80. The boys are back.

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Naked Saturday had been heaven... The day was spend wrapped around each other on every surface of the house... Fucking her while she was making us lunch demanding that she just continue doing what she was doing was a fucking thrill... What had she called it... Free use naked Saturday...  An after-lunch blow job to die for... I swear i had died and gone to heaven... I missed that mouth of hers... That twinkle in her eyes as she sat on her knees with my dick in her mouth looking at me through her lashes... Her nose bumping against skin as she took me in so deep it made her gag... The saliva running down her chin as she released me for a second to gasp for air... Only to continue her ways until i came in her mouth... Her sticking out her tongue with my cum on it only to swallow it a second later like a good girl... Not a drop being wasted... 

I dont know the last time i had spent a day just having sex... No TV... No endlessly scrolling on your phone... No cleaning the house or doing things for work, but above all no kids, no talking about school things, or anything else that had to do with the boys... Just her and i connecting in the most intimate way possible...

Dont get me wrong i love the boys and i wouldn't want it any other way i loved my new life with Mya and the boys. But to just have a day with Mya... It was nice, more than nice... We both agreed to make this a monthly thing, that just a day for the both of us was a good thing... I was sure ma would not mind taking the boys... Or maybe they could visit their cousins at Carly's house... Maybe we should have a date night every now and then... Even if Mya and i both were homebodies, perfectly content staying home. Maybe it would be good to go out every now and then. Get out the house... Mya was open to that... I had seen a few dresses in the closet that i wouldn't mind seeing her in... Or to peel off of her when we got home...

But i most looked forward to just a day with nothing else but to fuck her whenever and however i felt like it, for her to use me how she saw fit... Eat, drink, fuck, repeat... Just as we had spent this day...

Eventually we had to get dressed because ma had texted that she was on the way with the boys. We hadn't heard from them all day but that was a good thing... That meant everything had gone great... We had told ma that if she was having trouble to just call and either come back or we would come to help her... I had no doubt she could handle it, but they could be a bit rowdy together and well... Ma was getting older to... 

As soon as the boys stepped inside the chaos was complete... I looked at ma who seemed tired but with a big smile on her face... The boys were excitedly telling us about their day, talking over each other smiling and laughing... Ma had taken them to breakfast first and after that to the aquarium followed by dinner at Mc Donalds. The boys were telling us all about their day before running of to play with the dogs. The dogs who were happy to have their favorite humans back... 

"How was your day?" She asked me and i looked at Mya who turned bright red... "Relaxing..." I say with a big grin on my face and ma shakes her head... "I bet..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Please tell me you guys at least talked a bit about a wedding..." She says and Mya and i blush... "Uh... No... Not really..." I say scratching my neck and she rolls her eyes... "Please get married before i kick the bucket..." She sighs and we both smirk and nod... "We will get right on it, ma..." I say kissing her cheek and she shakes her head... "It would make this old lady very happy..." She says and Mya hugs her... 

"I promise that we will start planning soon... It is just with everything that happened..." Mya says and ma smiles cupping her cheek with her hand... "I know sweetheart... I am just an impatient lady who just wants you to finally make an honest man out of my boy... Again... And this time i will be there when you both say i do...  Both of you sober this time..." She says winking at her and Mya giggles... "I will get right on that..." Mya says winking back at her...  

Ma stayed for a while as we talked how her day went... We were happy to hear the boys behaved. "If you didn't know any better you would say they are brothers..." Ma says and we both smile... "He is doing much better than we had expected..." Mya says leaning into me laying her head on my shoulder... Ma nods... "He has grown and grew more confident..." Ma says and we both nod... "He is coming out of his shell... He feels safe enough... The other day he threw a tantrum and i have never been so happy seeing a kid throw a tantrum..." Mya says and i smile nodding in agreement... 

After saying goodbye to ma. The boys hugging her and thanking her for the fun day we played a game with them... But they were drained so it was an early night for them... They were both out like a light as soon as their heads hit the pillow... The dogs took their places at their feet... 

Mya and i just cuddled up on the couch... "So about us getting married..." Mya says and i smile... "Well, we both have taken time off, so we have time to plan a wedding... What do you want in a wedding?" I ask and she sighs... "I dont know... Nothing to big... Just family and close friends... I dont have that many people to begin with..." She says lacing her fingers with mine... "When do you want to get married?" I ask and she smiles... "What do you think about a spring wedding..." Mya whispers and i smile... "I know we both love the fall... But it is too late to have a fall wedding this year and i dont want to wait that long... And i dont think your mom can take waiting that long..." Mya says giggling and i smile... "A spring wedding it is..." I say and kiss her... "Good... We will pick a date tomorrow..." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Why tomorrow?" I ask and she smirks... "Because we are going to end naked Saturday with a bang..." She whispers and stands up holding out her hand for me to take... "As you wish kitten..." I grin and she rolls her eyes before dragging me to the bedroom... 

"Huh... This is the only room we haven't had today..." I say as we stumble into the bedroom, kissing and getting rid of each other's clothes. Mya laughs pushing me towards the bed... "Les talking more fucking, Evans..." Mya says and i laugh... "My future wife ladies and gentlemen... Always so romantic..." I say and she giggles... She stops kissing and i whine as she lets me go and walks over to the dresser and for a moment i am confused... "There you got your romance, princess..." She says lighting a candle before walking back to me and i laugh... 

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