128. Names...

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The boys are in school, Iris is with my mother who will also pick up the boys after school. We are at the doctor... Mya has another checkup... She is 30 weeks pregnant now and has weekly checkups.... Once a week someone would come to the house to check her there... She is stable and doing well, keeping rest and just entertaining herself... Sometimes she is having a bad day, and she wishes to have the babies out only to scold herself for thinking like that... I get it tho... It is taking a toll on her body and soul... Being stuck in bed or on the couch is no fun and would drive me a little crazy and cranky to... 

Today we are going to set a date for the c-section, and it is kinda a big deal. That is why we did not bring the boys. They are staying a few days with ma together with Iris as they are being kids and make noise that keeps waking Mya up who is already sleeping terribly... She loves them so much but needs a few days of uninterrupted rest... No number of pillows can keep her comfortable for long... And even when she falls asleep, she wakes up again because she has to pee constantly, and she is just irritable.  Tyler had picked up the dogs for a few days, so it was just me and Mya. So that i could sole focus on her and maybe catch up on some sleep myself as i was tired to...

But we are happy... The babies are doing well... Mya's health is staying stable, and the boys have full embraced becoming brothers to little brothers... Iris is fascinated by Mya's belly always wanting to touch it... The dogs are even more obsessed... All the worries we had containing the boys are gone and we know we will be all right... They really needed some time to get used to it all... 

We have picked out a nursery for the boys. Our doctor had put is in contact with another couple who had triplets because we felt a little out of our depth... They were so sweet and caring. Coming over to our house giving us tips and telling us what we could expect and what would work for them nursery wise... So, after that we did some online shopping seeing as Mya could not leave the bed... She and the mother of the other triplets really got along and texted a lot and i swear the delivery driver had become a regular at our door... So much so that the other day when he had to make 4 trips to the car to get everything, i had given him a few 100 dollars for his troubles... It felt only right... 

Tyler had helped me put the nursery together, painting and such while ma and my sister helped with washing the baby clothes and cleaning of the nursery and such... I dont know what we would do without all of them... 

We had had a few interviews with nanny's as it had finally sunk in with Mya that we might need some help and we had hired this guy named Anton... He and Mya had a click immediately... Not only that he was getting along with the boys and Iris to... He took the boys to the aquarium already and coming next week he would do the drop off at school and picking them up again... I just wanted to be able to focus on Mya who was needing my help more and more... She was huge... Not that i would ever tell her that as she would kill me... But she was gorgeous... 

We had our check up with the doctor and planned the c-section around the 36 weeks mark... The doctor did warn us that it would probably be earlier as most triplets are born around 34 weeks... But the longer they stayed put the better but that depended on so many factors... It had to be safe for mom and babies to stay put for that long... 

Like always after her checkup, we went to get ice cream. The staff already making our order as soon as we walked in as Mya always ordered the same... They knew us by now and were so sweet and compassionate... So honored that Mya's only outside trip other than the doctor would be to them... 

"So, we need to talk names..." Mya says after i sat down next to her eating my ice cream... I was about to say something, but she cut me off... "No! Be serious... It is not going to be Huey, Dewey and Louie..." She says annoyed and i shut up knowing that right now she is not in the mood for jokes, but still i can't help but smirk... She is getting anxious about names as we still had not found 3, we liked. The other day i had made the joke that if we really could not find names it would really be Huey Dewey and Louie and she almost bit my head off... 

We had agreed on one thing... We wanted each name to start with the same letter... The only thing this did was make it more difficult for us but as of right now that is what we wanted... 

"So, i was thinking... What if we do a name with an A for baby A... Baby B one with a B and C for baby C..." Mya said taking me by surprise... "We can do that..." I say and she sighs... "Or did you have your heart set on one start letter for all 3 boys..." She mumbles and i sigh... "I had thought of something..." I say and she looks at me surprised... "What?" She asks and i smile... "Finn, Felix, and Floris..." I say and she thinks it over for a second... "I like Felix and Finn... Floris not so much..." She sighs and i smile and kiss her cheek... "That is okay..." I say and she smiles... "What about Cooper, Connor and Colton..." Mya mumbles and i pull a face... "That sounds like frat boys..." I mumble and she giggles... "What about Ben, Billy and Beau..." I say and she thinks it over... "It is an option... I dont hate it..." She mumbles and i smile and pull out my phone and put it on the list i was keeping... An almost empty list... 

What about Alex, Ben and Cooper..." She whispers and i sigh... "It is the C names isn't it...?" She asks and i nod... "I dont like the way a C name sounds..." I mumble and she giggles... "Fine i will call you Robert from now on..." She says and i laugh... "We could just name them 1,2,3..." I joke and she sighs... "If we dont come up with something soon i am scared that is what it will be..." She mumbles and i kiss her temple... "We will find something sweetheart..." I say and she nods and finishes her ice cream... 

"William, Wesley and Walter..." She says and i think it over... "It goes with the bit of old-fashioned name theme we have for our kids..." She says and i type it on the list... "It is an option, i dont hate it..." I say and she sighs... "We still have some thinking to do..." she mumbles and i nod... "Now come on Robert... Take me home before my doctor will find me and drag me to the hospital for bedrest..." Mya says and i laugh... "Nope... That sounds so wrong... I am only used to hearing that name being called for me when i am in trouble..." I say shaking my head and she giggles...

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