55. From bad to worse

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"We need a bigger closet..." I say smirking as i carry in another box of Mya's clothes... We had gotten home 2 days ago and yesterday at the end of the day the truck with all Mya's stuff had arrived... She sighs and looks around... "I didn't know i had so many clothes..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Well winter is coming so keep all your summer clothes in the boxes and when we buy a new house, we will get a big walk-in closet..." I say and she nods... 

"Can you help Oliver unpack everything from his room... I can get the last boxes of my clothes myself..." She says taking a deep breath as if she is breathing away some sort of pain, and i shake my head... "I will get you the boxes and then help Oliver... He is playing with the dogs anyway..." I say and she sighs... "Chris... I am fine..." She mumbles but i won't want to hear it... She has been tired and feeling sick lately and i was just worried. "Okay fine..." She mumbles giving in and i go to get another box... 

Oliver comes running up to me with the dogs in tow... There reunion had been a happy one... Scott had taken good care of them, but they were so happy to see Oliver again and Oliver was so happy to see them again... Ever since picking them up they wouldn't leave Oliver's side... I think they are scared that Oliver would leave them again. 

"Can you help me with taking the last boxes to your mom?  After that we can unpack your stuff..." I say and he nods... I give him the lighter box and smile as he carries it to our bedroom all proud for helping. I take the last box labeled Mya clothes and take it to the bedroom. But before i even reach the bedroom Oliver comes running towards me utterly panicked... "Mommy is throwing up... Mommy is throwing up!" He yells panic in his voice and i drop the box and run to the bedroom finding her in our bathroom hurled over the toilet. "Dad, you have to help her she is sick!" He yells panicked even more. Mya tries to tell him she will be okay, but she can't even get a word out as her breakfast comes out again... 

I sigh and go over to her taking her hair holding it back and rubbing her back... "Hey bud can you go and get a bottle of water for you mom..." I say to give him something to do as he is still panicking... "Okay!" He yells and runs off... 

"Mya..." I sigh and she groans throwing up again... When she finally seems to be done, she looks at me with tears in her eyes... "Chris... Can you do something for me without freaking out... Without freaking Oliver out..." She mumbles and i nod... "Can you take me to the hospital... Something is wrong... I am in pain... It hurts so bad..." She whispers and i look at her panic now hitting me to... For Mya to say she is in pain means she is really in pain... Like in a lot of pain... I nod... "I will call ma to come and watch Oliver..." I mumble and she nods... 

I call ma, and she says she will come over immediately... I look at Mya who has given into the pain and is no longer hiding it... The pain is evident on her face as she is clutching her stomach and i hate myself for not pushing her to go to the doctor earlier... I had seen her not feeling well and although the pain is new, she had been off... But she kept saying she was fine and well with her being a doctor i just assumed she was... What was that saying...? Doctors make the worst patients?

Oliver comes walking in with a bottle of water and Mya puts on a brave face... "Thanks sweetie..." She whispers taking the bottle but not opening it... "Are you okay mom?" He asks her and she nods... "I will be fine sweetie... Chris is going to take me the doctor... Grandma is coming to stay with you... Okay?" She says fighting the pain and i hate it... I wish i could fix it... "I want to come with you..." Oliver says and Mya smiles... "But who is going to watch the dogs... Grandma can't watch them..." She says and he pouts... "You can help me by staying home with grandma, okay?" Mya tells him and he sighs and nods... "Okay..." He mumbles and she holds out her arm... "Come give your mom a cuddle..." She says and when he does i can see it hurts but she pushes it down in order to comfort him. 

I look on extremely worried and she forces a smile at me... "I will be okay..." She whispers more to me than to Oliver who has buried himself into her. He is scared and i have to admit so am i... All of a sudden i hear the front door and Mya nods... I walk out and meet ma who is greeted by the dogs with worry on her face... "What is wrong?" She asks and i shrug. "Dont know but Mya has asked me to take her to the hospital..." I say and ma nods... She follows me into the bedroom and bathroom... 

"Hey sweetie..." She says to Mya who forces a smile at her... "Sweetheart can you go with grandma so i can get ready to go to the doctor... I will be okay..." She whispers to Oliver who nods, and ma tells him to set up a boardgame and that she will be right there... He does so reluctantly after giving Mya a kiss on the cheek... I help Mya up and ma feels her forehead... "She is burning up..." Ma says and Mya hums... "Maybe call an ambulance..." Ma says but Mya protests... "No.... No ambulance... It will only scare Oliver more... Just take me to the ER..." She says and i sigh... 

"Okay... But then we are leaving now..." I say and Mya nods... "Dont worry about Oliver... I will be here as long as you guys need me to... Just keep me updated okay..." She says and hugs Mya who winces in pain... 

Ma walks out and i help Mya walking to the car... After having strapped her in i get in the car and drive off... She holds my hand saying it will be okay... Even when she is in pain, she wants to make sure i am not panicking... She wants to comfort me... But her grip on my hand gets weaker and i push the gas pedal in even harder... I think i have broken at least a hundred traffic laws but i dont care... I just want to get Mya to a doctor... I dont bother parking the car as Mya is slowly getting worse... She is slurring her speech and i have to squeeze her hand tight to keep her conscious... I just park the car in front of the door and yell out for a nurse or doctor that is standing outside that i need help... Because when i open the door Mya is barely conscious and i have to carry her out... "It will be okay... It will be okay..." She mumbles...

But then she says something that has me mortified and scared... Scared to my core... "You and Oliver will be okay..." She mumbles as i put her on the stretcher that has been brought over to us...

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