46. Steve and Bucky... *sigh*

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We are 2 weeks later... We are sitting in the doctor's office again. We are here for a checkup and to make sure the processor is working. It had healed perfectly... Mya made sure of that... Oliver was excited to be able to hear again... So much so that he had crawled into bed with us last night and we all barely gotten any sleep as he kept twisting and turning in his sleep... 

We greet John and shake hands, this time i was much more relaxed around him... Mya just kept smirking at me suppressing a giggle as John and i shook hands... "You are enjoying this a little too much baby..." I murmur in her ear as John had turned his attention to Oliver... She pecks my lips... "Nope i  am enjoying this just the right amount..." She whispers back and squeezes my ass... I chuckle and shake my head as she sits down... I sit down next to her taking her hand in mine. 

"Are you ready?" John signs to Oliver who nods his head vigorously with the biggest smile on his face. But that smile is nothing compared to the smile when he finally can hear again... Mya nudges me and when i say hi to Oliver his face lights up... He can hear again... 

When we finally leave the hospital, he is skipping ahead to us... "Think he is excited now...? Just wait until he sees where we are going..." Mya mumbles and i smirk... We had done all the leg work in the last 2 weeks. All the paperwork that was needed filled out and we were approved... All Oliver had to do was pick out one of the pre-selected dogs... We had talked with the staff and asked them to make a selection of suitable dogs, and today was the day we were going to the shelter were Oliver got to pick out a dog... I chuckle as Oliver high fives a nurse who just got into work and was there for his surgery... He really is the sweetest kid ever... "I can't wait to see his reaction..." I mumble and wrap my arm around Mya's shoulder. 

He jumps in the car and i buckle him in while Mya puts the address of the shelter in the GPS. When we take off i take Mya's hand in mine and she smiles at me... Today is a great day and nothing will spoil that... Today we are going to extend our family...

"Where are we going?" Oliver asks as we take a different turn and Mya turns around... "Well, your dad and i talked about it... And you have been so good that we have a surprise for you..." She says and i smile... As we had intended the dog to be a gift for his birthday, we changed our minds. Now it would be a gift for being so good through all his hospital visits and especially the surgery. For his birthday we got him something else entirely... Something Mya was sure off that would age her another 10 years overnight... We had bought him this electric go kart in which he could drive around... 

When we pull up to the shelter Oliver lets out a squeal so loud i am sure i am deaf now... Mya laughs as he jumps out the car barely waiting for me to park... "We are getting a dog?!" He squeals as Mya and i both get out... "Yes bud..." I say and he jumps up and down all excited... "Now listen to me..." Mya says all serious knowing this will not come through as soon as we are around the dogs... 

"You get to pick a dog... But just like with Toby it is your responsibility... Remember the rules we had for Toby?" She asks and he smiles... "I have to walk him at least twice a day... Feed him and make sure he has fresh water. I have to brush him once a week or earlier when needed..." He says all proud still jumping up and down clapping his hands... "Yes, during the day and when you are not in school you have to walk him... When you are at school and at night, we will walk him..." Mya says and Oliver runs over to her and hugs her tightly... "Thank you, mom..." He says and then hugs me... "Thank you, dad..." He says and i smile fighting my tears because this sort of moment i had always dreamed off... "Your welcome bud... Now let's see if there is a dog you like..." I say and he takes my hand making me smile... 

We walk inside and get greeted... Oliver is buzzing, and he has the biggest smile as the woman takes us to the selected dogs... We get to the back where the dogs are. It is a big playground in the middle of the building where 5 dogs are running around... 3 big dogs and 2 little ones... As soon as the dogs see Oliver, they stop what they are doing and come to greet him. They greet us to but seem more interested in Oliver as if they know their fate is in his hands... 2 dogs quickly lose interest, but one dog is all over Oliver making his squeal and giggle... It is this big golden retriever... He is gentle and sweet with him... He sits down in front of him and gives him a paw... Right there and then i know that that is him... But it is Oliver's choice in the end.

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