67. Telling Oliver

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Mya and i anxiously look at Oliver. We had just told him... We had sat him down after dinner... He sat on the couch while Mya and i were sitting across from him on the coffee table... We had told him we were going to get married... He had not responded yet... He was looking at us and i could see his little mind was spinning. I take Mya's hand lacing my fingers with hers as Oliver still had not said anything... It felt like hours while in reality it just has been mere seconds... But then he starts to smile, and he stands up and hugs us both...

I let out a sigh of relief... "Can i please be at the wedding?" He asks and Mya and i look at each other confused... "Of course, sweetheart... We are not getting married without you there..." Mya says and Oliver looks at us confused... "What makes you think you are not going to be there, bud?" I ask equally confused. 

He blushes a little and sits back down..."My friend Jason from school... His sister is going to get married to and he is not allowed to go... He said kids were not allowed at weddings..." He says and i smile... "Oh sweetheart... That doesn't count for all weddings... That is something his sister probably has decided for her wedding... That is not the case for all weddings... And definitely will not be for ours..." Mya says sitting down beside him pulling him into a hug... "Bud, we aren't going to get married if you are not there... You are our son... We love you and want you there..." I say and he blushes... "Besides i need someone to walk with me down the aisle... To make sure i dont fall..." She says winking at Oliver who giggles... I smile as i love the idea of him walking with her down the aisle... "We are going to get you a little suit just like your dad..." Mya says winking at me and i smirk... 

Oliver is now smiling from ear to ear... "Can Steve and Bucky come to wedding to?" He asks and the dogs both lift their head laying on their pillow after hearing their names. Mya chuckles as i sigh...  "We will see bud... We have to see if that is allowed... We dont know where we are going to get married yet..."  I say and Mya smirks shaking her head a little. "Sweetie... I dont know if the dogs will enjoy a party with a lot of people... That can be quite scary for dogs..." Mya says and Oliver nods... "We will see..." I say again... I know we probably will give in... I mean, how can i say no to that face... "But what do you think about your mom and i getting married?" I ask as we not really got an answer on that... He gets a big smile on his face jumps up and hugs me... "There you have your answer..." Mya answers smiling as Oliver says he loves it...

After our talk we had a family game night until it was time for Oliver to go to bed... I had tucked him in and when i walked back into the living room i smile... Mya had cleaned up, lighted some candles and was sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket... When she sees me, she opens the blanket for me to join her... I do and she cuddles into me... "Can you believe he thought he was not going to be part of our special day..." Mya mumbles and i sigh... "No... I can't imagine that day without him..." I say and she hums in agreement... 

"Can we get married soon?" She whispers and i smile a little surprised... "Nothing would make me happier..." I mumble and she looks up... I kiss her and she smiles... "Dr. Evans... I like how that sounds..." She mumbles and i smirk... "You are going to change your name?" I ask and she nods... "It is not like i am attached to the man i got my own last name from..." She mumbles pain washing over her face for a split second and i sigh... "I know... But you dont have to take my last name... It is up to you..." I say and she smiles... "Yeah well... I want to... But that means there is another thing we have to do..." She says and i look confused... "We have to make you officially Oliver's dad... Officially make him an Evans on paper..." Mya says and i smile... "I had not thought about that..." I say blushing... "I know... But i did, being in the hospital made me realize that if something would happen to me..." She says her voice wavering... "The idea of my for lack of a better word family..." She says the pain in her voice unbearable so i cut her off...

"Nothing is happening to you... And trust me if something did... I would fight for Oliver until i breathe out my last breath..." I mumble and she sighs... "I know you would... But if it does i dont want you to have to go to all the legal hassle..." She mumbles... I smile and kiss her again... "Well, nothing would make me happier than making it official... Although i dont need a piece of paper to see him as my son i agree that it has to be done..." I say and she kisses me again... "You are a great father... You know that, right...? That was never why..." She starts to say but i cut her off again kissing her... "I know... It doesn't matter anymore... You are both here now..." I say taking her hand and kissing the ring... 

"I can't believe we are engaged..." I say smiling and she blushes... "Sorry if i ruined it..." She whispers and i sigh... "No... You did not... I dont care how... You said yes. That is all i care about. You really like the ring? We can get another one if you..." I say but now it is her time to cut me off... She pushes me laying down and crawls over me... "I love it... It is absolutely perfect... Not too big and over the top... It is perfect just like you... Not too big and over the top..." She says teasing me before letting out a giggle a big smile on her face... "Not to big huh..." I growl sitting up, so we are now nose to nose... "No... Just perfect..." She hums hovering her lips over mine... I wrap my arms around her waist... "That's right baby girl... Perfect for you..." I say smirking and flip us over, so she is now laying underneath me giggling and squealing as i attack her by kissing her everywhere i can...

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