95. The vows.

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I can't stop smiling and Mya she just looks so beautiful... She is glowing and not only because of the dress.... She has this beautiful pregnancy glow... She is not showing yet and we were so happy in our little bubble that we had not decided to tell anyone yet... She was 12 weeks now and over the last few days she was starting to feel better... That was a relief as she was scared that she would be nauseous on our wedding day...

I am just enamored by her. I look at Mya in her dress and i can't help that my eyes are drawn to her cleavage... Either they have grown, or this dress is pushing them up so much that they pop.... I can see from the top of the dress that she is not wearing a bra... I am so caught up in my stare that i dont hear the officiant call for me... So much so that everyone begins to chuckle as the officiant tries to get my attention... "Chris... Time for your vows..." He says and i blush... "Sorry..." I mumble and Mya giggles. "My eyes are up here..." She whispers and i turn bright red while everyone chuckles... Some people whistle and i smirk.  I take a deep breath...

I take a piece of paper out of my jacket and clear my throat... I can feel her squeeze my hand and i smile at her... I am nervous... I had a nightmare last night that i started to read my vows, but nothing came out... That i had lost my voice... 

"Mya..." I say taking a deep breath... "Chris..." She softly says back and i chuckle and so does everyone else... I look at the piece of paper before looking back at her... I put the piece of paper back in my pocket... Mya just looked at me with the biggest smile and that amazing twinkle in her eyes and i realize again how much i love this woman... 

"I had written this speech... But somehow it does not do you justice... It does not do this moment justice... I never could dream that we would be here... But i am so happy we are... You are the love of my life... You are my everything... You and our kids... Everyone here knows we have been through ups and downs that our story is not a conventional one... We kept saying it is a fresh start but the more i think about it the more i realize that it is not a fresh start but simply a new chapter... A new chapter in our story... Our past has made who we are today... It has made us stronger...." I say taking a deep breath before continuing. 

"But enough about the past because our future is so much more fun to think about... I can't wait to spend my life with you... To raise our kids... I can't wait to wake up next to you every day... To raise our kids together. To have a house filled with love, laughter and above all happiness. Because that is what you give to me every day... Love, laughter and happiness... You know how to make me smile. Even on the darkest days you are my light... You are my calm in the storm... You ground me and make me a better man. I love the twinkle in your eyes especially when you are up to some mischief... I life for your kisses and your touch. You are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen on the inside and the outside. And i am the luckiest man alive because you chose me... The luckiest man because you said yes... Sometimes i still dont understand why, but i am not going to question it... I am just going to be grateful and thank God on my knees everyday... I love you Mya... More and more every day." I say and she looks at me smiling but with tears in her eyes. I have to admit i dont have dry eyes either... My voice wavered every now and then and i had to clear my throat a few times to not break down...

"So, with all this said... I, Christopher Robert Evans... Promise to you Dr. Mya Walsh that i will always love you. Always support and protect you... To cheer you up when you feel down. To listen and shut up when you need me to... To love and cherish you..." I say and that is the point that Oliver walks over to me with the little suitcase... I help him open it and i smile and wink at him as he looks so proud... I take the ring and thank Oliver... "Thanks bud..." I say and he proudly walks back to ma and sits down... I take Mya's hand in mine and take a deep breath. 

"Mya... With this ring i say i do... I say i do, to a life with you... With this ring i make you my wife... Because i can't imagine my life without you..." I say pushing the ring around her finger. She smiles at me and dabs away her tears... "That was beautiful..." She whispers and i can't help but feel proud... 

"Mya... It is your turn..." The officiant says and she nods... "How am i going to top that..." She says and everyone chuckles...

"Christopher... Words cannot describe how much i love you. But i am going to try... I still remember the day we met... It was the day my life changed for the better... You asked me out... I still remember our first date and the look on your face when i kissed you on your cheek to say goodnight before closing the door on you..." She says a little smirk on her face and people chuckle...  

"Many more dates followed, and you were so patient with me... I never made it easy for you. Part of that had to do with my past... But you kept coming back... You kept showing up. You kept showing me a side of you that not many people know... A lot of people know of you... But not many people know the real you... The loving, caring, gentle and funny guy you are... You are so much more than Chris Evans the actor... The public persona is nothing compared to private you... To me you are Chris Evans... A wonderful family man... A loving son, brother, father... To me you are the love of my life... A man who taught me how to trust again to have faith in people... A man who showed me what a real family is about... You gave me a family and showed me what real love is... Unconditional love..." She says taking in a sharp breath. Her voice is a little shaky and i give her hand a little squeeze to let her know it is okay... She bites her lips fighting her emotions and she takes a second before she continues...

"Before you i was just alive... With you i am living... You show me every day what life can be... You show me love in its purest form... And often in not such pure forms..." She says smirking a little and everyone chuckles a few woops follow... I shake my head smirking... "Naughty girl..." I whisper and she giggles. 

"You and our kids that is all i need... You gave me something i never thought i wanted... A loving family... I dont want to talk about everything that has happened because it doesn't matter anymore... We are here now and i could not be happier... We went into the storm and came out stronger...  I love you Chris... So much... I want to thank you... Thank you for being my light in the darkness... Thank you for being my lifeline. My everything... My world. The love of my life..." She whispers and as much as i tried to keep it together tears are streaming down my face at her word. 

Kevin walks over and Mya kisses his cheek... She opens the suitcase and takes out my wedding band. Just like i had done with Oliver she tells Kevin that she loves him and that she is so proud of him... He has the biggest proudest smile on his face before he walks back to ma and sits back down again... 

Mya takes a deep breath taking my hand in hers again she looks up at me and smiles... "With this ring... I Mya Walsh take you Christopher Robert as my husband... With this ring i say, i do. I say i do, to a life with you... I promise to always love and cherish you... To be there for you through thick and thin... To spend the rest of our lives together... I love you Chris..." She says and pushes the ring around my finger as we both just smile at each other. 

We then turn our faces to the officiant... He smiles and nods... "It is my absolute pleasure to announce you husband and wife..." The officiant says and we both take a deep breath anxiously waiting for the most important part... "You may kiss the bride..." He says and i waste no time dipping her low and kissing her passionately while our guests cheer and clap... Mya puts her hand on my face giggling into the kiss... "I love you baby girl..." I whisper and she smiles... "Love you too handsome..." She whispers back before i pull her up again. We turn to our guests... The guest all still cheered and clapped and i put our hands which are still linked together in the air as a sort of victory... We are married... On paper... But this time in real life to...

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