110. Family dinner

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"Okay boys, get your coats on... I will go look for your mother..." I say letting out a sigh... We are on our way to ma for family dinner... I dont know why we are doing this... Mya is 39 weeks pregnant... About to pop at any moment... She should be relaxing but here we are ready to go to dinner with my chaotic family... I know her body was gearing up for birth... Her belly had dropped i was just stunned... But this made that it was even harder to move...

"Hey baby... The boys are ready..." I say walking into the bedroom where Mya is trying to tie her shoes muttering to herself as she can't reach...I smirk walk over and kneel in front of her she sighs and sits up watching me ... "You know... It is not too late to back out... Ma will understand if we stay home because you are uncomfortable..." I say tying her shoes... 

She sighs... "I am uncomfortable everywhere Chris..." She says rubbing her belly. "Yeah but..." I start to say but she groans cutting me off... "Chris... Dont start... We are going... Your mom is expecting us..." She says and i take a deep breath and want to say something, but she cuts me off again. "Beside... She is making a roast... And sweetheart i love you... But if you are going to stand in the way of me getting some of your mom's roast... Well let's say it is not going to be pretty..." Mya growls and i laugh... 

"I won't..." I say kissing her belly and standing up... "But our little nugget might..." I say smirking and she groans... "Yeah, well that is the only thing i am going to miss it for..." She mumbles and i pull her up laughing... "The only thing?" I ask and she sighs... "Chris... The house could be on fire... I am not leaving until i get a piece of your mom's roast..." She says and i laugh... "Nugget... Please stay put, at least until after i have eaten..." Mya says looking at her belly and i chuckle and shake my head... 

 "Okay... Well let's go then..." I say and take her hand... I help her down the stairs... She was not allowed to walk up and down the stairs alone anymore... It freaked me out. The thought of her falling gave me nightmares... Especially as she seems to be off balance all the time. We join the boys and walk to the car... Mya is sitting next to me rubbing her belly as the boys are laughing and joking in the backseat... "Are you okay?" I ask as she looks like she is in pain... "Yep... Just being used as a punching bag again..." Mya mumbles and i sigh. "Nugget is kicking my ribs..." Mya sighs and she is trying to breathe through it.

"I am sorry baby..." I mumble putting my hand on her belly... We arrive at ma's and i smile as the boys run in ahead of us and disappear into the house... We follow them and i smile seeing the family all sitting in the kitchen and the boys are nowhere to be found as they already are playing outside with their cousins... Their faces light up seeing Mya. Especially ma who is doting on her every chance she gets..."Ah there she is... Come... Come..." Ma says rushing over taking Mya's hand pulling her away from me and i just shake my head... I dont  seem to exist anymore... "Scott move... Let Mya sit..." Ma says chasing him out of the chair... He looks at her stunned and i laugh as he does as ma ask. Ma helps Mya sit down... Everyone is looking at her and she notices... "Look... I know i am huge... But have you never learned it is rude to stare..." Mya says smirking and i chuckle. 

"How are you feeling?" Carly asks and Mya sighs... "Like i am pregnant with an elephant... I swear, it did not take this long when i was pregnant with Oliver..." Mya groans and i sit down beside her draping my arm over the back of her chair... "Any moment now..." I say smirking rubbing her belly smirking and Mya groans... "No... Nugget is staying put... I want food first... I can smell it and i am not leaving without it. I swear i have been looking forward to this dinner for a week..." She says licking her lips and everyone laughs... Ma stands up and walks to the counter... 

"Auw..." Mya says rubbing her belly... "What?! Is it time..." I say panicked and Mya sighs... "Nooooo... Nugget is kicking my ribs again..." Mya says and i relax while the others chuckle... "Here you go sweetheart..." Ma says putting a plate in front of her... Mya's face lights up... "Hey! What about us?" Scott protests and ma gives him a look... "You can wait until it is dinner time... When you are 39 weeks pregnant you will also get preferential treatment..." Ma says to him and everyone laughs... 

"Can i have a bite?" Scott asks Mya eyeing her plate licking his lips... But she shakes her head, gives him a death stare and puts her arm around the plate pulling it closer... "Mine..." She growls with a smirk on her face... "Pregnant Mya is mean..." Scott sighs pouting... "Scott...!" Ma says slapping the back of his head...  "Hey!" He yells out rubbing the back of his head and everyone laughs... 

Mya seems oblivious... She is just happy eating her plate of food. She is just humming happy with her plate of food. That is until the baby kicks again and she sighs... "I read about a trick..." Ma says seeing Mya in pain and goes to the freezer... She takes some ice putting it in a bag and walks back to Mya...

Mya leans back in the chair, and she points to where the baby is kicking... Ma puts the bag with ice on her belly and a little later i can see the relief on Mya's face... "It works..." She whispers and i smile... Ma removes the ice and Mya continues eating seeming more relaxed. 

"The other day i swear i could see a foot poking out..." I say rubbing her belly as Mya just continues eating... She was used to it by now... I could just not resist... She said she did not mind... My family quickly found out to ask before touching her belly as she did not like to be touched..."That would freak me out..." Scott says and i chuckle... "It is perfectly normal Scott..." I say and Mya giggles... "Says the one who freaked out thinking the baby was trying to get out the wrong way..." Mya mumbles and i blush... 

"You want to feel?" Mya asks sitting back and Scott nods blushing a little... Mya smiles and takes his hand... "Nugget is really active..." Mya says and Scott's eyes grow wide when he feels our baby kick... "Holy shit... Call the police... That is assault..." He says and i smirk as Mya giggles... After that Mya finishes her food and i laugh as she pouts when it is gone... "That was amazing... Thank you..." She says to ma who smiles proudly... "I made you some extra to take home..." She says winking at Mya who smiles... 

She leans against me and yawns... "You want to take a nap baby?" I ask and she shakes her head... "No... I want to stay with you..." She mumbles and i smile and wrap my arm around her... She just listens to the conversations... I can see she is tired... She barely sleeps and it is worrying me... 

She dozes off and ma smiles at me... "Not sleeping?" She asks and i nod letting out a sigh... "Yeah... She is uncomfortable all the time..." I mumble. About an hour later everyone is setting up the table and dinner is served... Scott goes to get the kids and about an half an hour later i wake Mya so we can eat... 

"Need to pee first..." Mya says and i nod and help her up... She waddles off and i smile watching her... "Finally, food!" Scott says all excited sitting down... Ma rolls her eyes and i chuckle as Scott smirks at her... A few minutes later Mya walks back in, and she looks at me with big eyes... "You okay baby?" I ask standing up and walking over to her... "Yes... No... Yes..." She says and i chuckle... "No? Yes? What is it?" I tease... "My water just broke..." She blurts and for a second it is like the world stops my heart starts to race as the room erupts in chaos...

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