11. Oliver.

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"Mama are you okay!!" I hear the boy yell inside of the house with panic in his voice... I hear Mya's muffled voice answer him... I can't quite make out what she says though... I am still standing at the front door frozen... My mind spinning and barely able to breath as the reality sinks in my body is trembling and the blood has drained from my face... And i feel sick... I really feel sick... Do i have a son? He looks like me that can't be a coincidence... And if i guess his age it could be possible. I dont know what to do as i just stand here in shock... Do i go in... No... I can't she will kill me... Not that i can move anyway... 

It can't be... Can it? She would have told me if she was pregnant... Right?  But deep down i know she wouldn't have... Not after what i had said to her before walking out on her... Oh god i left her pregnant in an unfamiliar city... I am a monster. Did she know she was pregnant when i walked out on her? No probably not... Certainly not as she would have said she was already pregnant and the whole argument would not have taken place or at least had gone different maybe even had a different outcome... I try to pull myself together, but my legs feel shaky and i have to take a few deep breaths to push down the nausea... He might not be mine. I might see things that are not there, i thought to myself even though deep down i knew the truth... I have an 8- or 9-year-old son... It was like looking at a younger version of myself. 

All of a sudden i hear movement and when i look up is see her... Mya... My breath hitches in my throat as she makes her way towards me... The little boy skipping around her. Her face is tense, and she is white as a sheet... Her eyes are focused on me... "See Captain America!" He squeals and Mya flinches at his words which i hate... I hate that she has that reaction to me. "I can see that sweetheart..." She says keeping her tone of voice emotionless. He does not notice but is just skipping along... Mya reaches the front door, and her scent immediately hits me like a ton of bricks... She still wears the same perfume, and it brings back the old feelings even more... Old feelings and comfort... God i want to step in and kiss her wrap her in my arms and never let her go. But i know i am a dead man if i do that... I once have seen her take down a man twice her size because he dared to touch her... I dont want her to kick my ass... 

I want to say something, but she holds up her hand shutting me up... The look on her face not one to be messed with... But her voice sounds warm and sweet as she talks to her son... "Oliver, sweetheart... Can you please go upstairs to your room for me..." She says and i want the world to swallow me whole... The man in her life... The man i was jealous off and deemed not good enough is her son... Our son... 

Oliver starts to protest, to being sent to his room... "But moooom! Captain America...!" He yells in protest jumping up and down pointing at me. It brings me back to my own childhood... In my mind there i no doubt... He is mine and i can feel my emotions starting to come to the surface. I have to take a deep breath to control myself... She turns to him and gets down to his level... "You can play your videogames for a bit.... Mommy is having a patient... She has to work for a little bit... After that we will go hiking just like promised..." She says running her hand through his hair... 

I smile at how she is handling him... She is amazing... Sweet patient and loving. He pouts a little. "But he didn't ring the doctor bell..." He whispers with disappointment in his voice and Mya sighs. "He was a little confused..." She says swirling her finger in a circle at the side of her head as if i was crazy and he giggles before letting out a deep sigh rolling his eyes groaning. "Give me a kiss and hug..." She says and he smiles kisses her cheek and hugs her tightly... She kisses his cheek a few times making him giggle...  "Door closed..." She whispers and he nod before stomping upstairs... 

We watch him walk up neither one of us saying a word. Then a door slams and Mya takes a deep breath and turns to me... Her eyes have gone even colder as she crosses her arms in front of her chest... "What are you doing here?" She hisses and the anger in her eyes is evident making me recoil... I have seen her angry at people but i had never been on the receiving end of it. I didn't like it... 

"I... I... Mya... Is he..." I say fighting my tears... "Answer the question Chris..." She spits at me... Now her voice is a little bit trembling. I can see she is fighting with everything she got to keep it together... "Mya..." I sigh again as all of a sudden i dont want to say why i am here... All of a sudden, the divorce is the last thing on my mind. "Is he... my son?" I say my voice hoarse and i clear my throat... She sighs and scoffs... "Please Mya... Please... Please tell me... Is he mine?" I ask taking a shaky breath. 

She steps closer and pokes me in the chest and i close my eyes... Although the touch is not meant to be loving i revel in it and a warm feeling where she touched me spreading to my body... My whole body reacts to it. When she starts to speak i open my eyes again... "Let me make one thing really clear Christopher... Nothing but absolutely nothing in this house is yours... I fought for all of this here... You gave up the right to call anything in my life yours when you abandoned me in Las Vegas... All alone to fend for myself... Alone crying on the floor... Broken... You gave that up when you threw my biggest insecurity back in my face just to break me, to hurt me..." She growls and all i can do is look at her in shame... 

"Mya please... I was foolish... Selfish and an ass..." I whisper and she chuckles... "Not was... Am..." She spits taking a step back and throwing the door in my face...

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