103. Baby news and cupcake fights...

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I look at Mya with a little smirk on my face... We just had dinner and it was time for dessert... It was a typical family dinner... A lot of chaos, laughter and just good food and fun. Sara and Tyler fit in perfectly... They are just as crazy as my family... It is nice... It is what i always have dreamed off... A family with these big family dinners celebrating all the milestones... Even if the family didn't know it yet...  

The boys were all giddy they had helped making the cupcakes for dessert by decorating them with blue and pink sprinkles and these little candy babies and diapers Mya had bought... It was a nice way to include the boys into the announcement... The boys were excited... Even Kevin had come around about the baby and embraced the idea... Or maybe it was because they were going to have a day off from school tomorrow... Either way they had fun decorating the cupcakes... 

"Okay boys come help it is time for dessert..." I say walking to the fridge... I had just cleared the table so we could have dessert. Mya wanted to help but i had put her back down she had been cooking for everyone so no cleaning duty for her...  Oliver and Kevin jump up... "So, the boys made a special dessert..." Mya explains and i smirk as the table erupts in ooohs... Dessert is always a family favorite... It was a bit of an unwritten rule that the kids would make desert...

"Careful..." I say to Kevin and Oliver as they carry the little boxes with cupcakes to the table one by one... They each were in a separate container to keep it a surprise... "You can't open them just yet... You all have to open them at once..." I say and everyone looks confused but does not open the little boxes... 

After everyone got a dessert i sit down next to Mya putting my arm around her shoulder... We look at each other smiling. "Okay... You can open them..." I say and everyone excitedly opens their own little box... 

Mya lays her head on my shoulder a smile on her face while we watch the whole thing unfold. We watch everyone get confused... Sara is the first one who seems to make the connection... "OMG!!! OMG!!!" She squeals jumping up and running over to Mya and hugging her... We both laugh and then it seems to click with the rest... Everyone erupts and i can't help but smile as i get hugged and congratulated. The boys get hugged to with compliments about the cup cakes and that they will be amazing big brothers... 

But then i see ma who is still sitting in her chair crying... I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "Are you okay?" I ask wrapping my arm around her shoulder pulling her into me and she nods... "I am good sweetheart..." She says patting my knee and i smile. "Then why are you crying?" I whisper and she chuckles... "Happy tears sweetheart... I am just so happy... And so proud of you..." She whispers patting my cheek and i blush letting out a chuckle... "Mya is doing the hard work ma... I just contributed for a minute..." I say smirking and she scoffs... "Christopher...!" She scolds me and i laugh... "I am proud because you turned into such a good man..." She says and i blush... "That is all thanks to you ma..." I say kissing her cheek and now it is ma who blushes... 

"Sometimes i just can't believe that all this is real... Not too long ago you were with that god awful woman..." She says and i groan as the thought of that alone makes me sick and i just want to forget that part of my life... She smiles and pats my cheek again... "But now... You have the most wonderful wife. Your soulmate... The most amazing kids and a beautiful home... 2 cute dogs and just an amazing family life..." She says and i smile... 

"Thanks ma..." I say and she pats my cheek again... "My boy is all grown up..." She jokes and i role my eyes... Then i see it out of the corner of my eye... Scott pushes cupcake in both of the boy's faces laughing his ass off... The boys are covered in frosting and squeal wiping it off... But then they look at each other and dont hesitate as they each grab a cupcake off the table and start chasing him through the house... Everyone laughs as it looks hilarious. Scott screaming his lungs out begging for someone to help him that he is wearing Gucci, and it will be ruined... But no one steps in... He should have thought of that before covering the boys in cupcake... 

The dogs run after them loudly barking wanting to be part of the fun... I look a ma who smirks and looks at me... "Well maybe not entirely grown up... Go..." She says with an evil smirk on her face as she sees i am itching to join in... I jump up and grab a cupcake and run after them... 

Chaos ensues even more when Carly's kids join in, and we all chase after Scott who is running for his life... We finally corner him in the gym and i smirk... "No way to go, bro..." I say smirking and he laughs... "This is so not fair...!" He yells and i smirk pulling out my phone and start recording... "Get him..." I say and the kids dive into him tackling him to the ground covering him in cupcake mush... I can't stop laughing as i have my own cupcake in one hand and in the other my hand filming it all... It is a mess but i dont care... The kids laugh at him as they did not come unscathed out of the battle and are covered in cake and frosting to... 

The kids get up and i smile... Scott stands up smirking covered in frosting... He looks at me and i shake my head... "Dont even think about it..." I say laughing knowing damn well what he is thinking... "Ah come on bro... Just a little hug... Dont you want a congratulatory hug from your little bro..." He says and starts walking towards me... I laugh and make a run for it... "NO!!!" I yell running back into the kitchen were everyone is sitting down at the table... Mya is standing at the counter and i hide behind her... "Mya is pregnant... Careful..." I yell as Scott runs in... He stops and looks at me... "Pussy..." He growls and i smile victoriously... "Okay give me that before i get it all over me..." Mya says taking my own cupcake out of my hand that i had not used yet... 

But just as i think i am safe Scott starts to smirk and i am too late to realize he and Mya are having a conversation in sign language and Mya turns around planting the last cupcake full in my face... "That is your punishment for using me as a human shield..." She squeals... It is all over my face as she smears it out... She is laughing hard and smiling so proud of herself... The kids who had just run in after us are screaming and laughing... So are ma and the others... "You should not have done that baby girl..." I growl and grab her hips pulling her into me and she squeals as i kiss her with my face still full of frosting... I smirk into the kiss before rubbing my face over hers and she giggles trying to push me away, but it is no use, so she just wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me again a smile on her face... 

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