3. Lies? Or omissions.

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I am trembling. My hands are shaking, and my thumb is hovering over the call button... I am scared to call... Scared for what else i am going to find out. 

"Snap out of it, Chris... Just call your damn lawyer..." I mumble to myself and sit down behind my desk... Before i can even muster the courage to call there is a knock on the door... "Chrissy..." Genevieve chirps walking in. I look up and force myself to smile...  "Hello Sweetie..." I say trying to keep my emotions in check, trying to keep my face as neutral as possible... "I need to show you what i got..." She chirps all excited holding up a bag before sitting in my lap... "Let me guess... New clothes..." I say putting one hand on her back like i always do... Although this time i have to force myself to do so and she nods... "I could not resist and went shopping..." She giggles and i take a deep breath. What is happening to me... Normally i loved to hear her giggle and to see her smile. I always loved it when she would show me what she bought... Why did it annoy me so much now...

I push it down. I dont know how to tell her... Would Genevieve understand or will she kill me. Or will she leave me... Maybe i dont have to tell her and have this dealt with quietly without Genevieve ever having to know... "Show me sweetie..." I say forcing another smile on my face... She opens the bags and pulls out a dress. I have to suppress a groan... "Didn't you already have a dress like this?" I ask and she giggles... "It was in a different color silly..." She chirps... "Isn't that dress red to..." I ask having trouble getting my annoyance under control. "That dress was maroon... This one is Crimson, silly..." She says and i sigh... "Right..." I mumble rolling my eyes. "What is going on with you... Dont you like it?" She asks pouting and i force another smile... "It is beautiful sweetie..." I say and she smiles back at me kissing my cheek... "You are going to love it even more when i have it on... I promise..." She whispers in my ear before standing up. 

"How did it go at city hall... Did you get the papers...?" She asks and i freeze... My mind is spinning and i know i should tell her the truth but instead i lie... "No i am sorry. Something came up..." I say and she looks at me with a frown... "What can be more important than our marriage license..." She says with a high squeaky voice. She stands up and looks at me annoyed putting her hands on her hips... "Something with ma... She needed help..." I say and Genevieve rolls her eyes... "Always your mother..." She sighs throwing her hands in the air... I knew she would not question it... Ma and Genevieve are civil but dont like each other... 

Another stark contrast with Mya... Mya and ma loved each other. Best of friends. I once joked that she was just with me for my mother... Only to get a kiss and a smirk back followed by the line... "You just figured that out?" Ma loved Mya to... I only told her a year later what really happened between us and to say that she was angry was an understatement. She just couldn't believe i was that stupid... She said she knew that Mya was not sure that she wanted kids. But ma understood that. Mya didn't have a loving family growing up... Her dad hit her... Her mother just packed up one day and left leaving her behind. She left her daughter in the hands of a monster instead of taking her along. Ma didn't believe she didn't want kids... She just wanted a strong basis first to feel safe to bring a kid into the world. Hearing her say that about Mya had me spiral again...

"Yeah, well it is not like it can wait a day..." I say and sigh... Genevieve looks at me here eyes piercing my soul... She tries... She always tries but never succeeds to read my mind... Not like Mya who always seemed to have a direct link to my brain... To my deepest inner thought... Genevieve will never be able to, she always is too preoccupied with the shallower things of life... She likes pretty things... Were as Mya just loved the little things... The things money couldn't buy. Sunsets, Rainbows and the night sky... Mya was more about connections with people... When she couldn't sleep i would find her in the garden laying on the grass staring at the stars... I would lay down next to her and we would talk until the sun came up... Genevieve will be happy if i buy her everything she desires... As shallow as it sounds it is simple.... Easy maybe...

"Yeah, well she needed help... She is my mother, whether you like it or not... If she calls and asks for help i will help her... Now if you dont mind i have to make a few business calls..." I say and she looks even more annoyed... "Fine... But i swear to God if our wedding gets messed up because you forgot to do the one thing i ask of you..." She says and i roll my eyes. "Dont be like that... Have i ever let you down..." I say standing up. I walk over to her and put my hands on her shoulders... "Dont worry sweetie... Why dont you go and take a nice relaxing bath and when i am done here i order us some dinner..." I say putting on my most charming smile knowing it will have the desired effect and she sighs as i kiss her forehead...

"Fine..." She mumbles before leaving the room. I sigh and sit down at my desk. I wait a few minutes before calling my lawyer...

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