really big spider... I just hate them... Absolutely hate them..." I say and everyone laughs... "You should have seen the confused looks on the boy's faces... Mya laughs and i groan... 

Then it is time for my question... "Chris... What is Mya's dream job..." He asks and Mya blushes... I write my answer down smiling at her... She seems nervous... Mya turns her sign around... Jimmy looks at the answer... "Run my own women shelter..." It says and i smile proudly and turn around my sign as i have it right... "Okay this needs some explanation..." Jimmy says and i smile as Mya takes a deep breath... 

"Well without getting into too much detail... Our second son is not our biological son... He and his mother didn't have it easy... She was abused and ran away with her son when her husband started to abuse him... Well let's say she was really desperate as she was not able to get the help, she needed... Which she deserved... Unfortunately, we got to her to late... She is not with us anymore... So, in her honor i am building a women's shelter for women who are abused, or homeless..." She says absolutely beaming and talking with a passion. 

"Wauw... That is... Wauw..." Jimmy says and Mya blushes... "As the plan looks now, we will have a shelter where women can stay with their kids... You know recharge... Get their life back on track with all the support of the shelter... There will be a doctor's, psychologist and lawyer's office for medical, psychological and legal help... It is still in development, but we started with construction..." Mya says talking about it absolutely beaming... Jimmy smiles... "Wauw... That is just amazing..." He says and i take Mya's hand giving it a squeeze as i am so proud of her... "It will be called Stacy's place named after our son's biological mother... In honor of her..." Mya says and she tears up a little... I give her hand another squeeze... 

The game is over... And Jimmy says goodbye... We wave goodbye to the crowd, and we hug Jimmy as it is time to go... "You did so good..." I say and Mya blushes... "Thank you..." She says and i kiss her... "You were okay..." She says giggling and i laugh... 

"Want to go out for dinner?" I ask and Mya shakes her head... "Do you mind if we eat in our room... I am so tired..." She whispers and i kiss her again... "Dinner at the room it is..." I say and we get to the car to go back to the hotel... I am so proud of her... 

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