66. Just a wonderful day.

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We are walking through the grocery store... After a beautiful morning where she said yes to marrying me, we went back to the order of the day... Grocery shopping... God i am a sap... I can't stop smiling as we walk through the store... I can't believe how happy i feel having her hand in mine as i play with the ring that is now sitting around her finger while doing some ordinary grocery shopping... 

We steal some glances every now and then and she has the same smile as i plastered on her face. We get everything we need and have a little discussion on who is paying which Mya wins. She wins by snatching my credit card out of my hand putting it in her back pocket... The girl at the counter giggles at our bickering... "You know putting it there, won't stop me from taking it back..." I say and Mya smirks. "Ah yes... Because Chris Evans is an ass man..." Mya says and the girl behind the counter laughs as i turn bright red... "Seriously..." I groan and Mya chuckles... She hands the girl her card and i sigh... "I say something one time and..." I start to say, and Mya cuts me off... "Comes back to bite you in the... Ass..." She says and the girl and Mya laugh even harder. 

"You are supposed to have my back, baby girl..." I say and she winks at the girl... "I rather have your ass..." She says smirking at me and i look at her in shock as she slaps my ass... "Okay that is enough..." I say smirking and she rolls her eyes... "You are no fun..." She says and i shake my head... The girl hands Mya the recite and her card back before she wishes us a good day... 

We load our groceries in the car and when i want to open the door for Mya she shakes her head and takes my hand pulling me to the little ice cream shop next door... "I want ice cream..." She says and i smile letting her pull me towards the little ice cream shop. "I thought cravings came after you become pregnant..." I say laughing and she chuckles... "Well, see it a s a practice run... When i was pregnant with Oliver i had the weirdest cravings and at the most ridiculous times... I see a lot of late-night trips to the grocery store in your future..." She says and i smirk... 

"I am going to spoil you rotten..." I say and she blushes... "You already do..." She mumbles and i smirk bringing her hand to my lips and give her a kiss on the ring... She blushes and smiles as we walk into the little shop... I lean forward and hover my lips over her ear... "No more talking about my ass baby girl..." I growl and she looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes... "But that is my favorite subject..." She whispers pouting at me and i laugh... 

Mya and order some ice cream and walk back outside... It is a sunny day and although there is a chill in the air, we sit on the little bench outside enjoying the sun... I smile as Mya has her face up to the sky taking in the sun... I can't keep my eyes off of her. The sun is framing her face perfectly... She takes a bite from her ice cream and hums doing a little happy dance... It is all so normal... God i love normal.  "Want a bite?" She asks as she catches me staring at her and i nod... She holds her ice cream out for me and i lean forward to take a bite... But she giggles and smears it on my nose... "You little..." I growl smirking and she laughs harder... "You got something... here..." She says tapping her own nose and i wrap my arm around her so she can't move making her squeal as i smear my ice cream over her nose... 

She looks at me her nose white smirking and she pulls a face making me laugh as i wipe the ice cream of my nose... She does the same smirking at me... I lean in and kiss her... "Silly girl..." I whisper and she puts her hand on my face... "I love you..." She whispers and my smile grows bigger... "Love you to..." I murmur leaning my forehead against hers... 

We finish our ice cream and make our way back to the car... We swing by the school to pick Oliver up... He runs up to us hugging us both before he takes our hands walking between us to the car... "Dad... Why do you have white on your nose..." He asks as i open the car door for him... I look at him stunned and then turn to Mya who smirks looking around her acting all innocent... 

"Mya?!" I growl and she giggles... "Whaaat  is something wrong?" She asks batting her eyes at me and winking at Oliver... I look at Oliver who is also giggling... "Just a moment bud... I need to have a little chat with your mother..." I growl wiping my nose again. Mya giggles and runs to the other side of the car while Oliver laughs... "Run mom!" Oliver yells as i run after her... When i finally catch her i lift her up her back pressed against my chest.  "You are in so much trouble..." I growl and she laughs as i start to tickle her... 

"Somebody is filming us..." She all of a sudden, whispers. I look around. I groan as a woman is filming us... I sigh and let her go... "Okay time to go..." I mumble feeling annoyed but trying to not let it spoil our day... I open the car door for Mya, and she gets in... She is still smiling and looks back at Oliver asking him about his day... I walk around the car looking at the woman who is filming us out the corner of my eye. "For fucks sake... I am at a fucking school. Why... Just why..." I mumble and sigh opening the door and getting in the car... I shake it off and start the car, taking off to go home... 

The little hiccup is quickly forgotten as Oliver tells us all about his day with a big smile on his face... He seems so happy and i am just glad that he is adjusting so well to live here... "I had to give you this..." He says pulling a piece of paper out of his backpack handing it to Mya... She reeds it and smiles... "That sounds fun sweetie... We will get a gift for your friend tomorrow okay..." She says showing me the invitation to a birthday party of one of his classmates... 

The rest of the way home Oliver talks about what he has learned and when i park the car in the driveway he jumps out to go find his best friends... The dogs... We can hear them bark and Oliver giggle as Mya and i get the groceries... 

"We will tell him later... When he has calmed down a bit..." She whispers and i nod before we walk inside... Today was a normal wonderful day... I love it... And it is all i could ever wish for... I just hope that there are many more days like this to come...

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