63. Therapy?

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We are sitting in the waiting room of the therapist. We were early because traffic had been in our favor. We had dropped off Oliver at Carly's. He was going to spend the day with his cousins. We were nervous... We had one session before and that was to get to know our therapist and for her to get to know us...  To get to know the situation... 

But we were also excited because after our session we would go to the house Mya had showed me... She had walked around the property when she came back from her interview yesterday and now, we would also be able to look inside... First, we had to spend another hour with Jennifer our therapist... Part of me doesn't want to be here... We are doing great... No fights and we have open calm communication... But i had agreed and did not want to go back on my word. 

"Mr. Evans... Dr. Walsh..." Jennifer says appearing out of her office... I sigh and take Mya's hand as we stand up and walk in.  "How are you both doing?" She asks and we nod... "Good..." We say at the same time. We look at each other and kiss her hand as we both smile... 

"Our first session you told me what happened and were you both were at now..." She says and we both nod... "I gave you something to think and talk about..." She says and i feel myself getting tensed... She had suggested on taking a step back and for Mya to get her own place with Oliver. To start at step one and start dating again... We had planned on talking about it like she had said but with everything that happened it had not come up... I was against it. I did not want to start over in that way... I did not want to date... I wanted to marry her... I wanted to build our life and i knew Mya thought the same... I mean she was clear on buying the house together... Not once she said something about her and Oliver living there... 

Mya squeezes my hand... "Yeah well we dont want to..." Mya says and i smile... "I get that... But in order to start over, i think it is for the best... So..." Jennifer says and i can hear Mya sigh... "It is not happening..." Mya says resolute and clear. I fight back a chuckle as Jennifer has no idea what she is up against... She is annoying Mya and rubbing her the wrong way..."We dont want to start over that far back..." I say and Jennifer sighs... "I get it is scary... But..." She starts again and i see out the corner of my eye Mya rolling hers... 

"For the love of god woman, it is not scary... We just dont want to be apart... We wasted enough time already...! We came her for some support and guidance with our communication... Not for you to tell us how to life... Our living situation is not any of your business... We want tools to build... Not to break down...!" Mya says annoyed and agitated. Jennifer looks shocked at her outburst. But then she shocks even me... "This is not it..." Mya says standing up and looking at me... "I am sorry... I thought this is what we needed... And maybe we do... But she is not what we need... We need someone who works with us... Not against us... Or maybe we dont need this at all..." Mya says letting out a sigh holding out her hand for me to take. I smile, nod taking her hand standing up to... 

"Now hold on... That is not what i meant... I can work with you both... I think we have a bit of a misunderstanding..." Jennifer says and i smirk as Mya shakes her head... "No, you can't... And there is no misunderstanding... Thank you for your time... But i think we will be fine... And if we need it in the future, we will find someone new..." Mya says and i smirk proudly... "Mr. Evans... Chris..." Jennifer chirps and it gives me the ick... 

"O dont bother... I agree with Mya... I didn't even want to come here today... I think the fact that neither one of us discussed this ridiculous idea of yours after our first session makes it clear that neither one of us want it... We are good... We talk... Not to mention the fact we have a kid together who would only be more confused if we do that... Confused and hurt as to why his parents decide to turn his life upside down... again..." I say and Jennifer looks at me with big eyes...

"Let's go baby..." I say pulling her out of the room and she giggles as we practically run out of the office leaving a confused therapist behind... As soon as we step outside the building i pull her in my arms and kiss her passionately... "Let's go and look at your dream house..." I murmur and she kisses me again... "You make me so happy..." She whispers and i smile... "You make me happy to... We dont need that quack... Let's just promise each other to keep talking with open mind and no judgement..." I say and she smiles and nods... 

We walk to the car and drive to the house... We are way to early so Mya pulls me around the house so we can look around the property. She was right the house is tucked away in the woods making it very private but i tell myself to have a fence on the property line. As private as it is due to the dense forest you can't see if people lurk around in the woods... It is indeed a fairytale house... It is bigger than expected... The property is bigger than expected... I have to admit i like it... The house needs a lot of work... That is for sure but i can see the potential... I can see what Mya sees in the house...

"Dont you just love the tower... I can just imagine a little cozy nook all the way up... A little space for the two of us... To relax and... Reconnect..." She says wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest as we look at the house... I smile and hum in response... "I can see that..." I mumble back wrapping my arms around her... 

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