99. A relaxing morning.

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I am cleaning up everything from breakfast. Mya had done a little happy dance sitting on the bed when i served her... She protested when i wanted to go clean up but i was adamant on cleaning up myself... I was adamant on pampering her on our little honeymoon. Mya is sitting on the bed a smile on her face. She looks so content sitting against this big pile of pillows. It looks as if the pillows want to eat her alive... She is wearing my boxers and shirt... She had just called home checking on the boys who were doing great having the time of their lives with ma, Tyler and Sara. They were going to do some touristy things today with Tyler and Sara. I put the plates i had just washed away and dry my hands walking over to Mya. 

"How is our little nugget doing?" I ask crawling over Mya laying my head on her chest getting comfortable between her legs wrapping my arms around her... I let out a sigh as she immediately starts to run her fingers through my hair, her nails softly scraping over my scalp... God i love this... It makes me all mushy and relaxed... "Our little nugget is good..." She whispers and i peek up... She is looking at me smiling... I nuzzle into her and let out a sigh my whole body relaxing... Wherever we are... As long as i am with her i am home... She is my comfort, my sanity and my heart... She is my everything...

"What do you think our little nugget is?  A boy or a girl?" I ask murmuring... "I have no clue... What do you think?" She asks me and i think for a second... "I think a girl..." I murmur and Mya giggles... "You think? Or you hope...?" She asks me and i peek up again... "I think... I dont care if it is a boy or girl..." I say smiling at her... "A girl would be nice... But whatever gender i agree... I dont care... I just want a happy and healthy baby..." She says and i hum in agreement... "But it would be nice to have at least one other girl in the house..." She whispers and i smirk... "O i dont know... You are a good boy mom..." I say... "Ew... I hate that term... That reminds me of that TV show... What is it called? I am marrying a mommy's boy... Or something like that..." She says and i look up smirking raising an eyebrow and she starts laughing... "Yes, i get the irony... But you are not like that... Yes, you are a mommy's boy but not to that point..." She says laughing.... 

Mya starts to giggle as i lift her shirt putting my head underneath and kiss her stomach... I look up and she is not wearing a bra so i smirk... "Yummy..." I growl and kiss my way up... Mya giggles even more squirming underneath me... "Boobies...!" I growl kissing them sucking on them and she lets out a soft moan... I pull my head out of her shirt again and look up at her grinning... I push up her shirt so i am not constricted anymore and i take her left nipple in my mouth my hand playing with the right as i suck... 

She squeals when i release her left nipple with a pop putting my head between them motorboating her with a big grin on my face... "Tickles!!!" She squeals and when i am done i look up with a smirk as Mya is still giggling and squealing... "You are crazy..." She whispers wiping away the tears that were running down her cheeks from laughing so hard and i pull her shirt back down. I lay back down nuzzling into her. "Crazy about you..." I mumble and let out another satisfied sigh as she plays with my hair again... 

"Can i ask you something?" Mya says and i hum... "You can ask me anything baby girl..." I mumble... "Have you thought about names yet?"  She asks and i look up again... I blush as it had crossed my mind but i was a little hesitant to bring it up thinking it was maybe a bit too soon... 

"Tell me?!" She says all excited and i push myself up to look at her. "I thought Elliot if it is a boy... Nora if it is a girl..." I say blushing watching her eagerly waiting for her response. She puts both hands on my face and pulls me in for a kiss... "I like Elliot..." She whispers and i smile proudly... "Not Nora?" I ask and she shakes her head... "It sounds to me like a dog's name... Sorry..." She says blushing and i laugh... "Sounds about right... I am used to naming dogs..."I say grinning and she gives me a small smile but i can see the pain in her eyes and i know i fucked up... 

"I didn't mean it like that baby girl... I love the name Oliver... If we had been together i would have gone with you on that..." I say and she bites her lip her eyes watering up... "Hey, hey, hey... Dont cry... No crying..." I say scrambling up and hugging her... "Sorry... It is the hormones..." She says softly sobbing and i sigh...

"What were you thinking for names..." I ask trying to distract her... "I really like Elliot..." She says sobbing... "But you have to pick this time..." She says and i sigh... I know why she is doing this... She has been the one to pick Oliver's name and she wants to make it right even if she didn't have anything to make right... "No baby... That is not how it works... We pick a name together... One we both love... So, what do you like for a girl...?" I ask and wipe away her tears kissing her... 

"I like Violet..." She whispers and i smile... "Violet..." I murmur and to my surprise i like it... "I like it..." I say and she gives me a small smile. "You do?" She asks and i nod... "Well, we still have 6 months to go... We might change our minds... I changed my mind a hundred times before naming Oliver..." She whispers and i smirk... "Let's make a list..." I say and she nods now fully smiling... I go to grab a piece of paper and sit down next to her... I write the names down and throw the notepad over my shoulder making Mya giggle... "Okay... That is done... Now the next order of business..."I growl and start attacking her with kisses... She squeals and giggles again and i smirk proudly at the fact i have her smiling again...

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