19. Closing a chapter

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After telling Genevieve that i didn't want to get married anymore everything went very quick... The same night she packed a bag and left. Where to? I have no clue and i did not care... But she had not left before telling me that i would die alone and that she never loved me... That the money was fun but i was a whiney little bitch who was too attached to his mom... It didn't even hurt... It really didn't... When she had said it, i had just walked over to her and smiled. I took her keys taking of the house key... Even though i was going to change all the locks i didn't want her to come back tonight... She looked at me shocked as if she really couldn't believe that i was going through with this... "I will have all your stuff packed up... Just let me know where you want it send to..." I say and i see a hint of hurt flash through her eyes... She had showed me her true colors and it made it all so much easier. "You can keep the car... It is paid off..." I had said giving back her keys. And she huffs before walking out the door...

As soon as the door had closed behind her i had let out a deep sigh of relief... I looked around... God i really hated what she had done to this place... I had called Scott and asked him if he wanted to come over for a drink... He did and for the first time in a long time i smiled as i grabbed a beer and sat on the couch not caring about the pillows or the damn coasters on the table... I giggled as a little schoolboy as i moved the beer bottle over the table leaving all wet circles behind... 

The doorbell rang as i had locked it from the inside after Genevieve had left meaning Scott couldn't let himself in... I smile and walk to the front door and open up smiling... Scott looked at me worried and i sigh... Scott stepped in and i closed the door behind him... "Scott... I get you have questions... But not tonight... Tonight we drink and celebrate..." I say and Scott looks at me... "Celebrate what?" He asks and i smirk... "That i am a single man again... I called the wedding off..." I say and grab a bottle of scotch pouring us both a glass... 

"What?! You broke it off?" He asks me surprised his voice sounded happy and i smile and nod... "Ma didn't tell you?" I ask confused and he shook his head and i smirk... "Huh... How about that... Some things can stay a secret in this family..." I say and Scott laughs as i hand him a glass... 

Scott and i drank for a few hours and i missed this as i could not remember the last time we had hung out together. We were getting shit faced and eventually everything came out... To say he was shocked was an understatement... But above all he was just happy Genevieve is gone... I dont think it really registered when i told him i had a son... He was just so happy that Genevieve was gone and too drunk to think straight. I found out so much more and i wish he told me this all before because she had been so nasty to him... If i had known, i would never ever have asked her to marry me... 

Like i said everything went quick after Genevieve had left... The next day Scott had helped me by canceling everything... He had been calling people on the guest list telling them the wedding was off... While i was on the phone with the venue and caterers and such... To my surprise some things were still easy to cancel and i got a refund. Not that i would have cared if i couldn't... It would have been a small price to pay for freedom... I did decide one thing though... All the money i got back i would double and put in a college fund for Oliver... Accessible to him when he was turning 18... 

After a day on the phone canceling the wedding Scott left and i sat alone in my office... I pulled out the divorce papers and sighed... I should file them but i just couldn't bring myself to do so... Not until i tried one more time... 

The next day i had called a moving company and texted Genevieve asking were to send her stuff... And with her stuff i meant practically the whole house... It all had to go... I hated it all and she could have it... She had ignored me and only begged to talk it out and give us another chance... When i texted back that we were just done and i had canceled everything the tirade started again... I had just muted her... I texted her back that i would put it in storage pay for 3 months and send the keys to my lawyer's office... I didn't want to see her again... She has gone crazy and as i could understand it a little seeing as to her this came out of the blue i didn't want anything to do with her anymore. 

So now 2 weeks later i am standing in a practically empty house and as it is empty i have never felt better... Even empty it had more warmth then with her stuff... I could finally smile in my own house again... Everything had been handled... I had handed my lawyer the evidence i had recorded just in case Genevieve would cause drama but i had been clear... One bad word and i would sue her for defamation and definitely would press charges for blackmail. My lawyer had handed her the key to the storage and made it clear to her that he would sue to the full extent of the law when she would pull a stunt... He told me she just looked defeated and after signing for the key she had left his office. My lawyer told me she looked defeated and i was surprised at how much i didn't care anymore... 

The realization hit how unhappy i had been... I had just put my head in the sand and ignored it all for way to long.... I really was ready to settle for something that was not good for me in order to have the life i want... A family... But i have one... Now all i have to do is win them over...  

All i need is some sort of plan... I know showing up out of the blue was probably not the way to go... So, i decided to send her a letter... Hoping that she would respond... It was worth a try...

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