112. Nervous dad

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We are alone in our hospital room... The doctors, nurses and such have left. It is just Mya, our little nugget and me. Mya is holding our little girl after she has fed her. "You want to hold her?" Mya asks smiling at me... I look at her and all of a sudden i feel nervous... I dont know why but maybe it is because our little nugget is so tiny... She looks so fragile... It makes me anxious... I dont want to hurt her... Oliver was 9 when i first laid eyes on him... He is 10 now and i dont know it was easier... He is still our little boy but a lot sturdier... The same goes for Kevin... The boys like to rough house and that is more in my wheelhouse... Iris is fragile and i dont want to break her...

 "No.... No... That is okay..." I say clearing my throat and Mya looks at me confused... "You dont want to hold our little nugget?" She asks and i clear my throat again... "She... She looks happy like this... With you, i mean..." I stutter and Mya gives me a soft smile... 

"Chris... Are you scared to hold her?" Mya whispers hitting the nail on the head. I sigh and nod turning bright red. "Oh Chris... You won't hurt her... You are her daddy... " Mya says in a soft sweet tone and pats the bed... "Come here..."  I sigh and sit down. i hold my breath as Mya puts Iris in my arms... "Watch her head..." She says softly and i smile as I look at the little bundle in my arms... She is moving her little arms like babies do... "See... She is happy to be in her daddy's arms..." Mya whispers smiling at me pushing herself up and i look at our little nugget and start smiling... "She is so tiny..." I mumble holding her little hand and Mya chuckles... "Didn't feel tiny pushing her out..." She mumbles back at me and i laugh... 

"You did amazing... I am so in awe of you..." I whisper and she blushes... "Yes, i am in awe of you to..." I coo at Iris who is making little sounds... "Sorry i was scared... It is not like i haven't hold babies before..." I say blushing at Mya, but she shakes her head... "It is okay... I get it... She is really tiny and i get that it is a bit overwhelming. You dont want to hurt her and i love you for that... But i know you won't... You love her... You never have to apologize for that..." Mya says and i take a deep breath and nod... 

"We should call the family..." Mya sighs and i smile... "It can wait an hour or so... No rush..." I whisper and Mya giggles... "Not wanting to share Evans?" She asks me and i smirk at her... "Just a little bonding time with my girls..." I say and now Mya smiles... "This girl wants to take a nap if you are okay with that..." She says and i nod and lean in kissing her forehead... "Of course... You deserve all the naps you want... I got our girl..." I say a little bit more confident with my little girl in my arms. Mya scoots down and closes her eyes... "Dont worry Chris... You are an amazing dad... Our kids are so lucky to have you..." She mumbles before she dozes off...

I watch Mya sleeping and smile... "You are the luckiest girl in the world... Your mommy is the most amazing woman on this planet, and you have the most amazing brothers... They are going to love you... I love you my little nugget... Daddy will do anything to protect you from the big bad world..." I whisper to Iris who is now sleeping to... She is adorable... The most beautiful baby on earth... I might be a little biased, but she really is...

I just sit there watching her sleep... A nurse comes in to check up on us but quickly leaves as she sees everything is okay... I know i should call the family but i want Mya to get some more sleep... But when Iris starts to cry after a while Mya wakes up. "Everything okay?" She asks and i nod... "Yeah... But i think she wants her mommy..." I say and Mya grins... "She wants my boobs..." Mya chuckles. "Dont we all..." I mumble earning myself a scowl... "Christopher... Behave... I am out of service for you for at least 6 weeks..." She says smirking as i hand Iris over... 

"Why dont you call the family so they can come to visit..." Mya says smiling and i nod... "Only ma and the boys?" I ask and she shakes her head... "No... Invite them all... I want to show off our nugget... Just tell them a quick visit to not kiss the baby and to wash hand and such..." Mya says while feeding Iris and i nod...

I go and call the family who are so excited that i have to hold the phone away from my ear... The all are dying to come and visit... I tell them the things Mya said and everyone promised to be on their best behavior.  When i am done i walk back. I sit down next to Mya who looks at Iris with hearts in her eyes... "I have not told them we have a little girl yet... Just that the baby was born..." I say and she smiles at me... "We should have the name card visible and let your mom find out what we named nugget..." She says and i smile... "She is going to cry so hard..." I say and Mya nods... "She deserves it though... She is the best grandmother ever..." Mya says smiling and i nod... "Yeah... She really is..." I say and just watch my girls...

"Can you promise me one thing though..." Mya whispers and i look at her and nod... "Anything baby..." I say and she sighs... "I am serious about not kissing the baby... I dont want everyone to do that... Can you stand with me on that one?" She asks and i nod... "Of course... I told them not to... I got your back..." I say proudly smiling... 

Then it is time... About an hour later there is a knock on the door... The family is here...

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