4. Dirty memories.

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"Okay let me know what you find out... I need to deal with this as soon and as quietly as possible." I say after i explained the situation to my lawyer. "Will do..." My lawyer says and i hang up... He is going to check the records for me as he is sure that he has filed the papers... He just could not find the confirmation...I look outside... The memories of my last day with Mya plaguing me, the memories of our last throws of passion, our last moment of happiness... That kind of passion i have never felt after that ever again...

*** Flashback ***

"I... Love... You... So... Much... baby girl..." I groan between each thrust... She arches her back of the bed. "I love you to Chris..." She whines and i snap my hips forward even harder wanting to be buried as deep as i can inside of her... "Mya Evans... I like the sound of that... My wife... My beautiful wife..." I groan and she whimpers as i circle my hips grinding into her. "My perfect husband..." She moans back and i lean down kissing her swallowing her moans... She tastes like the strawberries i had fed her before... Strawberries and chocolate...

"That's right baby girl... Mine... You are all mine..." I grunt and she lets out a soft whimper...I snap my hips forward again and she whimpers again before letting out a little gasp... "Say it baby girl... Be a good girl and tell me who this pussy belongs to..." I growl and her eyes fly open... They are dark with a twinkle in them... "You... Chris... My husband..." She moans in a soft desperate tone breathing heavy... I close my eyes trying to control my body because having her call me her husband makes me almost lose control... "Such a good girl..." I whisper hovering my lips over hers as my hand wraps possessively around her neck... God i love this... Our sex is always passionate and almost always possessive... I love it when she tells me who she belongs to, mind body and soul... She is my world... I never want this to be over. I always want to be buried inside of her... If it was possible i would never leave this room... I would always have her wrapped around my cock to keep it nice and warm in her tight and wet little pussy...

I tighten my hand around her neck a little more as i keep pounding into her... She lets me... Her trust in me never wavering for one second... "Such a good fucking girl... Always taking me so good... Always letting me do whatever i want..." I murmur in her ear over and over again as i keep slamming into her. And when she comes around my cock i let go watching her eyes roll in the back of her head, the rush of oxygen to her brain making her come even harder...

Before she even gets out of her daze and with her orgasm still racing through her body i flip her over... God that ass is perfect... So round and supple a perfect handful... I lift her up by her hips her ass sticking out as she is still panting laying on her chest her hands gripping the sheets...

I grab her ass spreading her cheeks a little smirk on my face... I let a drop of spit drip between those perfect cheeks, and she moans... I circle her little puckered hole with my finger. She whimpers as i slide my dick back in as i push my thumb in her tight little hole... My little freak... Always ready to take me however i want... I snap my hips forward burying myself deeper inside of her as i push my thumb in further...

"Fuck Christopher... feels so good..." She whimpers and i take in a sharp breath... "God i love it when you say my full name baby girl..." I growl and start to fuck her hard.... I grunt and groan as i keep slamming into her over and over again while my thumb fucks her asshole. I lose control, i lean over her pushing her head down in the bed... She is totally giving herself to me... She is moaning and whimpering and after thrusting into her a few more times we finally come together with her screaming my name... God i love Vegas...

*** End of Flashback ***

I groan as my dick hard and uncomfortable strained in my Jeans... Just thinking about my last night with Mya has me horny and hard. If you would have told me, it would all go to shit just a few hours later i would tell you to fuck off... I palm myself into my jeans groaning... The last time Genevieve and i had sex was weeks ago... I had bought her a new car and that seemed to put her in a good mood... 

I sigh unzip my jeans i need a release in order to keep my sanity... I dip my hand in my jeans pulling my cock out. I start playing with myself wrapping my hand around my shaft pumping myself up and down throwing my head back... I close my eyes imagining Mya's perfect lips wrapped around my cock... Genevieve only gives me head on my birthday... She hates it. Mya on the other hand... God that woman loved it. She had this thing about doing it in the riskiest of places. She loved sucking my cock and God she was good at it... That woman loved to gag on my cock... She loved having me fuck that perfect mouth until tears ran down her cheeks... She loved it all... Gasping for air when i finally let her breathe... 

Mya didn't care where we were or what we were doing. When she was hungry for my cock she would just drop to her knees. Back stage at the Oscar's, while i was on the phone with my agent, mom or whoever... While i was driving the car... In the woods on our hikes... Even when i had hurt myself and was at the Emergency room... Saying it was the best painkiller you could take... I groan as i imagine my hand is her mouth... Those soft plump lips around my shaft as i held her hair in my fist making her gag around my dick... She would look at me with a twinkle in her eyes. Her nails would scrape up and down my chest and tears run down her face... The way she would hum before she would swallow my load not wasting a drop. I groan squeezing my dick a little tighter and picking up speed... All i can see is Mya... My mind i flooded by the memories of her and i together... I grunt, sweat dripping down my face as i am fucking close... I have to bite my lip to not scream out her name as i come hard...

I am still panting as i grab a tissue and wipe myself off... I sigh and look down. "Shit..." I mumble and sigh again standing up and walking to the bedroom to change... I hear Genevieve humming in the bathroom... Guilt washes over me, and yet part of me... Part of me would kill for her to be anything like Mya... Not just because of the sex... But because Mya was all heart... Unlike Genevieve, Mya didn't care about material things... I shake my head and scold myself for thinking this way. 

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