114. A little accident

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We came home with Iris 2 months ago... It has been magical but also very tiring... I dont know how Mya had done this all on her own with Oliver... Iris is crying a lot... And the only thing that seems to calm her, is to put her on my chest or to put her in mommy's arms... 

Skin to skin is what she loves the most... The day we left the hospital as a surprise i had face timed Sebastian for the nurse who helped us so much... As calm and normal she was with us as shy she was with Sebastian... He talked to her for a bit and i think we made her day...

I did this because she came up with a way i could bond with my little girl... I love it... Mya did not produce enough milk after a few weeks, so we had to switch to formula Mya was not happy about it. But this made it that i could get up in the night with her to feed her and Mya could sleep... 

We finally found a routine that worked for us and the boys... They woke up in the beginning a lot when Iris cried and for now, we had move them at night to a guest room father away from the nursery... They didn't mind... It was like a slumber party every night...

Another thing that had changed is that we had officially adopted Kevin... We went to courts where a judge had finally approved of the paperwork... So, he was now officially Kevin Robert Evans... After the adoption we went to Stacey's grave so he could talk to her... 

We gave him some privacy, but we could still hear him talk to her... There was not a dry eye in the house when he talked about how much he liked living with us... That he was now calling us mom and dad and that Oliver was now officially was his brother... He even talked about Iris... His new sister... How much he loved us but still missed her... He told her that she was not forgotten... What Mya was doing in her name and that he even had a few pictures of her all throughout the house...

I dont know how but an officer brought the pictures by one day... They had cleaned out the house of his bio dad and found some pictures of his bio mom and thought Kevin might want to have them... I was happy that Kevin was not at home at the time because if we noticed that he still not trusts police officers... He was still going to therapy every week and he made progress but they said it was probably going to be a live long struggle... 

But overall, the boys are doing good, Iris is doing good, Mya is doing good... And as long as they are all good i am good... I love my little not so little family... 

"Dad!" Oliver yells as he comes running into the kitchen with the dogs in tow... I smile, but my smile quickly disappears when i see the panic in his eyes... "Kevin fell from the swing..." He says in a panic... The boys were playing outside while Iris and Mya were taking a nap... "Okay... I am coming..." I say and follow him outside... I see Kevin laying on the ground groaning and in pain. "Oliver, bud... Can you go wake up your mom..." I say and he nods and runs off... 

"Okay kiddo... Where does it hurt?" I ask him and he points to his arm... I can see there is something wrong as it looks off... "I am sorry dad... I wanted to jump off..." He groans and i run my hand through his hair... "It is okay kiddo... Things happen... Mom is coming, okay... She will fix you right up..." I say worried and then i let out a sigh of relief when i see Mya coming with Oliver... 

She does her thing, so calm, composed and 45 minutes later she is in the car with Kevin and on her way to the hospital while i stay home with Iris and Oliver... From what i understood his shoulder was out of its socket and needed to be put back into place... "Will Kevin be okay dad?" Oliver asks looking all sad and worried... "Yes bud... Your mom is going to fix him up... She is good at that..." I say smiling and Oliver nods... 

Iris starts to cry and i tell Oliver to pick out a movie so that we can hang out on the couch with Iris while watching a movie... I hope that we can kill the time until we know more about Kevin like that. I make Iris a bottle and sit down next to Oliver to watch the movie he picked... 

2 hours later i get a text from Mya... She says that they are going to put his shoulder back... Another 2 hours later i hear the front door and Mya comes walking in with a drowsy looking Kevin... 

"Hey..." She says kissing me after putting Kevin on the couch while Oliver and i watch him like he has gone crazy... "He is still a bit loopy from the painkillers..." She says smirking... She hands me her phone and tells me to watch the video... Oliver and i start laughing as Kevin keeps talking nonsense due to the effect of the painkillers... While we watch the video Mya grabs a blanket and tucks Kevin in... "Is he going to be okay though?" I ask and Mya smiles and nods before she kisses Iris and Oliver... "Yes... You could see the relief when they popped it back in... He has to take it easy for a while though..." Mya says and i let out a sigh of relief. She takes Iris from me and sits down next to me cuddling into me... I drape my arm around her shoulders, and she sighs... 

"That was a rude wakeup call..." She yawns and i chuckle... She cuddles into me with Iris laying on her chest and soon she is asleep... 

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