84. More surprises.

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I smile seeing Mya have a great day with the family... She had been spoiled with gifts and had a smile to die for on her face all day... The vases and bowls we had made proudly displayed as a centerpiece on the dining table... But the day was not over yet... As a surprise ma would watch the boys while we would go out... It was long overdue to have a date night... It would be our first date night since we got back together... We really are homebodies so i hope that Mya will like the surprise... 

I smile and i walk over to Mya and kiss her cheek... "Having fun?" I ask and she nods putting her hand on my face giving me a sweet kiss... "Yes, thank you..." She whispers and i smile at her... We had just eaten dinner made by my sisters... Desert was made by the kids under the watchful eye of ma... The boys had the time of their lives playing with their cousins... Stella was pouting every now and then that there were no other girls... The house was chaos but the smile on Mya's face made it all worth it... The others had all gone home except for ma and Scott. Ma had stayed behind to babysit... Scott was just hanging around having fun with the boys.

"Well, the day is not over... Get changed... Something nice but casual... Because i am taking you out... Just the two of us..." I say and she looks surprised. "But..." She starts to protest and i shake my head... "Nope... No but's... Ma is watching the boys and you're coming with me..." I say and Mya's face lights up... "Date night?" She asks and i nod smiling..."Okay..." She says and i smile as she jumps up and walks off to the bedroom to get changed... 

"You should get changed to..." Ma says and i smirk... "You mean to tell me this is not a date night outfit?" I ask and ma rolls her eyes... "I raised you better than that..." She says and i chuckle and kiss her cheek. "Yes, you did..." I say and walk to the boys' room... I had already thought ahead and put my outfit in their bathroom... I take a quick shower got dressed and did my hair before walking back to the kitchen where ma is... "Can uncle Scott stay too tonight?" Oliver and Kevin ask running in. I smiled and nodded... "If he wants to... Sure..." I say and the cheer and run to Scott who was playing with the kids all day... I chuckle as they yell at Scott that he can stay... As if i would ever say no to that...

"I have my phone on me just in case..." I say to ma and she smiles... "What?" I say and she smiles shaking her head... "It is just so new to see you in parent mode... I like it..." She says and i blush... "Me too..." I say and she smirks... "Anymore little Evans's in the future?" She asks and i sigh... 

I dont want to tell her we are trying... I dont want to get her hopes up... I dont want to put that pressure on Mya... I want the baby making process to be fun and not because we want a baby or have pressure from other people... If it hasn't happened in a year, we had discussed that we would see a doctor but for now we would just have fun with it... 

"Maybe..." I say trying to sound unbothered and i look up if i hear the clicking of heels on the floor coming closer... I look up and grin... Mya looks beautiful absolutely stunning... I dont know if it is casual but, wauw... These tight jeans and a black lace top that did not left much to the imagination... In her hand a leather jacket... A smokey eye making her eyes pop and the rest of her make up natural...  Her hair is down in soft waves over her shoulders.  She went for all black and looked absolutely gorgeous... "Damn..." I mumble and she blushes. "You like it?" She asks and slowly does a little spin... I smile and when she faces me again i kiss her... "I love it... You look absolutely gorgeous... Very sexy..." I mumble into the kiss, and she blushes... "Not to revealing...?" She whispers and i shake my head... "Nope... You look hot..." I say smirking... "You look amazing sweetheart..." Ma says smiling and Mya thanks her... "You look very handsome... I am a lucky girl..." he says smiling and i smile back at her... "Thank you baby... But i think i am the lucky one..." I say and we both smile...

"Boys! We are going...!" I yell and take Mya's jacket helping her into it. The boys come running in with Scott in tow... "Looking good..." Scott whistles and Mya smiles... "You mwah..." Scott says smirking at me and i roll my eyes... The boys tell Mya she looks pretty and i smile as she kisses each of them on the cheek and thanks them for an amazing birthday. 

"Okay time to go! Boys behave... That means you to Scott..." I say smirking and he rolls his eyes before i take Mya's hand and lead her out. The car service is already waiting for us and Mya smiles... "Got plans Evans?" She asks me and i nod... "Planning on a few drinks... And we are not drinking and driving..." I say and she kisses me before getting in the car... I slide in beside her taking her hand in mine again... 

The car takes off already knowing where to go and i take Mya's hand putting a kiss over her ring... I like doing that... I dont know why but it feels like a intimate thing to do... "So, we are not totally going to be the two of us... There are some people who want to celebrate your birthday with you to..." I say and she smiles... "Who?" She asks and i shake my head... "You will see..." I say smirking and she pouts at me... "You are not going to tell me?" She asks and i shake my head... "And there is nothing i can do to convince you otherwise..." She asks her voice sweet and sultry She bats her eyes at me and bites her lip, her hand on my thigh running it slowly up... I growl and grab her wrist... "Bad girl... Behave..." I growl and she giggles..."Where is the fun in that..." She whispers and i smirk... This is going to be a fun night...

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