64. Guess

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A few weeks have passed and so much has happened. We bought the house... We were now the proud owners of a Victorian style fixer upper... We had hired a contractor who's specialized in restoring homes in their old glory... He was going to make a plan to restore the house on the outside and modernize it on the inside without losing to much of its old charm... It would take some time, but we were in no rush... Mya was excited and was already picking out paint colors.

We officially quite therapy after having a long talk about it... We just didn't like it... We are good and promised to keep communicating even about the hard stuff... No judgement no anger and if it was ever needed in the future, we would definitely not go back to her... We are just in a good place at the moment. We had this calm family life and the 3 of us were loving it... 

Speaking of family... Mya and i had a little chat... And we decided that when it was time for a new implant in 6 months, she would not get one... It would not be replaced... We would see what would happen... If it would happen it would happen... No pressure... But we both had talked about it and wanted to at least try... Oliver was not opposed to having a brother or sister which made the decision easier. 

The biggest change was that Mya had started working at the private practice... She was loving it... She fitted in greatly and came home with a smile on her face every day... I had started a new project and thank God it was here in Boston... I was not read to be away from them for a longer period of time... It was an animation project. Which means i could be home every night. We just had the typical family life at the moment and were all loving it...

Oliver had started school and was thriving... He had made friends and was loving his new school. When it was time for his 9th birthday, we gave this big party inviting his whole class... He had never had a party this size before and was loving it... We had taken them to this big indoor playground... He had the best time... 

Another big thing... I bought a ring... A proper ring this time... I think Mya will love it, oh god i hope she does... Now all i needed to do was think of a way to pop the question and hope she would not find it before i could... This time we were going to do it right... She was going to get the wedding she deserved... Maybe i should ask Oliver to help me pop the question... 

I wake up and it is still dark out... I look at the time and groan... 10 in the morning... Mya and i both had a day off today... All of a sudden i sit up... Oliver is at school... We have a day to ourselves... Or at least until 4... I throw the blankets off and jump out of bed... I hear the shower running and smirk... I push the door open and lean against the door post... I watch Mya humming washing her hair water cascading down her body... God she looks like a goddess... 

"Are you going to stand there and watch me... Or are you coming in here..." Mya says in a sweet sultry voice, her back still turned to me as she rinses out her hair... I smirk and take of my clothes stepping in the shower with her... I pull her against my chest and i plant kisses all over her shoulder and in her neck. She hums leaning her head to side giving me better access...My hands roam her body gently massaging her along the way and she leans into me... I run my hands up again and cup her tits massaging them, and she lets out a soft moan... 

"So, i did a thing this morning after dropping Oliver off at school..." She softly moans as i pinch her nipples rolling them between my fingers... "Oh yeah... What is that..." I murmur still playing with her tits and she pushes her ass back into me arching her back... "Guess..." She softly whispers before letting out a little gasp as i pull on her nipples... I can't help but grin as i can feel her nipples grow between my fingers getting hard... "So responsive to me baby girl..." I murmur ignoring her request to guess and she moans again... I let one of her tits go and slide my hand down her stomach down to her core. "Let me check..." I murmur and i slide my fingers between her folds... I can feel her slick spread over my fingers and i smirk sucking on the skin in her neck... She is putty in my hands... One hand teasing her core the other still playing with her tits... 

"You dont want to know what i did...?" She whines breathing heavy and i smirk... "Tell me..." I whisper in her ear, and she shivers as i flick her earlobe with my tongue. "You have to guess..." She says again her voice wavering... "Or i could make you tell me..." I growl and she pushes her ass back even more grinding into me my dick gliding between that perfect ass cheeks... We go quiet as we grind into each other my fingers rubbing circles on her clit our breathing getting heavier as my dick grows harder between her ass cheeks. 

"Where is the fun in that..." She moans trying to put on some resistance and i smirk... "You know... No one is home..."I growl pushing a finger inside of her making her gasp... "And...?" She says her voice soft. She gasps followed by a little moan her head now laying back against my chest as i wriggle my finger inside of her.  "I could make you tell me... No one is around to hear you scream..." I whisper as i start to fuck her with my finger my thumb rubbing her clit.

"Does it feel good baby girl?" I whisper in her ear, and she nods... I nibble on her earlobe... "Use your words baby girl... Use your words like a good girl..." I growl. "So... Good..." She moans wrapping her hand around my wrist holding my hand in place... "Are you going to tell me now..." I whisper and she shakes her head... "No... You have to guess... It is not that hard..." She moans as i dip another finger in... 

"Oh sweetheart... It is very hard..." I growl grinding into her, and she giggles pushing back and i let out a soft growl... I keep kissing her in her neck on her shoulder as i move my fingers in and out of her. The warm water still cascading over us... I keep working my fingers in and out of her... My free arm now sliding around her waist to hold her up and tightly pressed against my chest because i can feel her legs start to shake and her walls starting to squeeze my fingers... Her moans get louder as she begs me not to stop... The hand around my wrist tightens it grip to make sure i dont pull back... I suck on the skin in her neck marking her... She lets out some strangled moans her chest heaving up and down. 

"Tell me baby girl... What did you do..." I murmur and she moans shaking her head... "Tell me or i won't let you come..." I growl and she gasps... "Dont you dare... I won't tell you if you leave me hanging..." She whines breathing heavy sounding so desperate. I chuckle and hook my fingers inside of her making her curse under her breath... "So close... Fuck..." She moans and i smirk... "As you wish baby girl..." I growl not having it in me today to pull back...

Then she comes around me fingers her body going limp in my arms her head falling forward... My dick twitches as i hear her come and as i pull my fingers back i spin her around pressing her up against the wall... I put my fingers in my mouth smirking at her, as i suck them clean... She looks at me still breathing heavy leaning against the wall, her eyes dark a small smirk appearing on her lips... She takes my hand out of my mouth... 

And as she puts it on her arm slowly sliding it up i see it... A little stitch... How could i have missed that...I look at her confused and for a moment i am worried... "You are hurt?" I ask and she smiles that beautiful smile at me and lightly shakes her head... 

"I removed my implant..." 

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