44. Divorced and surprises

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I sigh as i look at the papers in my hand... It is official... We are divorced... It has been a week since we talked about it... The day after Oliver's operation i filed... It was the quickest divorce ever and now it was official. I dont know how to feel about it. But i knew it was the right thing... I know Mya had been right when she said it was not real... That it would follow us as a black cloud. It was time for a new chapter. A fresh start...

Oliver has had his operation and it had been successful. It had to heal before he could use a processor so for now it was all sign language... It was good practice but sometimes i had to ask him to slow down... He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact he only could use sign language but then again, he sometimes chooses to not wear his processor to have a hearing break. 

He was allowed to recover at home. The first few days after the surgery he had slept a lot. His head was bandaged, and Mya was keeping a close eye on him to make sure it would heal nicely... Ma had been by bringing gifts and my heart had grown a few sizes when ma and Oliver cuddled on the couch watching a movie with subtitles and the sound off... 

I walk into the living room and smile as Oliver is sleeping on the couch... He fell asleep while watching cartoons. Mya is in the kitchen sitting behind her laptop. She looks deep in thought and i smile as she is mumbling to herself. I walk into the kitchen, and she looks up. "It is official..." I sigh. She holds out her hand and i want to hand her the papers... "No, you idiot..." She says smirking letting out a sigh slapping the papers away... She takes my hand and pulls me sitting down next to her... 

"I know you are not happy... I know it hurts..." She whispers and i sigh... "I am okay... I know it is just a piece of paper..." I mumble pouting a little and she smiles... She kisses my cheek... "We both know you are lying right now... It is okay to feel sad. I am a little sad to... But i think i have something that will cheer you up a little..." She says and i look a little confused as i dont know what will... She turns the laptop to me... 

"What is this?" I ask as i look at the screen. She blushes and shyly smiles at me... "Just read it..." She whispers and i sigh and pull the laptop closer and put on my glasses making Mya giggle... "You got to stop giggling every time i put on my glasses baby..." I say kissing her forehead and she chuckles.... "Sorry... Cant... My sexy nerd... It gives sexy professor vibes" She whispers and kisses me making me blush... "Now put those glasses to good use and read..." She whispers and i sigh turning back to the screen. 

I read the text on the screen. It is an e-mail. "Ms. Walsh. We are happy to inform you that we just finalized the sale...." I read my eyes growing wide and i read it again. "Ms. Walsh. We are happy to inform you we just finalized the sale... of your house..." I whisper the last part... I turn to Mya in disbelief... "You sold your house?" I whisper stunned and absolutely in shock and she smiles and nods. "Why?" I ask and her face drops... "You are not happy?" She whispers now on the verge of tears... "Happy... I am over the moon... But... But... You love Yellowstone..." I say still in disbelief... "You are not happy..." She whispers and i cup her face and kiss her... "I am really happy... I just didn't see this coming... I had kind of expected moving to Yellowstone..." I murmur and kiss her again... "Chris... That was never going to happen... That meant taking you away from your family... You would have been miserable... Besides i want Oliver to get to know his family... That won't happen in Yellowstone..." She sighs and i kiss her again... 

"I was going to call Tara to help me look for a place here... I have a job offer at Boston medical as a general practitioner... I was thinking about taking it..." She says and i look confused... "Buy your own place?" I ask and she nods... "I thought... I thought you would move in here..." I say and she blushes. "Dont you think that that is to soon...? Do you think we are ready for that step?" She mumbles looking at her fingers and i sigh... 

"Is it too soon...? Are we ready?  I dont know. But why not try... What do we have to lose... We already wasted so much time... I dont want to waste anymore... Put the money of the sale of your house aside in case it doesn't work out... You can always buy a place if it comes to that... Hell i buy you one myself if it doesn't work... But please i just want you and Oliver here... I dont want to be a part time dad... I want to be a family... Under one roof... Change the house anyway you want... Hell we can buy another house together..." I say rambling and she smiles tearing up a little... 

"You really want all that?" She asks and i nod... "You, me and Oliver as a family..." I whisper and she smiles... "Well, you better call Tara to find us a house..." She whispers and my eyes grow wide again... "Really?" I ask and she nods... "We have lived together before... I know we can..." She whispers and i smile and kiss her passionately. 

"Chris..." She murmurs into the kiss. "Yeah...?" I murmur back. "Can we have a few couples counseling sessions?" She whispers and i look stunned... "Just to help guide us through all these sudden changes. To help us navigate it all... I think it could really help us, you know learn how to communicate and all that. Help us deal with the past to build a future... I want us to have the best chance at succeeding..." She whispers and i smile... "Yes... We can do that..." I say and kiss her again. 

Her suggesting to get couples counseling shows me she is really serious... She doesn't really like shrinks... She didn't have a good track record with them. She had one as a kid. She told me once that when she finally had gathered the strength to tell her about the situation at home. The therapist would not believe her... Instead of helping her that the woman told her dad which led to him beating her even more... He took her out of therapy and life after that was even harder... So, to say she wanted to go now. To work on our relationship let me know she took it seriously. 

"Wait when did you get a job offer?" I ask that bit of information all of a sudden sinking in... "I put out some feelers when i decided to sell the house... They have an opening for a general practitioner... If i want it... I can come in for an interview... They sounded really eager for me to come in for an interview... It still not a done deal and i have a few demands myself and that can probably make or break the offer... " Mya says and i smile... "They will be crazy to not hire you... Go for it..." I say before crashing my lips on hers again...

"I just can't believe you did all this..." I whisper and she puts her hand on my face... "I wanted to surprise you... I just wanted to show you i am serious about us... About our family..." She says and we kiss again... "Best surprise ever..." I murmur and she giggles as i pull her in my lap... Our divorce forgotten as this amazing news overshadowed all the sadness i felt earlier.

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