71. House guests.

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"Oliver's dad?" Kevin says as we are driving home... "Yes buddy?" I say looking at him through the rearview mirror... "Can i see the shield..." He whispers softly and shyly and i smirk... "Of course, buddy... Oliver can show you back at the house..." I say and his face lights up... "It is really heavy..." Oliver says and i smile... 

As i look in the rearview mirror i see Mya and Mrs. Kennedy driving behind us followed by security... I played a game with the boys as we drove away telling them to hide so the paparazzi could not take pictures of them... They had just giggled still oblivious to what was going on thank God... 

I see Mya is on the phone while Mrs. Kennedy is driving. I wonder what the fuck is going on... But i know as long as the kids are around i won't know... Mya would never let Kevin know what his mother did and i love her for that... She was adamant that his mother's action would not be taken out on him... But why she would take them both to our place is beyond me... But whatever the reason is i trust Mya's judgement... 

We pull up to the house and i tell the boys to hide again... They do so giggling and i pull in. When the last car drives through the gate i close it with the push of the button... I park the car and the boys jump out the car... "Come i will show you the dogs first!" Oliver says to Kevin, and they run inside making me chuckle... Mrs. Kennedy parks next to me and i smile as Mya and her get out the car... Mrs. Kennedy looks uncomfortable, but Mya gives her a warm smile... "It is okay... It is safe... You both will be safe here..." She says and all of a sudden it clicks... My heart sinks... All of a sudden i understand why Mya changed her mind... This woman is probably abused in some way...

I give Mya a warm smile... "Welcome to our home..." I say giving Mrs. Kennedy a warm smile and she blushes... Mya takes her arm and leads her inside and i walk over to the security guys telling them we are good for the day... We shake hands and i thank them again before they leave... I take a deep breath and walk inside... I smile as Oliver and Kevin are playing with the dogs... I look in the kitchen where Mya is making tea... 

"Do you want tea?" Mya asks me and i nod... "Stacy do you have sugar in your tea?" Mya asks and she shakes her head... She looks around the kitchen... "You have a lovely home..." She says sounding so broken... "Thank you..." I say and sit down... "Are you okay?" I ask and she blushes looking down... Mya puts a cup of tea in front of her... "She is going to stay here for a few days..." Mya says and i nod not questioning it... "Okay sure... Oliver will love having Kevin around..." I say and Stacy looks surprised... "Drink your tea... After that we will go and take care of you..." Mya says and my heart sinks even more.... What the hell happened to this woman... 

"Chris... After tea can you take Kevin and put him in the shower and give him some of Oliver's clothes..." Mya asks and i nod... "Sure... No problem" I say, and Stacy starts to protest... "No... I could not ask you to do that... It is all too much especially after what i did..." She whispers and Mya puts her hand over hers... "You did it for your son... You were in a tough spot... I understand... I would have done the same in your position..." She says giving Stacy's hand as squeeze... Stacy is on the verge of tears again... 

"Look i dont know what is going on... But i trust Mya... It is okay... Whatever it is... We will help you and it will be okay..." I say and this breaks the poor woman who starts to cry... "I dont deserve your kindness... Even with my reasons... I am really sorry..." She whispers and i sigh looking at Mya who looks at me with a sad look in her eyes... "It is okay... It would come out eventually..." I say and Mya gives me a loving smile... "We forgive you..." Mya whispers and i wink at her... God she is amazing... I love her so much. She is so caring and understanding. 

I put my cup down and stand up... "I will take Kevin to go and take a shower... And see if there are some clothes that fit him..." I say and i look at Mya... "Can you stay clear of the guestroom... I am going to take Stacy there... I need my medical bag..." She says and i nod... "I will get it out of the car and put it in the guestroom for you..." I say and give her a kiss before making my way to the car... I take the bag and put it in the guestroom before making my way to the office were Kevin and Oliver are with the dogs looking at my Captain America stuff... I smile and watch them as Oliver explains everything about all the stuff... Kevin looks at it all with big eyes totally mesmerized... 

"Kevin?" I say and he flinches... "I am sorry... I didn't touch anything..." He says with fear in his voice and again my heart breaks... This kid is traumatized... "It is okay buddy... I am not mad... You did nothing wrong..." I say smiling and he relaxes a little... "Hey, Oliver, can you go and feed the dogs and watch cartoons after... I am going to take Kevin to take a shower and to get him some clean clothes..." I say and Oliver nods as if it is the most normal thing in the world... 

Kevin looks at me a little hesitant which i can understand so i get down to his level... "Hey bud... What do you say a nice hot warm shower and some clean clothes..." I say and he blushes... "Oliver says he has a big bathtub..." He whispers and i smile... "You want a bath?" I say and he blushes and nods... "Okay kid... No problem... We can do that..." I say and stand up holding out my hand... He hesitates for a second but takes it and i walk to Oliver's bathroom.... "Woooow this room is so cool..." He says as we walk through Oliver's bedroom and i smile... 

I walk into the bathroom and start a bath putting some toys in and some soap... Kevin looks at everything i do... "Okay kiddo... The bath is ready... I am going to get you some clothes and will put them on the bed... When you are done, you can get changed... Just pull the plug when you are done to drain the bath... Then you take a quick rinse in the shower and a dry yourself with this towel... There is soap to wash your hair... Are you going to be able to do that?" I ask and he blushes but nods... 

I am about to walk out when i hear him groan and as i look over my shoulder i see he is having trouble getting his shirt off... I turn around... "Are you okay kiddo?" I ask and he looks at me with tears in his eyes... "Okay is it okay if i help you...?" I ask getting down to his level and he nods... When i pull his shirt over his head my heart sinks and i know it is even worse than what i thought... His little body is riddled in bruises old and new, all in different stages of healing... "Hey kiddo... It is okay... No one will ever hurt you again... We will make sure of that..." I say ready to kill the person who did this to him and he starts to cry putting his little arms around me hugging me... "Shhhh it is okay... Let it all out... It is going to be okay kiddo... You are safe here... No one is ever going to hurt you again..." I say fighting my own tears as i realize this kid has gone through hell. It became more and more clear as to why Mya wanted to take them here... 

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