31. The kiss

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As soon as our lips touched it was fireworks... Fireworks exploding all over... Fireworks and butterflies... Fireworks, butterflies and passion... So much passion was poured into the kiss as if we wanted to make up for 9 years missing out... Alle the bottled up feeling and emotions poured into a passionate kiss... Her soft lips on mine just feels like heaven. 

For a split second she froze when i kissed her... But soon she melted into the kiss wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me as close as possible pulling me over her a little, setting all the fireworks off.  My arms wrapped around her holding her tight and close. Scared she would disappear, or God forbid i wake up again and this is just another dream.

Her soft moans setting my body on fire... She still tastes so sweet and addicting just like i remember. Her soft plump lips covered by mine in an all-consuming kiss our tongues exploring each other as if it was our first kiss all over again... The kind of kiss you only read about in romance novels... The kind of kiss i only could get from her... Purely because of all the love poured into it. But the most important thing... This time it was not a dream. This time i was wide awake... 

I kiss her all over her face kissing her tears away, making her giggle. "There she is..." I whisper combing my fingers through her hair and she blushes... "Well, that is one way to stop me from over thinking..." She whispers still a little out of breath. I smile and can't resist pecking her lips again... "Sorry... It was the only thing i could think off..." I whisper and she smiles... She caresses my cheek... "We have a long way to go..." She whispers and it catches me off guard. Does this mean? Does she really mean?  Please let it mean what i think it means... I scream internally to myself... 

"Even if it will take the rest of my life..." I say my feeling a lump forming in my throat as i feel myself tear up... "Even if..." I start to say clearing my throat as i feel myself getting overwhelmed. "Shhh..." She whispers and this time she kisses me, shutting me up... "Can we take things slow..." Mya whispers and i nod... "Like really slow..." She whispers and i smile through my tears and nod... "I will go as slow as you want me to... You set the pace..." I murmur and she giggles... 

"Does little Evans agree with that..." She whispers that little mischievous smirk on her face and i groan and drop my head in her neck... She giggles and i lift my head again... "I see a lot of cold showers in my future..." I mumble and she blushes but giggles again... "I dont mind throwing a bucket of cold water over you every now and then..." She whispers in my ear my dick twitching as shivers run down my spine and i let out a soft groan... "Do you need a cold shower now?" She asks... "Yes..." I mumble frustrated making her laugh. She cups my face with both hands and kisses me again... Fuck we kiss now... We kiss and it is fucking amazing.

"I was thinking..." She whispers and i smile and give her a kiss... "Sorry you were thinking..." I mumble but before she can even say something i kiss her again... She grabs my face just like she had done in my dream and i blush... "I was thinking... Maybe we could have a little sit down with Oliver this afternoon..." She says and i look at her shocked tears springing in my eyes... "Really?" I say in awe all excited, and she takes a deep breath before letting out a sigh... 

"Yes... But... Before we do so... I need you to think everything over..." She whispers putting her hand on my cheek looking serious.  "I know that this is going to sound harsh, and i am not going to say this to hurt you... But i need to be sure... Look whatever the future holds for us we dont know... Things can change... Things might not work out between us... We both have grown as people, changed... It might not work out... You never know... But when it comes to Oliver... You can't go back... Once we tell him he is your son, there is no way back... You are either 100% in or 100% out... I will not tolerate you breaking his little heart.  Oliver does not deserve that... He needs a father he can count on whether his father is with his mother or not..." She says with fire in her eyes... Her voice steady and clear... Once again i am in awe about the fact that when it comes to Oliver, she is clear. When it comes to Oliver, she had thought everything through... When it comes to Oliver, she doesn't pull punches...

"I dont have to think about that... I am in... 200%..." I say a big smile on my face. "Good... Because he starts to suspect things..." Mya mumbles and i look at her shocked... "He does?" I ask and she nods. "He was studying you while you slept..." Mya mumbles and i smirk. "That does not sound creepy at all..." I snicker and Mya shrugs her shoulders smirking at me... "Like mother like son..." She whispers and i laugh... 

"There is one other thing we have to talk about..." Mya whispers and i nod... "Okay..." I say and she takes a deep breath... "His privacy..." She whispers so soft it is almost inaudible. I take in a sharp breath... "I can't promise it won't come out... I mean if people will see us together, they will put two and two together... I dont know if you noticed but he kind of looks like me... a lot..." I mumble smirking but a little scared for what she is going to say to that... 

She sighs and gives me a comforting smile... "I know that... I know that it is mostly out of your hands... I know that trust me... But promise me you will ever do everything in your power to keep him safe and defend him with a passion when people talk shit about him because he is deaf... Because people suck and that will happen..." Mya says and i smile... "I will protect him with my life and defend him until i see blue in the face... I try my best to shield him from the ugly side of my life... The same goes for you... Even if it is not working out like you suggest. I will defend you... You are the mother of my child and even if we dont work out you will always be that... But it is not going to happen by the way... I am not walking out on you again... Not until you ask me to..." I say blushing...

"Good..." Mya says smiling and kisses me again... "One more thing..." She whispers as i was about to kiss her... "Yeah?" I say and she bites her lip... "How angry is your mother at me?" She asks and i smirk... "Not at all... She is excited... When you and Oliver are ready, she would love to see you and meet him..." I say and Mya grabs my face and kisses me passionate again rolling me on my back snuggling into me... 

We lay there for a while in silence sharing an occasional kiss before Oliver appears and we pull apart just in time... He crawls between us and shows us the animal video's he has been watching laughing hysterically. This is our morning... Cuddled up in bed until it is time for breakfast... 

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