127. I will go insane...

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I just had taken the boys to school. I walk back into the house and as soon as the front door shuts i hear Mya yelling for me... I was 2 weeks since the gender scan and i have to say she was being good, following doctor's orders. Even when it was driving her insane... I walk upstairs finding her sitting up in the bed... 

"Hello, my gorgeous, beautiful wife, mother of my children, love of my life..." I say smirking and she rolls her eyes... "Stop sucking up and help me up... It is time for permitted pee break..." She says and i chuckle... "I swear... Give me some airtime and it is like prison..." She mumbles as i help her up... I chuckle and when after i have helped her up i watch her waddle to the toilet... 

"Can you help me shower..." She yells from the toilet and i smile... We have put a chair in the shower so she can sit down to shower... She loves it when i wash her and i have to admit i love it to... "Of course..." I say and when she says she is ready i walk in... I help her get out of her clothes... Well, my clothes... She exclusively wears my clothes at the moment... "Boys get to school, okay?" She asks and i nod... "Yep..." I say and she sighs... But as i had sat her down under the shower Iris starts to cry... "Go... I am good..." She mumbles and i sigh... We really need some help, but Mya is refusing... Other than ma and Sara she is not letting anyone help... We had told my brother and sister about the pregnancy and to say they were shocked was an understatement, but they all been so supportive... But Mya was a little bit irritable with a lot of people around so for now it was just phone calls to check in... I got an idea and go to get Iris and get her undressed... I walk into the bathroom and smile... 

"I think someone wants to shower with mommy..." I say smiling and Mya smiles to as i put her in her arms... This way i can take care of both of my girls at the same time... Iris seems to enjoy being in the shower with mommy as she squeals. Mya smiles but after a while, sighs... "What is wrong baby?" I ask and she looks at me... "I am already going crazy and i still have so long to go..." She sighs again... "I need something to do Chris... Or by next week i will go insane..." She says with her eyes pleading me... "Just tell me what you want me to get you and i get it for you..." I say and she shakes her head... "I dont know..." She mumbles and i sigh and kiss her... 

"Books?" I ask her and she groans shaking her head... All of a sudden i hear a door open and close downstairs... "Are you good for a second?" I ask and she nods... "I will be fine Chris... I can move... Just not allowed to..." She mumbles and i smile and kiss her again... I walk downstairs and to my surprise ma is just putting her coat up... "Hey ma... What are you doing here?" I ask and she smiles... "Well... I was out shopping yesterday... I could see that Mya was going crazy in bed so i went shopping to get her some stuff to keep her from boredom..." She says and my face lights up... "Seriously... That is amazing... She was just saying she was going crazy..." I say and hug her tightly... Ma chuckles... 

We pull out of the hug and ma cups my face... "How is she doing...?" She asks and i sigh... "Bored... But i will be right with you. She is sitting under the shower with Iris..." I say and ma nods... "Go... I will make breakfast... After that we can get everything out of the car..." She says and as she looks at the kitchen, she sighs... "And clean up the mess..." She mumbles and i blush... "I have been kinda busy..." I mumble and ma pats my chest... "I know... I know... Now go..." She says and i smile and kiss her cheek... 

I smile as i hear Mya talking to Iris before i walk in... She looks up and smiles... "Who was it?" She asks and i smile... "Ma... She has a surprise for you..." I say and she looks at me smiling... "The doctor told her he made a mistake and i can get out of bed?" She asks and i chuckle... "Uhm... No..." I say and she groans... I take Iris from her and get her ready for the day and bring her downstairs so ma can watch her... I walk back upstairs and help Mya and help her downstairs to sit on the couch like agreed... She didn't want to be in bed all day and since the doctor says it is okay... 

"Hey Lisa..." Mya says and ma walks over and sits with her handing her a plate of food... Since she got something for the nausea she is eating better, and this is a relief... As i feed Iris i listen to them chat... When Iris has had enough i put her in her play pen and walk to the living room... "Can you help me get the stuff out of the car?" Ma asks and i nod... 

We walk out and when she opens the trunk i look shocked... "Did you buy out Target?" I ask and she chuckles... "Something like that... I also did something and i wanted to ask you if it is okay before we bring it out..." She says and gets a few bags out of the car and a wheelchair appears. "So, you can take her outside... To get some sun and fresh air... I get that she is on bedrest but being cooped up inside is not good either... So, this way she stays relaxed and still can get some fresh air..." She says and i smile and hug her... "What would we do without you..." I say and ma blushes... 

I carry everything inside and Mya looks at everything with big eyes... When i excuse myself to get the wheelchair... I think Mya is going to love that the most... 

"So, you can make baby socks or anything else... If you dont know how i can teach you..." I hear ma say to Mya. For the first time in a week Mya has a big smile on her face going through all the stuff. Ma had gone all out. Magazines, books, stuff to knit or something like that... Puzzle books. And so much more... Mya seems to find the knitting stuff the most interesting. I smile as ma shows her how to... She seems to pick up on it pretty quick. But then she looks up and sees the wheelchair. "What is that...?" She asks and i smile... "Ma brought you a wheelchair so i can take you outside to get some air and sun..." She looks at ma taking her by surprise hugging her tight... "Thank you..." She whispers and ma smiles... "Anything for you sweetheart..." 

"Okay... Why dont we go for a family walk..." Ma says and Mya's face lights up... I get her dressed and grab a blanket to put over her in case she gets cold... Ma puts Iris in the pram to take with us and after i leash up the dogs we make our way outside for a walk... Mya seems to be enjoying it looking up enjoying the sun on her face, taking a few deep breaths... 

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