126 Brothers? Sisters?

753 43 8

We are sitting at the doctor's office, waiting for our doctor... Mya is 21 weeks pregnant, but she looks and feels like she is already 38 weeks... Or like she says it 48 weeks pregnant... I look at the boys sitting beside us... Today we are going to find out the genders... They have been with us to almost every appointment... We had a talk with a family therapist... We just wanted some guidance on how to get the boys a bit more invested in this pregnancy... To get them excited for their brothers or sisters... It has gotten better... Thank God... Ma had a talk with them... I had another talk with them, and Mya had a long talk with them... 

They were now a little more reassured and excited to find out if it would be sisters, brothers or both... I am nervous... So nervous... But above all i am worried... Worried about Mya as she is having a hard time... It is no surprise but still... I was hoping she would not have this much of hard time... One thing she was adamant about... After these 3 she was done... But then again, she said that after Iris to... Still i think this time she is serious...

She huffs and puffs rubbing her belly... The triplets have started kicking and they barely let her sleep... I take her hand in mine and kiss the back of it... "You okay mommy?" Oliver asks and Mya smiles at him and nods... "Yes sweetie... the babies are just kicking mommy..." She says and he walks over to Mya kisses her belly... "Stop teasing mommy..." He whispers and we both smile... 

Then the doctor comes in smiling... He high fives the boys before shaking my hand... "Sorry doc i am not getting up if you dont mind..." Mya said and he smiled at her... "No problem you make yourself comfortable..." He said giving her shoulder a little squeeze... "So, boys... Are we excited to find out if we are getting brothers or sisters?" The doctor asks and they both nod... "What are we hoping for?" The doctor asks and we chuckle when they are unanimously saying brothers... 

"Mom? Dad?" He asks and i shake my head as to say i dont care... "I dont care... I just want them to be healthy..." Mya groans and i kiss the back of her hand again... "Okay boys... You wait here while i go and examine mom first... Then when it is time for the ultrasound dad will call you in..." He says and i help Mya up... "Behave... No touching anything..." Mya says and the boy's nod... After the whole kitchen incident, we had a long talk and after being clean u duty for two weeks they behaved better... And they knew better than to piss off their mother right now... She might not move around to fast right now, but she knew how to get them in line with words... They were still being punks every now and then but nothing like that again...

I walk with her to the exam room and help her to lie down on the table... "So how are we doing mom?" The doctor asks and Mya starts crying... "Miserable... I dont feel so good and i can barely sleep..." She says softly sobbing and i kiss her hand again... I hate to see her like this... We knew this pregnancy was going to be a struggle but still... I dont think it would be this bad... Yes, i am an ignorant idiot...

"Okay we are going to do some tests first..." The doctor says and Mya sighs... He checks her blood pressure and looks worried... "Are you taking things easy?" The doctor asks and Mya nods but i shake my head getting slapped by Mya..."Mya..." The doctor says looking at her sternly and she groans... "Doc... I have 3 kids already... I have work and Chris is working at the moment... So taking it easy is not always an option..." She says and guilt washes over me... 

"Okay so your bloodwork came back and you're a little anemic... Your blood pressure is a little high... Are you still nauseous a lot?" He asks Mya and she sighs and nods... We had hoped her nausea would be temporary but no such luck... She had some good days but most days she was feeling sick... 

"Okay... Well before we are going to do the ultrasound i am putting you on bedrest... This can be at home... But i know you are stubborn... So, this is your one and only chance to do that at home... If you are not going to do that at home i am going to admit you to the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy..." He says and i can see the annoyance in Mya's eyes... She wants to protest but sighs and nods... "Fine..." She says as i just sit there like an idiot scared out of my mind... "Is she going to be okay doc?" I ask when i finally find my voice... 

"If she is really going to take it easy... Meaning only out of bed to pee..." The doctor says and Mya groans... "Can it be the couch..." She mumbles and the doctor sighs... "As long if it means you in resting position... Sure..." He says and Mya looks at me... "Dont worry baby... I will be home... I will make it work..." I say feeling guilty, but she had insisted i go work saying she would be fine... I should not have listened...

"I will also prescribe you some iron tablets... And something for the nausea... So you can keep some food down and dont risk getting dehydrated..." The doctor says and she nods... Than it is time to call in the boys... I let out a sigh of relief to see them sitting on the couch being good watching videos on their i-pads... 

"Okay Evans's... Let's see if we can find out..." The doctor says and the boys giggle as he squirts jelly on Mya's belly making a farting sound with the bottle... The doctor grins... 

We all wait, the tension palpable... "Okay... Baby A is a... Boy..." The doctor says smiling and Mya and i smile and chuckle as the boy's cheer... The doctor keeps moving... "They look funny..." Kevin says and i chuckle again... "That is because they are still growing..." I say and he nods... "I have a book you can borrow to go over with the boys..." The doctor says and Mya smiles... "We have one at home... But thank you..." She says...

"Okay baby B... is..." He says pausing a second to build the tension and i can see the boys hold their breaths... "What?!" They both say and the doctor grins... "Also, a boy..." He says and the boy's cheer... 

He then goes looking for baby C. He finds the baby, but it is not working with us at first... Mya groans... "Come on babies... Work with us... Please be good..." Mya says to her belly and the boy's giggle... Every now and then Mya would scold the babies in her belly and the boys found this hilarious for some reason... The doctor keeps moving the thing over her belly and all of a sudden says "Aha gotcha!" He says smirking... 

"Baby C... Is a... Oh mom... I think you and little Iris are going to be in trouble... Because baby C is also a boy..." The doctor says grinning and the boy's smile... I look at Mya who chuckles and smiles... "3 boys..." She whispers to me and i nod... "3 boys..." I whisper still a bit in disbelief... I stand up and kiss her... "Are you happy?" I ask as part of me had wished for at least one girl... A sister for Iris... I dont mind either way but still... She smiles and nods... "As long as they are healthy i am happy... Are you?" She asks and i nod... "All i want is happy babies..." I say and kiss her again... "Healthy mommy and babies..." I say and she tears up... "I am going to hate being in bed all the time..." She mumbles and i smile... "Huey, Dewey and Louie..." I say smirking and Mya giggles... "Uhm... No..." She whispers and i smirk... "Dont worry... It will grow on you..." I joke and she shakes her head... 

After the doctor has cleaned her up i help her put her shirt down and help her off the table... "Doc?  I am still allowed to go and get Ice cream on the way home..." Mya asks him, pouting and the doctor chuckles... "Ice cream and then straight home..." He says and Mya smiles... The boys cheer at the sound of ice cream and i chuckle and shake my head... "I see a lot of food runs in your future..." The doctor says to me and i grin and nod... "I dont care... Anything she wants..." I say and take her hand...

We walk out and go to the car... "Okay let's go get ice cream..." I say and all 3 cheer...

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