48. Family

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Mya is picking nervously at her dress as we walk towards the house... So, i take her hand in mine to stop her from fidgeting and give it a little squeeze... "Dont worry. It will be okay... I got your back... You and me baby..." I whisper and she gives me a little unsure smile back... Oliver is running with the dogs to the front door... He was excited to see ma in her house... Or maybe it was the promise of the family photo albums... Either way it was nice to see him so excited to visit family... Mya is nervous... She had changed like a hundred times and still was not happy with what she eventually chose. She hated the fact that she didn't have all her stuff here yet. She looks gorgeous though.

In 2 weeks, we would fly to Yellowstone to pack up the house and she had to talk with her successor who was taking over her practice... She wanted to say goodbye to people. She had a life there and sometimes i forgot what she was giving up. So, we would stay there a few weeks. While Mya would work with her successor, i would do touristy things with Oliver and a guy named Tyler because the last thing that Mya wanted was me and Oliver being eaten by a bear... Her words not mine. Having seen one right outside of the window of the hotel i stayed at i agreed and Tyler would be our guide if we felt like doing any outdoorsy stuff... 

The front door opens, and ma appears smiling... "Hello sweetheart..." She says and hugs Oliver who hugs her back... "Who are these two?" She asks pointing at the dogs and i can hear Mya softly giggle as we join them... "That is Steve! my dog... And that is Bucky! mommy's dog!" Oliver explains and ma looks at me raising an eyebrow... "Dont look at me... I did not name them..." I say and she chuckles. "They are good boys." Oliver says all excited and ma smiles... "Well, let's get you all inside and meet Chris his brother and sisters... They are all really excited to meet you..." Ma says to Oliver and he gets a little shy... 

"Mom..." He says turning around and Mya smiles... "It is okay sweetie... I am here..." She says and Mya hugs ma... When they pull back ma holds her at arm's length... "Something is different about you..." She says and Mya looks confused... "What?" She asks and ma shakes her head... "Dont know can't put my finger on it..." She whispers... "Ooookay that is enough... No more freaking Mya out more then she already is..." I whisper and push them inside... I quickly hug ma and we make our way to the kitchen were everyone is already sitting around the kitchen table chatting... 

Oliver is now holding Mya's hand hiding in her side while i have my arm around her shoulders... "Look who are here..." Ma says and 3 sets of eyes focus on us... God why does this feel so awkward... "Mya!" Scott yells standing up almost toppling his chair over and he pulls her into a hug.... Oliver lets her go and hides behind me... "Hi Scott..." Mya says softly hugging him back and i smile... I look at Oliver who seems a bit anxious now to... "It is okay bud..." I say running my hand through his hair. 

"Ooooh we missed you..." Scott says not letting Mya go and when they finally do pull apart, they both have tears in their eyes. But when they look at each other they both start to chuckle i know that Scott and Mya are good that is one now the other two... "You must be Oliver..." Scott says turning to Oliver and i smile as he peeks out from around me and nods... "I am Scott... Your uncle..." He says getting down to his level and i smile as Carly is now hugging Mya... 

Carly and Mya whisper some things to each other but i can't make out what. But they are both smiling and teary eyed so i guess it is something positive... I look over at Shanna and i can see she is in limbo. I give her a nod, and she walks over and i hold my breath as she is looking at Mya after Carly had let her go. 

"Hey Shanna..." Mya says and i think i speak for all as she surprises us all and pulls Mya in for a hug... Everybody smiles... Scott is talking with Oliver about the dogs petting them. The dogs seem to find all this attention amazing sitting patiently as they are being petted.  Oliver tells their names, and everyone laughs as i smirk... "For the record... I did not name them..." I say and take a deep breath. 

After my sisters had said hi to Oliver, we sat down... Oliver crawled in my lap still feeling a bit insecure with all the attention on him, Steve lays his head in his lap to comfort him... "You look just like your dad..." Carly says to him and he blushes... "Sweetie why dont you go play in the back yard with Steve and Bucky..." Mya says and everyone chuckles... "I'll come with you if you like..." Scott says and i smile as he shyly nods... "Come on..." Scott says and Oliver follows him outside... Mya takes a deep breath waiting for what is to come and i take her hand in mine... "Okay... Let it all out... Let me have it..." Mya whispers catching me off guard and my sisters and mother look confused... Even Shanna seems confused by it... 

"There is nothing to say other that we are happy to see you again." Carly says and Mya raises an eyebrow... "Yeah... To be honest i was a little skeptical at first... But i am going to stay out of it... My brother is a big boy now... He doesn't need us to hold his hand anymore..." Shanna says smirking at me and i let out a sigh of relief... "If he is okay with it all... Who am i to hold a grudge..." Shanna says and i see a little flash of hurt on Mya's face... Shanna seems to notice to, and she sighs... "I only looked at it from Chris's side first... But the more i thought about it the more i understood you were in a difficult and painful situation to... Yes, i have mellowed with age..." She says and Mya gives her a little smile... I squeeze her hand and smile at her. 

"Look i get this was a shock for everyone... I know it was not all on Chris i am partly to blame to... But..." Mya starts to say but ma steps in... "No... We are not doing this... We are not dreading on the past or on what happened... We are not going to dissect everything to find out who was the most at fault... Who said what who did what and so on... I won't have it... You are here... Oliver is here... It is not healthy to life in the past and it is none of our business... You two are working on it and we are here to support you both in any way you need... Because we love you and are just happy you are back... You both are family and that is it." Ma says and i smile but Mya wipes away a tear... "Thank you..." She mumbles and Carly winks at me. 

"That means a lot... Because..." Mya says taking a deep breath and she glances at me and i nod a big smile appearing on my face... "Because i have sold my house in Yellowstone and moving back with Oliver..." She says and ma and my sister's squeal. Ma jumps up and hugs Mya kissing her cheek making her giggle... "Yep they are moving in with me... But we are going to look for a new place together..." I say proudly... It is all smiles, and all the tension seems to be broken...

All of a sudden Oliver runs in squealing and giggling... "Dad help! Uncle Scott is chasing me..." He squeals crawling in my lap, and everyone laughs again as Scott runs in too followed by the dogs who are barking, and it is chaos... I can't help but smile as it is beautiful chaos... "Damn that kid is fast..." He says breathing heavy... But he then looks around the room confused as it is a mixture of smiles and happy tears... "What? What did i miss?" He says and i smile... "We were just telling about Mya and Oliver moving back to Boston and in with me..." I say and Scott's face lights up... 

"Hell yeah!!! Oh, i am so excited... We can have our brunches again... God i remember the last time... Chris had to come pick us up, as we had gotten so..." Scott starts to say but then looks at Oliver with big eyes... "Happy... We got so Happy..." He says and Mya and my sisters laugh while i just smirk... "He meant drunk... Didn't he..." Oliver asks me softly and i laugh even harder... "Yes... Mommy and uncle Scott were drunk..." I whisper and he giggles... "I saw mommy drunk once... With auntie Betty... Uncle Tyler had to help them both in bed... It was funny..." He whispers and Mya turns bright red while i just smirk at her... "It was my birthday... Betty insisted that she and i go drinking at the bar... I didn't drink for 5 years before that..." She says and i just smirk at her... "I learn something new every day..." I grin. 

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