35. I did a thing

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I feel being watched as i wake up... My eyes are closed but i can sense him... Oliver... He is close... Really close. And when i peek, slowly opening my eyes i get the scare of my life... "You snore..." He says smirking his face hovering over mine... "Fuck!" I let out and as soon as i said the word i slap my hand over my mouth knowing i fucked up... Oliver laughs hard that cheeky smirk appearing on his face... "I am telling mom...! " He says and runs out... "Great, fucking father of the year..." I mumble to myself as i roll on my back looking at the ceiling... In the distance i can hear Oliver yell... "Moooom Dad said fuck...!"  I look at the time and groan... 8 in the morning... Mya is not in bed anymore...  I can hear her scold him for repeating the word... It is funny... She used to swear like a sailor herself... Now she is scolding a 8-year-old boy for it. 

All of a sudden, the door opens slowly. Mya appears... She leans against the doorpost crossing her arms in front of her chest... But she is smirking... "So, teaching our son to swear, are we?" She says and i smirk back at her... "It slipped out... He scared the living shit out of me..." I say defending myself and she grins... "Let me guess you woke up with his face not even an inch away from yours..." She says and i groan and nod yes... She giggles... "Yeah well you have yourself to thank for that... He got your sense of humor..." She says rolling her eyes pushing her of the door post... 

"So, i did a thing..." Mya says and walks over to the bed and crawls in beside me... "You did a thing?" I ask and she nods... "I took your phone..." She says and i smirk... "Okay..." I say not caring that she took it, i have nothing to hide... No skeletons in my closet... No secrets... "You really should change your passcode Chris... Seriously... My birthday?" She says and i smirk... 

"You are right... I will change it... Oliver's birthday will do..." I say smirking and she laughs... "You are an idiot..." She mumbles and cuddles into me... "Your idiot..." I whisper and she makes fake gagging noises making me laugh. "You did a thing..." I say getting us back on track and she takes a deep breath... "I texted your mom..." She says and i turn towards her in shock... "You did?" I say shocked and Mya gives me a little smile and nods... "I have invited her for brunch..." She mumbles and i say nothing but just kiss her passionately....

"How long have you been up?" I ask as i realize it is only just after 8 in the morning... "Since 6... Oliver was up early..." She sighs and i smile... "You could have woken me up..." I say and she smiles... "I know... But i needed a little talk with our son... He told me about your little conversation when you tucked him in last night..." Mya whispers and i smile... "Thank you..." She whispers and i smile and kiss her again... 

She smiles back and runs her hand through my hair... "He asked if you had other family... He knows i dont have family... I told him a long time ago that my mom and dad were not really nice people and that is why they are not in our lives... He asked if your family are nice people... I told him your mom was amazing... That you have a brother and 2 sisters... " Mya says taking a deep breath... 

"When i told him about your mom he got excited... The idea of having a grandma is exciting to him... So... I hope you are not mad that i invited her..." She whispers blushing and i smile... "Of course, not..." I say feeling a warm feeling spread in my body. The idea that ma finally gets to meet Oliver makes me happy... "I texted her... After that we talked over the phone... She is excited..." Mya says and i chuckle... "Not only to meet Oliver, but also see you again..." I say and Mya blushes... 

"I am nervous... I dont want her to hate me..." She whispers and i sigh... "She does not hate you... When i told her what happened in Vegas... Well, she tore me a new one... She said the thing what even makes a grown-up child shiver... She was disappointed in me... Said she didn't raise me to be this much of an asshole..." I say and Mya sighs... 

"I could have put my own feelings aside and told you sooner..." She mumbles and i see the regret and pain in her eyes.... "Baby... I will tell you the same thing i told Oliver yesterday... We can't change the past... We are here now... We have to move forward... I have you and Oliver now and that is all that is important... No one is to blame... We both made choices we regret..." I whisper and she sighs... 

"It is just when i see you and Oliver together i can't help but feel so much guilt... I feel so selfish... I am a terrible mother..." She says with tears in her eyes, and it breaks my heart... "No... No, you are not... That boy is amazing and that is all on you... The fact that he is so open to me and so accepting off me is all you... Even if you did not tell me... Or did not tell him about me... You never told him a bad word about me either... You never made me out to be the bad guy even if you had every reason to... You could have been bitter and told him i was an asshole... But you did not... Let's not linger in the past but focus on the here and now... And the future... Our future as a family..." I say and she smiles through her tears... 

"How could i ever tell him anything bad about you... Up until that day we were perfect..." She whispers and i take in a sharp breath... I kiss her again sweet and soft... "You should get up... Get ready... Your mom is going to be here in an hour... I still have to make brunch..." Mya mumbles and i chuckle... "What?" She says and i grin... "Some things do change... You couldn't cook to save your life..." I say grinning and she giggles... "Yeah well... Being a parent, changes you... You will see..." She whispers kissing me before getting out of bed and walking out...

I smile and jump out of bed. I take a quick shower and get dressed... Ma is going to meet Oliver... I can't wait, i know they are going to get along great... She is going to love him... 

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