69. We will deal with it together.

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I waited by the front door after i got the call that they were on their way home. I am pacing up and down. I was anxious about what state Mya would be in. She is no stranger to this side of my life, but it has never been this bad and we did not have a kid back then... I hear the car pull up about half an hour later and i open the front door... 3 men get out of the car and one of them opens the back door holding out his hand. I see Mya's hand stick out as she takes the hand to help her out of the car... I let out a sigh of relief when Mya appears giving him a little nod... She is clutching her purse as she walks over to me. One of the men gives me a nod but they stay put... Mya looks tired, anxious and scared, i hate it... 

As soon as she is in my reach i pull her in my arms... She melts into me, wrapping her arms around my waist laying her head on my chest... She is home... She is safe... One down, one to go... This nightmare is not over yet as we still have to get Oliver home from school... I had called the school to tell them what is going on and to keep Oliver inside after school has ended to one of us was there to pick him up... We would have a meeting to make a safety plan for him... 

Mya feels cold and starts to shiver... So, i rub her back and kick the front door closed not wanting to let her go... "They want to talk to you..." Mya mumbles and i hum. I already knew this as we were going to make a plan to pick up Oliver from school... I dont think it would be wise to pick up Oliver alone... My team had requested that Mya would do the school pick up but i dont know if she would be up for it or that i would be comfortable with it... I hate this so much... The fact that we have to make a plan to pick up our son from school has me so angry... 

"It was so scary Chris..." She whispers and i sigh... "It was like mob of people with cameras." She mumbles and i wrap my arms around her a little tighter kissing the top of her head. "I am so sorry baby... I should have known this would happen when we caught the woman filming..." I mumble and she looks up... "Dont..." She says looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes. "Dont what?" I ask confused. "Blame yourself..." She says and i sigh looking away fighting my tears... 

"I... I..." I stutter and she shakes her head. She takes my hand and leads me to the couch pushing me to sit down but i can bare to look at her as guilt sets in. But she is not having it... She grabs my chin forcing me to look at her... The sadness and anxiety in her eyes, has been replaced with a dark look. A look of fury... A determined look, a look that means dont mess with me... "Listen to me..." She says and i have to swallow hard as she has this fire in her eyes... 

"You did nothing wrong... Dont for a minute think i blame you for this... You are just living your life... This is not your fault... You have a right to life your life, you have a right to pick up your son from school. To just be a father who is picking up his kid... We are not going to let those idiots ruin our life... We will protect our son, but we will not hide or let them take away our joy and happiness... We have a right to life and be happy... Do you understand?" She asks and i nod my chin still in her grasp... 

She sighs her eyes going soft and she lets my chin go putting both of her hands on my face and kisses me... "I am sorry... I didn't mean to be so tough... But i need you to know that this will not change anything... I know you are scared... Scared that i will walk out with Oliver... I am not going to lie and tell you i am not scared... But i promise you i am not leaving... We will deal with this together... I love you Chris and i will not let them ruin us not now that we are finally happy... I said yes... I meant it... It means for better and for worse...  The moment i said yes that vow went into effect... God the moment we stepped over the threshold into your house there was no way back... Even if i did not want to admit it yet back then... We were your family... I love you Chris and that will never change..." She whispers as tears are now streaming down my face... She is so strong... 

"Dont cry handsome..." She whispers before pressing her lips on mine and i pull her in my lap... "I love you baby... I love you so much..." I say holding her tight as we kiss again... "They want you to pick up Oliver..." I mumble and she nods... "I guessed that... I had some time to think about how to move forward... I disagree..." She mumbles and i sigh shaking my head... 

"We are going to pick him up together... We are going to hold our head high and walk into the school and take our son home... You are going to put together a statement with your team... We are going to... For a better lack of words... come clean. We are going to give them some information on our terms and then we are going to ask for privacy... If we give them some information i hope they will be satisfied enough and will leave us alone..." She says and i want to protest tell her it was not going to go away overnight, but she smiles and puts her hand over my mouth... "I know... It will not go away right away... But if we give them nothing, they will get more desperate..." She whispers and i smile at the fact that she can read my mind...

"Are you sure... My team can hold them off a little longer..." I whisper but she takes a deep breath and shakes her head... "It is time..." She murmurs and she cuddles into me nuzzling her face in my neck letting out another deep breath. 

"Speaking of time..." I mumble and she sighs... "We need to have a talk with the security guys..." I mumble... "Tom, Carl and Gary..." She mumbles and i chuckle that even in her destress she made sure to know their names... "What?" She asks pushing herself up and looking at me. "Nothing... You are just amazing..." I murmur and she smiles... "I know..." She says grinning, the twinkle i love so much now back in her eyes. 

She sighs and gets up and walks to the front door... I sit there and take a deep breath... I dont know what i did to deserve her... But God i am so grateful...

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