115. The manager...

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I am singing to Iris, bouncing her up and down on my arm trying to get her to settle... Everyone else is asleep... The house is quiet... The dogs are asleep in the boys' rooms and Mya is out like a light after a busy day interviewing for a manager for the shelter... 

She was frustrated as none of the applicants were up to her standards... She did however find a few lawyers and doctors who were willing to donate their time and work with her in the little legal/ doctor's office that was going to be build. After the late-night show so many people reached out to her offering their help... She has almost put a whole staff together but no manager just yet... She was planning on doing it herself at first but eventually decided to just be a doctor and have someone else deal with the day-to-day business of the shelter. So she would still have time for me, the boys and Iris... 

This made me happy because although i was so proud of her she was really busy lately and sometimes i missed her... But i knew she needed to find the perfect fit... I knew she needed to get this off the ground and to do so it would take a lot of time... And it was not easy finding the right people for it... She needed a strong, compassionate woman who knows how to take control but still knows how to handle thing delicately... 

Another month goes by and i am sitting in the kitchen with Iris in my lap while the boys are playing outside... Mya is having another round of interviews for a manager... The whole shelter is almost done. She is getting desperate... If she does not find someone soon, she will have to do it herself and this means she will be away from home more... I know it is selfish, but it is the last thing i want... But for now, i keep those thoughts to myself. I keep saying to myself it will all be okay...

I dont want to be that guy, i want to be supportive but i am starting to miss her more and more... All of a sudden i hear the door and when i look up i see Mya... She is smiling from ear to ear... "I found her..." She says all smiles and i look at her smiling back... "You did?" I ask and she giggles... "Yes..." She says smirking... "Who?" I ask and she looks behind her and steps aside... I look in shock when Sara and Tyler walk in... "What the?" I say in shock and stand up with Iris who is now sleeping in my arms... 

Mya takes Iris from me kissing her little forehead hugging her tightly as i hug Sara and Tyler who are all smiles to... "Better get used to us Evans... We are moving to Boston..." Tyler says smirking and i am just floored... 

"How... When..." I say absolutely in shock as i look between Sara and Mya...  "We will give you 2 a minute to talk while we go say hi to the boys..." Sara says winking at Mya and takes Iris from Mya's arms and they walk outside being met by screaming from two boys who are just as surprised as i am...

"I dont understand..." I say a little dazed and Mya giggles... She takes my hand and i let her lead me to the living room... She sits me down on the couch and slides in my lap kissing me... "I know you were having a hard time lately... You know with me being so busy" She says and i take a deep breath... "Baby... I..." I start to say but she kisses me again shutting me up... "I might have been busy and did not have the time for you i normally have. But that doesn't mean i did not notice..." She whispers and i turn bright red... "I am sorry... I know this is what you are passionate about..." I say and she smiles and kisses me again... "Yeah... I am... But i am passionate about you and our kids to..." She says and i smile... 

"Did you remember two weeks ago when i was on the phone with Sara?" She asks and i nod... "Well, they were looking for a change... Sara works in the diner, but she is a nurse originally... Tyler... Well Tyler lived his whole life in Yellowstone... But when i told them about my manager problem they talked long and hard about it at home and well... She called me back and applied..." Mya says and i take a deep sharp breath and start to smile even more... 

"It is perfect really... I know i can trust her... I know that she sees what i want to do with this place... I know she can handle it..." Mya says and kisses me again... "But what about Tyler... He loves Yellowstone..." I mumble and Mya giggles... "Yeah... But like i said they were looking for a change... And he loves Sara more... We had a long talk today and with the promise that they could take 4 weeks in the year off to go back to Yellowstone, they agreed... They liked Boston when they visited and are excited for a new chapter... Tyler is going to be my handy man... I know i can trust him... I know he will be mindful and respectful of the women in the shelter..." Mya says and i smile... 

There is a knock and Sara walks in with a crying Iris... "I think someone is hungry..." She says and Mya smiles and gets off my lap... Mya disappears in the kitchen with Iris and Sara smiles at me... "So... What do you think?" Sara asks me and i smile... "I am a little stunned... I think you both have to set clear boundaries to work together... But i think it is great..." I say still a little stunned and Sara chuckles... "I know... We are going to make a good contract... We both know that working for her will be different than just being friends... But i think we can do it..." She says and i smile... "I think so to...  I really think it is great...." I say and she smirks... 

"You are going to get so sick of us..." She says hugging me and i laugh and hug her back... "Nah... I know Mya is going to love having you close... I am going to love having you close... The boys are going to be over the moon and i love the fact you will be close to see Iris growing up..." I say and she nods... "Yeah... We missed the boys and love to be around Iris..." She says and i smile...

The rest of the day was chaotic and after a chaotic family dinner we all sat in the living room for a game night... I smile and look around as Mya is tucked into me... Iris is upstairs asleep, and the boys are having big smiles on their faces... I kiss Mya's temple and she looks back at me smiling... "Are you happy?" She whispers and i smile and nod... "Very happy..." I whisper back and kiss her again...

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