131. More than a marriage on paper...

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The triplets had to stay in the hospital for 3 days but finally we could all go home... They were doing so well and are beautiful... Mya is amazing... Up and walking around already... She was pumping breastmilk so that all 3 got some of her milk but it had to be supplemented with formula. Mya did not have enough for all 3... 

We have had our first night at home and it was chaos... Oliver, Kevin and Iris had been with Ma at her place because we didn't want the triplets to wake them up and we had to get into the swing of things... That was harder than expected and Mya had just chuckled telling me that it was like this for her every night... One baby asleep one awake and so on and so on... But it was amazing... Tiring... But amazing... Just like our other kids they were just amazing... But after just one night where one baby would always be awake i understood why she had been so done...

They all had met the babies in the hospital when they came to visit... They had brought Mya some candy and balloons... And for the triplets each a little stuffed animal... Ma had been all teary eyed looking at the triplets telling us they were perfect just like our other children... We both agreed... 

After a few days of settling in at home Oliver, Kevin and Iris came back home and we were finally complete... The dogs were curious but with the bigger kids in the house they were not really interested in the triplets yet as they were not dropping food just yet... 

Sometimes i just can't believe that this is my life... 6 kids... More than i could ever dream off... My big Boston family... Married to the love of my life... And just... So happy... Happier than i ever could have dreamed off... 

But with a busy family life there is one downside... Time goes by way to quick... It is like with every blink the boys and Iris get bigger and bigger... Oliver and Kevin teenagers now... But amazing boys... Oliver has his driver's license since a few months... It is nerve racking and Kevin is going to get his driver's license next month... I am already grey thank god otherwise that would turn me grey... Iris already going to school, the princess of the family... But a real daddy's girl... The triplets start next year in school... Mya is struggling with that because were Oliver, Kevin and Iris are more gravitating towards me the triplets are real momma's boys... 

The house we had built was done about 6 months after the triplets were born...  We loved it... It was beautiful and practical for a big family... Everyone had their own room... Even the triplets... But they were still sleeping in the same room... The had no desire to sleep in different rooms... They are really close, but we made sure there was room for them to develop each their own characters and hobbies... To see them grow up thick as thieves was a joy... They are all so funny... They love their big brothers and sister. But they were also a handful... The day they started walking the chaos was complete... It was like they knew if they would each run in a different direction there was chaos.... And they love to cause chaos...

Every Friday night was family game night... Even with Oliver and Kevin in the teenage years we still did this... We would cherish it as long as the oldest boys were still willing to be part of it... And for now, they still loved it... Ma would be there most of the times, so were Tyler and Sara... Or Carly with her kids... Scott most times and Shanna every now and then... Sometimes they were all here and well let's say that all our kids are competitive, just like us... So it is always a hectic night.

Our house is always busy... Always chaos but we dont want it any other way... Mya was one day a week a doctor in the shelter. Sara had taken up the task of running it almost in its entirety... She was doing amazing tho together with Tyler... It is bittersweet but the shelter was a success... Mya had wanted to work more in the shelter but with the triplets she had put that aside for now... At least until the triplets were going to school... She didn't have to... I would not stop her from working but it was her own idea... She just wanted to be there for her kids... Time was going to fast already... 

A few months ago, we had a difficult talk with Kevin in which we had let him read his bio moms goodbye letter... He was curious to what the full story was and well he was old enough to understand now... It was emotional, there were a lot of tears which was completely understandable... But he was handling it amazingly well... After reading the letter he had a few sessions with his therapist, alone and with us... He seemed at peace with it all... We assured him she loved him very much but that she was just overwhelmed and didn't see a way out anymore... We told him we were so sorry that we could not safe her... That even though the way he came into our lives was not a nice one that we loved him from day one and that we were so proud of the person he was turning into... That we are proud to call him our son...

The day after Oliver had gone with him to the cemetery... They were like twins... Oliver got his back and Kevin got Oliver's back... They are brothers in every sense of the word... But still their own characters... Oliver had plans to go to school to become a vet... His love for animals runs so deep that it makes sense... When Steve and Bucky died, he was inconsolable... They both crossed the rainbow bridge within a month of each other and this was a difficult time for him... And Kevin was there for him... Kevin is wanting to go to medical school... He wants to be a psychiatrist... To help people... I know he is going to be great... 

Iris my little princess was just the most precious little girl... But tough as nails, which she has to be with 5 brothers... She was a real girl's girl though... Loved everything pink and Disney... And so smart... So smart... But she got that from her mom... She already keeps saying she wants to be a doctor like mommy... But with a pink coat instead of white one because she is a princess after all...  So, who knows... Maybe we will have 2 doctors in the family in the future... None of them seem to have the acting bug... But i dont mind though... Mya said to not celebrate just yet... We still had the triplets, and she was sure they were going to be creative little creatures... But i know whatever our kids want to do with their lives we will support them... 

I am just so proud of my kids... They are all turning into amazing people... 

I am proud of Mya... Not a day goes by where i have to pinch myself to make sure it is not a dream... That she really is my wife... Life is busy, but we always manage to make time for each other... Once every two months we go to the cabin... I wished we could do that more but for now that was not possible... I would cherish our little dirty weekends though... She is and always will be the most beautiful woman in the world... 

My life is more than i could ever dream off... And for that i will always be thankful... What started as a marriage on paper turned into a real one... A perfect one... 

The end...

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