105. Finding out the gender and pregnancy hormones

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I am nervous... So nervous... We are sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office... Today is the day... The day we are going to find out if we are having a boy or a girl... I dont know why i am nervous as i will be happy either way... I dont care... Boy... Girl... I will be happy... Mya is rubbing her belly and i smile and put my hand on it... "Kicking?" I ask and she smiles and nods... "Nugget is awake..." She says and i smile as i feel the baby kick... "Our nugget is getting stronger..." I say proudly smiling and she chuckles... "That is a good thing..." She says and i smile... "Still having back pain?" I ask and she sighs and nods... "Yeah... I just slept wrong... I could not get comfortable..." She mumbles and i give her a small kiss... 

"With all those pillows you could not get comfortable?" I ask and she gives me a death stare... "No..." She says growls pouting and i smirk... She hates it when i comment on her pillows... She is highly protective of her pillows... I can't wait for the day i can throw them out and can cuddle with her again... I feel like i am being replaced by a pillow... But as long as she is comfortable i can suck it up... "What do you say to a back rub when we get home..." I say and she smiles at me all sweetly the mood swings are real... "That sounds like heaven..." She hums letting out a sigh and i smile... "Just next time wake my up so i can help you fall asleep..." I say and she hums... "I tried... You kept snoring... I almost smothered you with one of the pillows you hate..." She mumbles and i chuckle... I know she is uncomfortable sometimes and i try my best to get her comfortable but sometimes it is best to leave her alone. It was hard though... Hard to not hover... To not be overbearing... Sometime i could just be breathing wrong... 

I feel the baby kick again and smile... It was the best thing ever. I was driving Mya crazy at times... She told me i was like a toddler following her around with my grabby hands... I just had this urge to feel the bump any time i could.  But when i apologized she smiled and kissed me telling me it was okay... She did not mind... But she was very picky on who could touch the bump... Other than me and the boys she rather not be touched... She would allow ma but rather not. Ma understood. She told Mya it was more acceptable now to tell people not to touch you... When she was pregnant, she wished she stood up more for herself... Telling us that in her time you were just expected to let everyone rub you belly... Mya had shuddered at the idea. 

The boy's reaction to feeling the baby kick for the first time was adorable. The smiles on their faces were so precious... I had filmed the whole thing...  They would read stories to the baby... They were really cuddly with Mya who absolutely loved it... Movie night was a regular thing now... They were just fascinated by Mya's growing belly. They were even more fascinated about how they baby had gotten in there... I had turned bright red and started stuttering as Mya just looked at me smirking... "Yes Chris... How did the baby get in there?" She had said teasing me... The boys had just looked at me confused... I had let out a sigh of relief as Mya explained it in an age appropriate but honest way... Every week me and the boys would look up things about the baby... How big the baby was and all that sorts of things... 

The dogs were adorable to... As Mya was taking naps, they would lay cuddled up to her... The head tilts were adorable when they would look at her belly seeing the baby kick... God everything was just amazing and adorable... Everything was just perfect... 

I smile as the doctor calls us in. I take Mya's hand help her up and we follow the doctor... And then after a quick checkup it is time... "So, what are we hoping?" The doctor asks and we both shrug... "Just a healthy baby..." Mya says and i nod in agreement... "Yes... I have made a note in your file that we are going to check the baby's hearing immediately..." The doctor says and we both nod... It had come up in a previous checkup that we wanted that checked immediately... It was not likely the baby would be deaf just like Oliver but the sooner we would know the better... If our baby would be deaf, we just wanted to know so we could work with that...  

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