129 Get out...

719 39 2

"Chris... Chris..." I hear and i groan as Mya shakes me... I shoot up and look at her... "What... What... Something wrong baby?" I say looking at her with a panic and she sighs... "We need to go to the hospital... It is time..." She says and my eyes grow wide and i rub the sleep out of my eyes... She is 35 weeks pregnant so any time now... "Your water broke?" I ask and she shakes her head... "No..." She says trying to get out of bed... "Something wrong with the babies?" I ask and she shakes her head again... "Baby... Then what...?" I say and she groans and i have to bite my lips as she is struggling to get out of bed. It just looks so hilarious and adorable... I look at the time and it is 2 in the morning... 

"Mya... If nothing is wrong and your water did not break, we dont..." I start to say but the look she gives me makes me shut up because i like to life to see my babies come into this world... "No... I am done... I am so done..." She says and i sigh... "Baby i know..." I say and pull her back and she struggles against me... She struggles for a second but finally gives in... "No, you dont... You dont know... You just snore the night away... You are so fucking annoying with your snoring... Seriously i will smother you with a pillow... I can't sleep... I have to pee constantly and i am in pain... It is time... I am done... I want them out... I want my body back... I want to be able to get comfortable again but above all i want to evict them... I want them out... I want them out.... OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT...!" She yells at her belly and i look at her worried...

I look at her and my heart breaks... She looks so desperate and i dont know what to do... "Get them out..." She says pleading with me, tears in her eyes... I sigh... "I can't baby..." I murmur and she shoves me... "Then you get out..." She growls and i look at her shocked, but her face is dead serious... She is not joking... "Baby... You dont..." I start to say but she cuts me off... "You and your fucking annoying snoring get out..." She says pushing me until i stand next to the bed... "If you are not taking me to the hospital then get out...!" She yells throwing a pillow at my head and i sigh but do, as she asks... I know right now i am the stress factor and whatever i say will not help... Not wanting to add to her stress i leave the bedroom... As soon as i close the door behind me i can hear her cry and i want to walk back in...

"Everything alright?" I hear a voice say and i look up to see ma standing there in her Pj's looking at me as if she had just woken up... "No nothing... I am sorry... Go back to sleep..." I say turning bright red as i stand there with my pillow feeling like a little kid... Ma is staying with us in case we need to go to the hospital all of a sudden. So there will be someone with the boys and Iris... "She kicked you out?" Ma asked and i groan and nod...  Ma chuckles and i feel annoyed... "Not funny..." I mumble and sigh and walk downstairs... 

Ma follows and starts to make some tea... "Wanna tell me what happened?" She asks and i groan... "She wants to go to the hospital and have them out... She is done... Oh and i am apparently snoring annoying the hell out of her..." I mumble before letting out a frustrated sigh... Ma just giggles... I can see she is amused that i am kicked out of my own bed... I have to say i never had expected it to come to this... 

"Want a piece of advice?" She asks and i sigh... "Can i say no?" I ask and ma shakes her head... "Call the doctor tomorrow... Explain the situation and see what he says... I get they want to wait for the date you agreed on... But her being so frustrated... Not sleeping and is not healthy for the babies either..." She says and i sigh and nod... I was just about to say something when i heard soft footsteps as if someone was walking down the stairs and i look up...

"Chris?" Mya says in a soft whisper and i stand up and rush over to her as she had walked down herself... "I am so sorry... Can you come back to bed please... I can't sleep anyway... But i really can't sleep without you..." She says her lip trembling and she bursts out in tears... I sigh and wrap her in my arms and kiss the top of her head... "It is okay baby... We will call the doctor in the morning to see what he says..." I murmur and she clings onto me... "I am so tired..." She sobs and i sigh and know ma is right... This is no good either... 

I wish ma goodnight and help Mya up the stairs again... "I need to pee..." She groans and i help her to the toilet... She has no shame anymore and pee's in front of me... After she is done i help her up. She washes her hands and i help her into bed... All of a sudden there is a knock on the door and when i open it ma stands there with my pillow. She hands it to me and wishes us goodnight... I crawl in next to Mya and she starts to cry again... She keeps apologizing and all i can do is hold her until she falls asleep from exhaustion. I just hope that she at least gets a few hours of sleep... 

But as much as i want to i can't sleep myself and i watch the hours tick away until the doctor's office is open... Mya wakes up a few times to pee and when she is awake, we just lay there in silence... I rub her back hoping she falls asleep again but other than a few short naps she does not sleep but i guess it is better than nothing... When the doctor's office is finally open i sneak out of bed. I hear ma with the boys and Iris downstairs... I hear Anton who is here every morning at 6 to help with the older kids...

I walk into the nursery and call the doctor and hope he either is willing to get the boys or has a solution for Mya so she can at least sleep.

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