87. The best medicine

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I wake up smirking... I dont open my eyes as Mya is grinding her ass into me as i still am spooning her... I bury my face in her hair and pull her tighter against me... She grinds her ass into me again... 

"How are you feeling?" I murmur with a hint of amusement in my voice. She plants a kiss on my arm that is wrapped around her. "My head is pounding..." She murmurs and i chuckle... "Yeah, well that is what you get for doing shots with Mackie..." I chuckle and she groans... 

"I will get you some Advil..." I whisper and want to move but she holds me tighter... "I had another form of painkiller in my mind..." She softly moans grinding her ass into me again and i growl in response as my dick twitches... "Oh yeah... And what is that...?" I chuckle but my chuckle quickly turns into a growl as i feel her push her panties down my dick now gliding between her ass cheeks as she grinds into me again... "Some good old dopamine..." She moans and i grin... 

I let my free hand roam her body feeling her soft skin under my fingertips her soft moans, music to my ears... I slide my hand under the shirt she was wearing and cup her breast with gently massaging it as i plant kisses on her shoulder and into her neck... "A little dopamine huh..." I murmur in her ear, and she nods... "Yes... Just a rush of dopamine provided by you is all i need..." She moans and i smirk as i let my hand roam her body again... "You are always so soft..." I whisper in her ear... 

"And you are always so hard..." She moans arching her back pushing her ass harder into me my dick now pressed between those perfect ass cheeks hard and throbbing... "Can't help it baby girl... You have that effect on me..." I growl squeezing her thigh lifting her leg so my dick can now comfortable can slide between them... I let her leg go and start grinding against her my dick gliding against her folds... My hand slides around her finding her core and i gently start to rub her pussy up and down... We slowly and gently grind together. Mya arches her back even further a soft whimper escaping her... 

She turns to look back at me, she smiles into the kiss... She reaches behind, her hand in my hair as she deepens the kiss while still grinding together. We both softly moan. I move my hand down again pinching her nipple along the way... My fingertips graze over her skin lower and lower until i reach her leg... I move her leg and grab my shaft lining myself up with her... "I love you baby girl..." I murmur in her ear before planting a kiss in her neck and slowly and gently pushing myself inside of her... 

"I love you to..." She moans as i wrap my arms around her holding her tightly pressed against me and gently and slowly we grind together... "You feel so good inside of me..." She moans and i smile planting a kiss on her arm... "That's right baby girl... That is because we are made for each other..." I softly moan back the feeling of her tight walls throbbing around my cock makes it hard to not just start pounding into each other. But we keep moving together softly moaning, not changing the pace as we are in no rush... It is soft, gentle, slow, loving, and maybe even a bit lazy... But fuck it is nice... "Fuck baby girl feels so good..." I hum... "I love you so much baby..." I hum and she moans in response...  "Love you to... O-oh Chris feels so good just like that... Please dont stop..." She softly moans back at me... 

All of a sudden there is a knock on the door... "Shit..." Mya says and i groan as she wants to pull away. I stop her... But i have to control my breathing as this sudden interruption had made her clench her walls around me... "Dont you move baby girl... Just... Ssssht... They will go away..." I growl through gritted teeth in her ear, and she softly giggles back followed by a soft moan... "What if it is one of the boys?" She gasps as i snap my hips forward... "Who is it?" I yell before sucking on the skin in Mya's neck marking her... "Scott...!" We hear and i groan... "Go away!" I yell while never stopping my movements and Mya slaps a hand over her mouth to muffle her moans...  "Ma made brunch!" Scott yells... "We will be right there..." I growl and again snap my hips forward making Mya whimper...

 "Okay..." Scott says and i hear him walk away... "We should..." Mya starts to say but i shake my head burying it in her neck kissing her making he softly moan... "No... Dont you dare move baby girl..." I growl turning her head towards me and kiss her passionately. She moans into the kiss and relaxes again... We start grinding again and she smiles into the kiss... 

Grinding our bodies together... Slowly but surely building our pleasure just caught up in each other... Her skin against mine, kisses shared, sweet words whispered... I tell her over and over how much i love her... I feel her hand reach behind her on my ass her nails digging in my flesh as her body starts to tremble. She softly moans my name... And when she comes with her eyes rolling in the back of her head i let go... I let go and let out a low growl my body spasming filling her deep with my cum...  I keep kissing her everywhere i can. 

She hums as she comes back to me out of her orgasm daze. She pulls off of me and turns in my arms and cuddles into me planting kisses in my neck... "We should get up..." She sighs and i smirk... "We dont have to do anything baby girl..." I hum and give her a kiss on the head. "I know... But food..." She says and i chuckle... 

After lying in bed for a few more minutes Mya wriggles out of my arms under my protest... I lay on my back and sigh watching her getting dressed in my clothes... She smiles and walks over to me... She leans over me and kisses me... "I love you... But right now... I love your mother's cooking more..." She says smirking and i gasp... I try to grab her and pull he back in bed, but she is too fast, she giggles and skips out of the room... I smile and get out of bed. I get dressed and make my way to the kitchen to...

I smile as i walk in and everyone is sitting around the table... The table is filled with food... "Finally! Can we eat now!" The boys yell over dramatically and i chuckle taking my seat next to Mya... "Looks good ma... Thank you..." I say and she smiles... "Okay boys you can eat..." Ma says and they act like hungry wolves... I look at Mackie and Seb. Seb seems fine... Mackie not so much... "Everything okay Mackie?" I ask smirking but all i get back is a groan... 

Brunch is chaos... The boys are loud making Mackie groan every now and then... "How can you be this chipper... You drank just as much as i..." Mackie says to Mya leaning over to her as he sits on the other side of her... Mya smirks and looks at me... "I had a great painkiller..." She says winking at me and i grin... "Dont be greedy please share..." Mackie says as i had just taken a sip of my orange juice spitting it out again... The boys find it hilarious but have no idea what is going on... Mya starts to laugh... Hard... Scott and Seb seem to get what she meant and both groan... "Oh god, that is why you told me to go away rudely...!" Scott groans and i smirk... "Yeah i think not... I dont like to share..." Mya whispers to Mackie and all of a sudden it is like it clicks in his head... "Yeah no, i stick to Advil..." He mumbles and Mya laughs again... 

"Okay kids, this is not brunching talk, behave..." Ma says scolding us and everyone chuckles but stops and starts to eat...

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