119. Back home

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"Home sweet home..." Mya groaned and i smiled as she dropped herself on the couch... The boys are running around with the dogs as they had missed them. Iris was asleep upstairs in her crib... I smiled and sat down next to Mya and pulled her in my arms... "Home sweet home..." I growl and pull her with me laying down... "Did you have fun?" Mya asks me and i chuckle... "So much fun... Disney is amazing and i was so happy to share it with you the boys, Iris and our family..." I mumble holding her a little tighter... "You?" I ask and she hums...  "I did... But we have to go back when Iris is older... So, she can fully experience it to... I had a great time. But i am happy to be home... I love your family, but they have no concept of privacy..." She giggles and i laugh... She refers to the time that Scott walked in on us cuddled up in our bed as we were just about to...

"My brother has the worst timing..." I mumble and she giggles again... "Yeah well it was his own fault... Scott needs to learn how to knock..." She giggles... "I dont know who was more horrified... You or Scott..." I whisper and she giggles again... We look at each other for a second smirking...."Scott..." We say at the same time bursting out laughing... "He didn't even look at us at breakfast..." Mya whispers and i laugh again... "That is because you kicked him out saying you just needed 5 minutes..." I say smirking and she giggles... "Yeah, well i wasn't going to waste my ovulation... Besides i didn't hear you complain..." She murmurs and i grin thinking back at the quicky we still had after that... Mya was serious about the whole wanting another baby and i was not complaining as every chance she got she would jump me... "Not complaining... If i ever complain about that... Shoot me..." I say and we both laugh again...

"Why are you laughing?" We all of a sudden hear and look up to see Oliver standing there looking at us.  "Nothing bud..." I say and Mya buries her head in my chest to hide her giggling... "Did you have fun at Disney?" I ask Oliver to distract him, and he gets the biggest smile on his face and nods... 

"Mom? What is for diner?" He asks and Mya groans... "Dont know sweetie..." She mumbles and i smile... "What do you say we are going to get some pizza?" I say and Oliver nods... "I'll go ask Kevin what he wants!" He yells and runs off... "Problem solved..." I murmur and Mya smiles and kisses me... "My hero..." She mumbles into the kiss and i smirk... 

"Talking about heroes... Did you read the latest article about you by the way..." She says and pushes herself up... "No... What article...?" I ask and she giggles and pulls out her phone and shows me an article about Marvel, were they say there are rumors of the original 6 coming back together... I turn bright red looking at her... I had not told her yet, but they had called me and next week i would have a meeting about that... I didn't tell her yet because it was not sure, and Marvel always expects the highest secrecy... With the opening of the shelter, it would already be a busy time and i dont know if filming for Marvel and all the preparations that came with that would fit into our schedule... That and with trying for another baby life was already crazy...

She looks at me squinting... "Chris.... Is there something you need to tell me..." She says and i clear my throat... "I uhm..." I say and her eyes grow wide... "Christopher!" She yells but with a big smile on her face as she punches my chest... But before i can even say anything Oliver and Kevin run back in... We both say nothing as the boys start to tell what kind of pizza, they want... But Mya looks at me with a big smile... "Okay... why dont you two go with your dad to get pizza and i will start putting our luggage away..." She says and we stand up. I look at her confused because i had thought this news would be a bit more of a shock... But she seemed... Happy... 

She seems to notice and kisses my cheek... "Dont stress baby, we will talk when the kids are in bed tonight... I love you..." She whispers and i smile... "Love you to..." I murmur back and pull her in and give her a proper kiss... "MOOOOMMMM.... DAAAADDD.... EW!" Both Oliver and Kevin yell and we laugh again...

"Okay! Shoes and coats... Let's get us some pizza!" I say and the boys cheer and run off... I watch Mya walk off to unpack and smile... I just watch after her wondering what i did to deserve her... But i get pulled out of my thoughts when the boys started to yell for us to go.... 

We drive to the pizza place. Normally we would have pizza delivered but recently we found this place and their pizza was amazing. The only downside... They did not deliver. But the boys and Mya did not want other pizza anymore... We walk in and i order pizza for us all... The boys are greeted by the owner and get to help make the pizza... They were a hit here as we ate her before with them...  I smile and watch them as they get to make their own pizza's... 

When they were done, we go back home. The boys are giggling in the back... "Hey boys... We need to talk about something..." I say smiling and they both look at me... This was the perfect time... "Mom's birthday is coming up... I want you to think about a gift..." I say and the boy's smile... "A, surprise party!" Oliver says and i chuckle... "Okay... We can do that... But we still need a gift..." I say and they both nod... They both are thinking and i chuckle as you can almost hear their brains working... "You know what... We will sleep on it and next week we will go shopping for her..." I say and they both nod... "But we have to keep the party a secret... Otherwise it is not a surprise!" Kevin says and i nod... "Sure thing... Surprise party it is..." I say and the boys start spitting ideas...

When we come back home with the pizza, we find Mya on the couch with Iris who is giggling as Mya is playing peek a boo with her... We eat and after Iris is in bed again play some boardgames with the boys. I take them to bed about 2 hours later and when i walk back down i smile as Mya pats the couch opening the blanket for me... "Okay spill Evans..." She says and i chuckle and sit down pulling her in my lap...

I tell her about the call and the meeting next week... I tell her that they indeed want to get the original 6 back together... She asks what i want and i tell her my doubts... That we are already so busy... That i dont know if i can get back in that shape... That with trying for a new baby it is not really good timing... She listens to me and just smiles... "But do you want it?" She asks when i had told her all the reasons not to do it... I take in a sharp breath... "I have to admit it sounds fun... If they come up with a good story and the others are on board..." I mumble and she smiles and kisses me... "Chris... listen to me..." She says holding my face between both hands... "If you want this... We will make it work... I think it would be amazing and we as a family will be here to support you... Your career is important to... I did not hire Sara for nothing... I trust her and i know with her around i can have more personal time... Which means there is room for you to do what you love... I dont want you to miss out on doing what you love..." She says and kisses me... 

"But..." I mumble and she shakes her head... "No buts..." She says and i sigh... "What if i can't get back in that shape..." I mumble and she giggles... "Chris... You say that like you are out of shape... Besides... Do you forget you have a doctor for a wife... I can help you... I can put together a diet and i am more than happy to help you train..." She says giggling and i chuckle... 

"Just go into the meeting with an open mind and dont say no because you think we are already too busy... Like i said... We will make it work..." She says and i kiss her again... "You are amazing..." I whisper and she blushes... "Right back at you baby..." She says and kisses me again... 

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