81. Wedding planning

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Another month had passed... A month in which a lot had happened, but it was amazing... Everything was just amazing... I smile looking at Mya as we are cake tasting... She was doing a little dance in her seat and i knew we had found the one... "Okay... That is the one..." I say smiling and she looks at me confused... "You haven't even tried it yet?!" She says and i smirk... "No... But that little happy dance you are doing in your seat tells me enough..." I say and she blushes... "At least taste it..." She says holding out a piece for me and i look at her squinting my eyes not trusting her one bit... She has this naughty twinkle in her eyes... "I am good..." I say not moving and she starts to pout... 

I smirk as she bats her eyes at me and i sigh leaning forward... I expect her to push it in my face but instead i just get a bite... "Just remember that i did not push cake in your face..." She whispers and i look confused... "So dont do that to me on our wedding day..." She says softly her eyes almost pleading... "Baby... I would never..." I say and she nods... "Good because i will divorce you..." She says smirking and i gasp feigning offence putting my hand on my heart... 

She nods and i smile and kiss her... "I promise..." I whisper before i wave over the baker and tell him that this is the flavor we want. We had already picked out a cake design.  We leave the baker to go next door to pick out the flowers. We had talked about what we wanted, and to keep it small and intimate but above all private we would do it at our new house... In the back yard... Our contractor assured us the house would be ready by then... Or at least on the outside. 

We of course hoped for a nice spring day but just in case we would have a big tent being put up... A tent that could be opened easily so it was like we were outside... But the thing i was most curious about was Mya's dress... She had gone dress shopping with ma and Sarah who had flown in just for that. I had gone tux shopping with Scott and the boys... Scott was going to be my best man and the maid of honor was Sarah her friend from Yellowstone... It was fun picking out a tux the boys looked so proud parading up and down in the store... 

As we talk with the florist about what we want i smile looking at Mya... She was in her element... She was loving this... A real wedding and i just loved the way she glowed... Everything was just falling into place... Oliver and Kevin were doing great... They got along so well... Oliver loved having a brother. He loved having someone to play with. He loved that they went to school together... Oliver loves my family, and my family loves him. Kevin had a little bit more trouble adjusting to my family... He was not used to all the kindness and above all the chaos that came with my family coming together, but he loved ma... Absolutely adored her... 

He had put on weight had grown and was a lot chattier and happier... He did great at school was more social and he and Oliver had a big group of friends. He was no longer the weird kid who smelled and always wore the same... He still missed his mom very much but slowly but surely was moving on... Every Sunday i would take him to her grave if he wanted to... We would put flowers on her grave and clean the headstone... He would have a little chat with her while i was standing back a little to give him some privacy... 

The biggest thing that happened was that his father had finally been arrested... He had taken a deal not because he didn't want Kevin to testify but because the evidence was so overwhelming, he would get a long sentence. They promised him protective custody in exchange for a guilty plea... Being a cop in prison would not be easy and he needed it so gave in... We were okay with this... He would go away for a long time. Kevin would not have to go over his trauma in a trial and as part of the agreement he would give up his rights to Kevin... This meant we could adopt him, but this was something for the future...  We told him when he was ready for that, he just had to tell us, and we would get the ball rolling. But that it was also okay if he never wanted to... It was all up to him... Either way we would be there for him forever... Even if he never would call us mom and dad, we would be his parents... He is family now...

"I want white tulips..." I hear Mya say and i snap out of my thoughts... "Tulips?" I ask and she nods blushing... "I love tulips..." She whispers and i smile... "Tulips it is..." I say and the woman smiles... After making a plan we leave and i have one more thing we have to do right now... I take her hand as she wants to walk back to the car... I shake my head and lead her to the jeweler down the street... "We need to pick out wedding bands baby..." I say and she blushes... "I was thinking..." She says and pulls out her phone... "I had seen something really cute and a way to include both boys in the wedding..." She says and i smile as she shows me a picture of two boys in tuxes each carrying a case that says ring security... "I love it..." I say and Mya smiles... "I can walk down the aisle myself... I rather have both boys included..." She says and i smile... 

I kiss her hand over the ring before holding the door open for her... We pick out wedding bands after which we go to pick up the boys from school... The best change that happened over the last month was that all the attention around us had died down... The statement had worked... For the most time we were left alone...

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