96. The party...

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I have Mya's hand in mine sitting at the so-called sweetheart table. I just need to touch her and i haven't let her hand go since we walked back down the aisle as husband and wife... She is my wife... It is so surreal... I know we have been married before. But this time it is really real... She is my wife... 

We are in the middle of dinner... Our guest had just had a cocktail hour while we took pictures... We just had our appetizers and the main course had been served... Mya looks at her plate and back to me... "Something wrong baby?" I ask her and she sighs... "I can't eat that..." She whispers and i am confused... "It is okay... It is not harmful... To the... You know..." I say looking at her food a little confused because we had changed her meal last minute as she originally had red meat... She shakes her head and sighs again... "I know but it just... The smell makes me nauseous..." She whispers and i take a deep breath and wave over one of the waiters... "Chris no! People will notice..." Mya says and i sigh and shake my head. "Baby... You have to eat... We will make up an excuse... Do you want some fries and maybe a burger just like the boys?" I ask and she gets a little smile on her face nodding... I chuckle as the worry was gone out of her eyes at the mention of a burger and fries... 

"Mr. Evans, Something wrong?" The waiter asks and i smile... "No... Nothing wrong... But can you take my wife's plate and bring her the same as the kids are having..." I say and he looks confused... "Is there something wrong with your food Mrs. Evans?" He asks and Mya blushes and shakes her head... "No... But if it is not too much trouble... What the kids have looks so good..." She says and i smirk... "Ye-Yeah... Of course... Chef can make you that..." The waiter says probably so confused and Mya smiles with a blush on her face... As the waiter had taken her plate and had walked away Mya looks at me... "He thinks i am crazy..." She mumbles and i chuckle... 

We both always hated food at weddings so for ours we had gone a bit overboard and there was a chef on side making all the food... It took them 2 days to set up the whole kitchen at the other side of the house and out of sight of the party, but it was definitely worth it... It meant that there were more options... The food was fresh and could be fixed if something was wrong...

Mya got her burger and fries and was happy... That was all that mattered to me. During dinner there were speeches from Scott, Sara and even ma said a few words... There were tears and laughter... We did our cake cutting... As promised i just fed her a piece of cake while everyone cheered... She did the same happy dance tasting the cake again... Thank God the pregnancy had not made it that she would hate the taste of the cake... 

And then it was finally time for the party... It was already dark and there where little light everywhere... It just looks magical... Everything was just magical and perfect... Just like Mya. 

We had our first dance as husband and wife and i could not be happier having Mya in my arms as we swayed around on the dance floor... Her head on my chest my arms wrapped around her... Hers around my neck. Drinks were flowing and i kept bringing Mya fake drinks to make sure nobody would suspect a thing... People were laughing dancing and just having fun. The boys were having a blast on the dance floor showing off still in their little tuxedo's. Together with their cousins... 

The party went on and i smiled as Mya danced with Sara laughing and having the time of her life... I was just mingling with our guests... But my eyes never left Mya... She was always in my view... But then it was time to go... Mya was getting tired... I had one little surprise... The original plan was to spend our wedding night at the house... But i had booked a suite in town... Ma would stay in the house with the boys... I told the wedding coordinator we had hired to make sure everything would go smooth that we were about to leave, and he nodded... 

"It is time to go baby girl..." I say prying her away from Sara and Scarlet... She looks at me confused... I smile and give her a kiss... "I have made some arrangements for our wedding night..."I say, and she smirks... "Oooeh... Aren't i a lucky girl..." She said beaming at me and i chuckle... "You should be an actress, baby..." I whisper in her ear as she is pretending to be a little tipsy and she giggles kissing me... "Take me away Mr. Evans..." She whispers her voice soft and seductive and i have to bite back a moan as my body reacts to her words... "Oh i will Mrs. Evans... But first... We have to say goodbye..." I say and she nods... I take her hand and walk to the DJ who hands me a microphone...

"Hello everyone..." I say and all the faces turn to us...

"We want to thank everyone who is here to celebrate this magical day with us... We feel so thankful you all made time in your busy schedules to be here... You all helped to make this the most amazing day ever..." I say wrapping my arm around Mya pulling her into my side. I have to suppress a growl as she is squeezing my ass... 

"Please keep the party going... Drink a few more on us... The bar will be open for a few more hours... But i am going to take my beautiful bride out of here..." I say and Mya blushes while i smirk... 

Under loud cheering and the cliche of rice being thrown we make our way to the car and we both laugh as there is another cliche.... The car is all decked out the words just married on the back. The tin cans on a string at the back... We both laugh seeing it... It might be cliche... But we both love it... We kiss and hug the boy's goodbye as they are going to stay at the house with ma... 

I help Mya step into the car making sure the dress does not get ruined. She waves one final time to everyone before i scoot in beside her... The door gets closed and i kiss Mya who is giggling... 

We wave to everyone as we drive off... The cans rattling behind the car... But i dont care... "Finally..." I growl and kiss Mya again who giggles... "Finally?" She asks and i smirk and nod... "Finally, i have you all to myself..." I growl and kiss her passionately. 

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