98. Good morning, my good boy

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I groan... I got woken up by this immense feeling of pleasure and for a moment i think i have one of my dreams again... But the more i wake up, the more i realize it is not a dream... The pleasure is real and when i finally open my eyes i see Mya... She is on top of me, naked as the day she was born... Her head thrown back her hands on her boobs massaging them as she slowly rocks her hips back and forth... And then i realize what is happening... She is riding me... I am inside of her... Fuck this is one amazing way to wake up... 

I groan and she leans her head forward opening her eyes... Her eyes which are dark and filled with lust and desire, a soft smile on her lips... I move my hand sliding them up her hips eager to touch her and she bites her lip... She takes my hands leans forward putting them above my head... "Goodmorning Mr. Evans..." She whispers in my ear and i smirk a shiver running down my spine... "Good morning Mrs. Evans... Oh it is a very good morning indeed..." I moan and she gives me a soft kiss... She lets my hands go and sit back up again her hands on my chest... She circles her hips and i groan as another surge of pleasure sources through my body... "Fuck baby girl feels so good... You can wake me up like this every day..." I grunt and she mischievously grins... 

I want to put my hands on her body, but she stops me before i can even touch her again... She tuts me... "No touching Mr. Evans..." She says this mischievous little grin on her face and i whine... "Not fair..." I pout as all i want is to just feel her... I want to feel her soft skin... I want to play with her tits and squeeze her perfect ass... 

She leans over me again planting a soft kiss in my neck... "Stop pouting Mr. Evans... Just be a good boy and let me play with you..." She whispers in my ear another shiver running down my spine... "Can you do that for me... Can you be a good boy?" She asks her tone soft and seductive... I groan her words making my dick twitch inside of her... She has me under her spell her pussy pulsing around me as she circles her hips... "Ye-Yes..." I stutter and she pecks my lips... "Good boy..." She praises me and i groan... "Just lay back and relax..." She whispers before pushing herself back up and circling her hips slowly again... 

I slide my hands behind my head linking my fingers together so i dont get tempted to touch her. I want to be a good boy... She is in control... I am surprised how much i like her telling me i am a good boy... I like it more than i ever would have thought... I normally like being in control... But this... This is new and exhilarating... 

She keeps moving slow...Circling her hips almost agonizingly slow... Her hands gliding over her body. She cups her boobs, and she plays with them... Massaging them, playing with her nipples... Soft moans escape her... My hands are itching as i want to touch her so bad... But i am a good boy... I won't touch her... Not until she tells me i can... Not until i have permission because i am a good boy... I am her good boy...

She lets her hands glide down her body, and she looks at me... Her hands glide further down onto my body up my chest... Her fingers circle my nipples, and a soft moan escapes me... She puts her hands flat on my pecks and i gasp as she digs in her nails a little before scraping them down... I arch my back the pleasure immense making me groan... 

Her hands glide up my chest again this time without the nails... I relax and close my eyes, but Mya is not having it grabbing my chin my lips forming and O... I open my eyes in shock... "Eyes on me, my little toy..." She hisses... She leans forward and kisses me hungerly still holding my face... I moan into the kiss and when she pulls back, she bites my lip pulling it with her a little... Fuck this is hot is all i can think...

"Eyes on me... Understood?" She whispers and i frantically nod my head... "Good boy..." She says patting my cheek and i blush and she smirks... "You like that? You like being my good boy?" She asks and i nod my head frantically again biting my lip... "Yeah you do... You like being my little fuck toy..." She says and pushes herself up and slams herself down again... 

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