118. Disney

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"Okay... Whoever is not ready to get in the car in 2 minutes will stay home! And will not go to Disney! This means shoes and coats on!!!" Mya yells annoyed as the boys are running around like crazy with the dogs because they will have to miss them for 5 days... They were excited to go to Disney but were a little grumpy when they learned the dogs could not come... Later today a friend will swing by to pick them up and take them to her place to look after them... I am ashamed to say that that is the only thing i have arranged and even now i am no help... I am changing Iris's diaper as she had a little last-minute surprise for us... 

5 days... We are going to Disney for 5 days... Ma, Scott, Shanna, Tyler, Sara and Carly and her family are all coming along... We had planned and paid for everything all everyone had to do was be on time at the airport... But the boys are hyper and driving Mya crazy... This has been the case for the last 2 days ever since we started packing for this trip... 

"Hello! Anybody home!" We hear being yelled and i see Mya is relieved when Sara walks in with Tyler. They had been staying in the luxury trailer i had rented for them until they had found a place on for their own... All of a sudden, the boys run in with the dogs in tow only to almost run over Sara... Mya shoots me a glare that tells me she wants me to step in...

"Boys! Your mom said shoes and coats!" I yell as i put Iris's diaper on... Sara and Tyler chuckle... "I'll go wrangle them up..."Tyler says disappearing and Sara hugs Mya... "Breathe... This is supposed to be a relaxing trip..." Sara says to Mya smirking who shoots her a death glare... "Vacation with the kids is not relaxing..." She growls and Sara laughs...

"Dont worry, if possible, we will take them a day so you and Chris can relax..." Sara says and Mya sighs... "No... This is a family vacation..." She mumbles and Sara chuckles... "All done!" I say proudly as i hold up Iris all dressed and ready to go... Sara and Mya look at me and both roll their eyes... 

"Does he expect applause now?" Sara whispers to Mya but just loud enough for me to hear and i laugh... "Yes... Yes, i do... I am an actor after all..." I say and they both start clapping while i bow down with Iris in my arms... Iris starts to giggle and squeal... I smirk and kiss her little chubby cheek... "Yeah princess... You are the only one who understands..." I say and Sara and Mya both make gagging noises... "Hmm familiar sound..." I say and walk away leaving Sara and Mya behind doubling over laughing... "Evans behave! Family vacation!" Mya yells after me and i look over my shoulder and grin... 

15 minutes later we are finally on our way to the airport... We meet up with the rest of the family and hand everyone their boarding passes and 2 hours later we are on the plane... The boys are sitting with the other kids under supervision of Carly and her husband... Tyler and Sara are sitting behind us... Ma, Shanna and Scott a few rows behind us... Mya lets out a sigh and closes her eyes taking a deep breath... "Relax baby... We made it..." I say and she looks at me and smiles... I look at Iris who is asleep in my lap... "Let's hope she will behave and not make everyone's flight a living hell..." She mumbles and i smile... "Dont worry about that... I got her... You just relax and try to get a bit in the vacation mood..." I say and she kisses my cheek... "I wish it worked like that handsome... But when she starts screaming i can't relax..." She says and lays her head on my shoulder... 

We start to take off and i smirk as Iris sleeps through it... We are all sitting first class and once we are up in the air everyone seems to do their own thing... The boys are playing games with Carly's kids. Scott is asleep as he found it way to early... Ma and Shanna are playing a game and Tyler and Sara are just chatting amongst themselves... 

"It is going to be 5 days of chaos..." Mya hums and i chuckle... "You wanted to book the villa instead of everyone their own room..." I say smirking and she sighs... "It is a family vacation..." She says and i smirk... "It is going to be a lot of family for 5 days..." I say and Mya giggles... "Well, they deserve it... They have been there for us whenever we need them... This is the least we can do..." Mya says and i smile... 

"Well i booked a spa day for you, ma, Carly, Shanna and Sara... So, you girls can relax, and we take the kids to the park for a day..." I say and she looks at me shocked... "You did?" She says and i smile... "Surprise baby... Tomorrow there is nothing else to do for you but to relax..." I say and she kisses me passionately... 

"Thank you handsome..." She says and i smile... "Well, you deserve it... You do a lot for this family and that deserves a spa day..." I say and she has the biggest smile on her face... 

The flight goes well, Iris wakes up as we are almost at our destination but i manage to distract her... Leaving the airport is chaos and not because of other people but because of the family... But i can't help but smile... It reminds me of the home alone movie when it is chaos as they are leaving the house or running through the airport... Minus forgetting one of the kids part...  Thank God... Although Kevin could be a real-life Kevin... 

He is so distracted sometimes completely in his own world that he is easily overlooked... But he was not going to miss out on Disney and was the first one in the car and now the first one in the shuttle bus... I smile as Oliver is both signing and talking as he is overly excited... What makes me smile even more is that Carly's kids sign back... They had picked up so fast on it... Were i was sometimes still struggling they could talk with him even if he was not wearing his processor... The same goes for Kevin... They really were thick as thieves and sometimes were mistaken for twins... 

Oliver is getting so big, and everyone says he looks more and more like me every day... It is like he is eating fertilizer as he is getting so tall... He is the sweetest kid though always so compassionate and caring... The other day we heard Iris crying in her crib only to have her go quiet a second later... When we went to check up on her Oliver was in her room talking to her and she was giggling at him... 

When we have finally checked in and arrived in our villa, we quickly dump our stuff as the kids were hyped up and ready to go to the park immediately... "Okay ground rules!" Mya yells. The room goes quiet, and everyone looks at her... "No running off!!! Behave and dont annoy other people... Oliver... Kevin... You are to stay with us at all times... We are staying together... No one is to run off on their own... This is not the aquarium..." Mya says and both boys nod but i can see they are buzzing and ready to go... "It will be okay baby..." I say kissing Mya's temple and she sighs... "We will see..." She mumbles and she looks around the room... "Well... What are we waiting for... Let's go!" She says and everyone cheers as we leave the villa...

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