97. A little surprise honeymoon.

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We arrive at the little cabin i had booked for a quick little honeymoon... I had not told Mya it was a complete surprise... It was just going to be 3 days... We had never talked about a honeymoon. I think Mya had not even thought about it because of the boys. Ma, Sara and Tyler were going to stay with the boys at the house. Sara and Tyler were excited to spend some time with the boys and because and ma would stay with them so Kevin would be comfortable having someone around he knew. 

"Where are we?" Mya asks little confused looking out the window as the car parks in front of the little cabin i had booked... "Our home for the next 3 days..." I say and she looks at me with big eyes... "3 days?" She whispers in awe, as if she can't believe it and i smile take her hand in mine and kiss the back of it... "A little honeymoon... 2 nights 3 days..." I say and Mya tears up... "Christopher..." She whispers and i grin proud that i pulled off this little surprise... She leans in and kisses me and i smile... "Are you surprised?" I ask and she smiles and nods her head... "Very surprised." She whispers. 

"Stay put..." I say and get out the car to get the bags i had secretly packed for us... I put them at the door before i got to get my beautiful bride... I open the door and hold out my hand for her to take. I help her with the dress not wanting it to get dirty as the ground is muddy... 

But i smirk and lift her in my arms making her giggle... "You know it is normally only over the threshold right..." She says giggling her arms wrapped around my neck... "I know... But i dont want to ruin that perfect dress before i get to peel it off of you..." I say and she giggles... "Such a gentleman..." She whispers and she bats her eyes at me... "I'll show you how much of a gentleman i can be..." I say smirking and kiss her... "Mr. Evans... You make me blush..." She says in a sweet tone but with that familiar twinkle in her eyes... "But i was hoping you would leave the gentleman at the door and have your way with me..." She whispers her lips brushing my ear and i shudder my whole body reacting to her words... "Dont worry baby girl... I was planning on it..." I growl...

I walk her and stop in front of the door... "Dont stop now Mr. Evans..." She says and i smirk... "Was not planning on it, Mrs. Evans..." I say and step over the threshold.  I put her down and pull her in my arms kissing her... "I'll get the bags..." I say and she smiles and nods... The cabin is incredibly small... It is basically one room with a little basic kitchen, a couch and fireplace and this big bed... The only separate room is the bathroom. But it is really romantic and i know we dont need a big space... I was not planning on us leaving the bed much anyway... 3 days just the two of us... No kids... 

I put the bags inside and close the door locking it behind me... I smile as Mya is standing in front of the big window looking out over the lake... It is dark and you can barely see anything. I walk over to her and hug her from behind... "Do you like it baby girl?" I whisper and she looks up over her shoulder at me... "It is amazing... I love it..." She whispers letting out a sigh leaning into me and i smile... "I know it is nothing fancy..." I say and she turns around in my arms wrapping hers around my neck... "It is perfect... Besides we got what we need right here..." She says looking at the bed and kisses me... 

"You look absolutely breathtaking in this dress baby girl..." I murmur and she smiles. Even though the only light in the cabin is provided by the moon, i can still see the blush on her cheeks... "But from the moment i saw you walk down the aisle i wanted to peel it off of you..." I growl and she giggles and takes a step back... 

"Well i am not stopping you..." She says twirling around and i chuckle... She has her back turned to me now and i lick my lips... I have to see how the dress will come off without ruining it. I step closer and let my fingers glide over the delicate lace, down her spine... I try to feel how to open this thing... Mya giggles... "It opens with little buttons..." She whispers and i take in a sharp breath. 

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