65. What is this?

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As soon as Mya told me she had taken out her implant i had gone feral... I had her pinned between me and the wall her legs wrapped around waist... My hand around her throat as kept desperately pounding into her growling in her ear how i was going to put a baby in her... Her hands on my back digging in as she moaned in my ear...

I was telling her i was going to fill her with my cum and put a baby in her... Her moans only egging me on... "Going to make you a mommy again... Going to fill that perfect pussy with my cum... Make your belly swell with my baby..." I growl... "Yes... Chris..." She moans and i smirk... "Everyone will know who you belong to... All mine..." 

"Yes yours... All yours..." She whimpers as i just snap my hips forward. When i finally fill her up finding our releases i dont move... I stay buried deep inside of her. She giggles... "You know it probably won't happen on the first try right..." She whispers kissing me and i smirk... "You never know..." I say grinning and she kisses me again... "It might take some time seeing as i just took it out this morning..." She mumbles and i smile... "Did you do it yourself?" I ask looking at the stitch not knowing if i should be impressed or disturbed... She nods and i chuckle... "You are crazy..." I whisper and she blushes... "Yeah... But i am your crazy..." She whispers and i smile and nod... "All mine..." I say and finally pull out and put her on her feet... 

We finish our shower and as we were drying off i look at Mya smiling... "So, i was thinking... Maybe Oliver could have a little sleep over with ma... Or Carly..." I say with a grin on my face and Mya giggles... "Why...?" She asks all innocently but that mischievous twinkle in her eyes... I chuckle. I pull her against me my hands on her lower back holding her close and i peck her lips before sliding my hands down to her ass giving her a little squeeze... "Oh i dont know... We could reinstate our naked Sunday's..." I mumble and she giggles running her hands up and down my back making me shiver as her nails scrape over my skin... 

"I like the sound of that..." She mumbles and i smirk... "I will call ma... She would love to take him for a night..." I say and Mya smiles... "Okay... But if he is not comfortable and wants to come home, not matter how late..." Mya says looking a little worried and i nod... "Then we go and pick him up... We will tell ma all about his rituals... She will be happy to accommodate him... She had been asking for some time with him..." I say and she nods... "I know he will be safe with her... I know she will do everything to make him feel comfortable... It is just... He has never had a sleep over without me... I am just nervous..." She mumbles and i smile... 

While Mya is doing her skin care routine i get dressed in some sweats and take my phone with me to the kitchen to call ma if she is willing to have him for a night on Saturday... Ma is ecstatic, and a plan is quickly made... Saturday we will drop him off... If he wants to that is... We dont want to force him if he won't be comfortable sleeping somewhere else for a night... But it was now Thursday, and we had plenty of time to prepare him so i was optimistic... He loves my mother... 

After hanging up the phone i see movement in the corner of my eye... I look up and Mya looks at me white like a sheet wearing nothing more than one of my t-shirts. For a moment i think she is sick again... But then i see it... The little black box... "What is this...?" She whispers. My heart sinks... She had found the ring... "Did you open it..." I whisper back blushing as the box is closed...  "Sorry i did not mean to... I wanted to grab one of your shirts to wear... It fell out..." She whispers looking at me and i know she is feeling guilty... 

I smile and walk over to her and take the box out of her hand. "Have you opened it?" I ask again softly... "I... I..." She stutters turning bright red... I chuckle... "It is okay baby girl..." I whisper and she looks at me with those big beautiful green eyes... Those eyes i could get lost in. I cup her face with one hand and rub my thumb over her cheek... "Breathe baby girl... You got to breathe..." I whisper and she takes in a sharp breath... 

I open the little black box and the ring appears... I turn it to her... "What do you think?" I whisper and she looks at the ring and then back up to me... "Do you like the ring...?" I whisper and tears spring in her eyes as she slowly nods... "I had not planned it like this..." I murmur and a tear runs down her cheek... "I wanted to plan something really special..." I continue... "I ruined it..." She whispers and i shake my head... "No baby girl... You didn't... There is only one way you can ruin it..." I whisper and i sink down on one knee... "Chris...." She whispers in a little sigh and i smile as i take her hand... 

"Mya Walsh... Mother of our amazing kid... Love of my life... I can't imagine my life without you... I dont want to imagine my life without you... I know it is fast... But i dont want to waste any more time, we have wasted so much already. I screwed up once... And i am not planning on doing that again... You are it for me... I have never been happier then when i am with you... With you and Oliver...  I want to spend the rest of my life with you... I want to grow old with you... I want your beautiful smile to be the first thing i see when i wake up... And the last thing i see before i close my eyes at night... Let's do it right this time... So... Mya Walsh... Will you do me the incredible honor by marrying me... again..." I whisper an anxious smile on my face. She chuckles with tears in her eyes and drops down on her knees cupping my face and kissing me... 

When she pulls back i smile as we wipe away each other tears... "Dont cry, baby..." I whisper and she chuckles as she wipes away another tear rolling down my cheek... "Baby... I dont want to rush you... But i think this is the part where you give me an answer..." I whisper and she kisses me again smiling through her tears... 

"Chris... I dont even have to think about that... You know what my answer is going to be... For 9 years i lived for our son... I had given up on love... I had come to terms with the fact that i would never have what we had again... No one would compare to you... So, i didn't even try... When you showed up in Yellowstone my whole world was turned upside down... But God it was the best thing that ever happened to me... To Oliver... I feel alive again... He loves you... And you are an amazing father... You embraced him... I always thought that i was happy and part of me was. I mean how can i say that our son did not make me happy... I thought that Oliver was enough... I had part of you... I resided in the fact that that was all i would have of you... But then you showed up... And all those feelings came back, hitting me like a ton of bricks... I cried reading your letter... A part of me woke up... A part that had been asleep for 9 years. I tried to fight it... But i was defenseless...  You and Oliver make me happy... So... Christopher Robert Evans... Father of our amazing son... Love of my life... Nothing would make me happier than waking up and falling asleep next to you every day for the rest of our lives..." She says tears once again streaming down her face and i can't help but cry to... 

"So... Yes... Yes, i will marry you... Again..." She whispers and we both chuckle... I crash my lips on hers again and she wraps her arms around my neck pushing us over. I laugh when we fall to the floor... I take her hand as she lays on my chest and take the ring out of the box sliding it around her finger... I kiss her hand over her ring... She looks at it and smiles... "It is perfect... This was perfect... Better than anything you could ever have planned..." She whispers and i smile... "Yes, you are perfect..." I mumble and she blushes hiding her face in my chest... 

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