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I had just landed back in Boston after 4 days in LA... I had flown to LA for a meeting with the original 6... It was an unofficial meeting... We just wanted to talk it over the 6 of us face to face... To see what we all thought... We all had had a meeting with Marvel before that... Mya, the boys and Iris had stayed home... The boys had school and Mya's shelter was now open for 2 weeks... She already had 6 occupants... It was just heartbreaking that the shelter was needed and that in first 3 days they already had 3 women living there... The shelter had turned out amazing though... I am so proud of her... She was busy but with the help of Sara was making it work... I had felt guilty for going to LA, but Mya insisted i go... She told me to have fun and that she and the kids would be fine... 

I walk through the front door and put my suitcase down... The dogs come up to me and i smile as i give them some scratches... The house is quiet... The boys are still in school... When they are home it is chaos... They are growing up way to fast and turn into rowdy boys... Rowdy boys with hearts of gold and i am so proud of them... The day before i left for LA we had Mya's birthday surprise party... She was surprised alright... The look on her face one of shock... The boys so excited that we pulled it off... With us being so busy we kept it small... A surprise party with just family and some close friends... The boys had made her a gift basket and picked out a bracelet for her... I had bought her a new car... A big SUV with enough room for the kids, dogs and everything else she needed it for... 

I walk into the living room and chuckle as i see Mya on the couch asleep... I walk over and kiss her forehead, and she wakes up a little dazed... "Hey baby..." I whisper and she starts to smile stretching herself out... "Hello handsome..." She says and takes my hand and pulls me on the couch with her immediately cuddling up to me... "I missed you..." She murmurs and i smile as i hold her tight... "Missed you to, baby..." I murmur back... "How was your flight?" She asks and i hum... "It was fine... A busy flight..." I say and she hums to... "I was waiting for you... But i fell asleep..." She yawns and i chuckle... "Have you been busy?" I ask and she nods humming... "We are up to 10... Only 6 more places and we are full..." She sighs... "I want to say that is great... But that doesn't feel right..." I mumble back and she nods... "Yeah... I get what you mean..."

"Can i ask how the meeting went?"  Mya asks and i chuckle... She knows the deal with Marvel but i had told her if she could keep thing to herself i would tell her everything... She had chuckled and promised... "We all going to think about it..." I murmur and Mya smiles... "Think about it?" She asks poking my chest... "I think you already made your decision..." She says giggling as she pokes me in the chest again... "Why do you say that?" I ask and she giggles and pokes my chest again... "They are harder..." She says looking up at me smirking and i blush a little... "Yeah well... I thought i would hit the gym just in case..."  I murmur and let out a sigh... "Something wrong...?" She asks. I sigh again... 

"Just missed you and the kids..." I say and hug her a little tighter... "We missed you to..." She murmurs and i laugh as she squeezes my chest making a honking sound... "They are bigger to..." She says giggling and i kiss her... "And here you were worried you could not get in shape again..." She murmurs smirking into the kiss... "Are you buttering me up for something baby..." I grin into the kiss, and she giggles again...

"Maaaaybe..." She giggles and bites her lip...  She starts to lift my shirt and i grin... "I think i have to see with my own eyes... It feels different... Now lets me see if it looks different..." She says and pulls my shirt over my head... "What is the verdict doc?" I ask and she lets out a soft groan... "Yep... definitely bigger..."  She mumbles as her hands roam my chest... "But i need to check one more thing..." She murmurs and her hand glides around my waist to my back and down... I chuckle as her hands glide in my pants and she squeezes my ass... 

I growl and kiss her passionately... "I feel a little objectified baby..." I growl into the kiss, and she giggles... "Oh not just a little Mr. Evans..." She whispers back... I smirk and roll us so i am now hovering over her... But just as i am about to kiss her, i hear Iris babbling through the monitor... We both groan... "Welcome home..." Mya giggles and i sigh and kiss her before pushing myself up... "I'll go get her... We will continue this later..." I growl and Mya looks at me smirking a big smile on her face... "We will continue this later baby..." I say and she nods biting her lip... "Counting on it..." I say and i start to make my way to the nursery... "Oh Chris... Can you get her dressed..."  Mya yells after me... "Got it..." I yell back and i walk upstairs with a pep in my step...  

I smile as she is cooing and waving her little arms around... When she sees me, she starts giggling and squealing... "Hello my little nugget... Daddy missed you..." I say and lift her out of the crib... I kiss her little cheeks making her squeal even harder... "You have to stop... You are growing up way to fast..." I sigh as i walk her to the changing table... I put her down and am about to take of the little romper when i see the text on it... 

"Big sister..." I mumble... Iris giggles grabbing her foot putting it in her mouth... "Big sister..." I mumble again... All of a sudden it hits me, and my eyes grow wide... "Mya!" I yell scooping Iris up and i walk downstairs not bothering to get her changed just yet... 

"Yeeeesss..." Mya says sitting on the couch looking at me with a smirk... "Big sister?!" I ask and Mya smirks... "You're pregnant?" I ask and Mya nods and pulls a pregnancy test from underneath a couch pillow... "Yes..." She whispers... Iris starts to squeal and i walk over to Mya who stands up... With Iris still on my arm i pull Mya in and kiss her passionately making Iris giggle and squeal even harder... When we break apart, she hands me the test and i smile... "Pregnant..." I whisper and she nods again... "Are you happy?" She asks a little unsure and i smirk... "Are you kidding... This is amazing..." I say and she seems relieved... "Are you?" I ask and she nods with the biggest smile on her face... "Over the moon..." She whispers and we kiss again...

"How are you feeling?" I ask and she smiles... "Pretty good... No morning sickness for now... My boobs felt a little tender and then i missed my period... So, i did a test..." She says smiling... Iris squeals and i smile at her... "You are going to be a big sister..." I coo at her, and she squeals so loud it hurts your ears... But Mya and i both laugh... "She seems happy about it..." Mya says and i smile... "Have you been to the doctor yet?" I ask and she shakes her head... "I wanted to do that together..."  She says and i kiss her again... "Make an appointment baby... Let's go see our baby..." I say and she giggles and nods... "Already did... Tomorrow morning after dropping the boys off at school..." She says and i smirk... "Now go change our nugget... Before she gets cold... She needs to eat..." Mya says and i smile... "Yes dear..." I say and look at Iris... "Let's get you changed missy..." I say and walk back upstairs with the biggest smile on my face... 

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