72. I understand now.

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I had put Kevin in the bath... He let me wash him... His back was covered in bruises and when i see a few spots my blood starts to boil... This kid has been fucking used as an ash tray... My stomach turns and i get my phone and text Mya that she needs to check Kevin over to, explaining what i am seeing... She texts back that she will be right there... 

"Oliver's dad?" He whispers and i force myself to smile... "Yes kiddo?" I say and he takes a deep breath... "You are really cool... I wish you were my dad..." He says and i smile fighting my tears... "That is really sweet kiddo..." I say smiling and he blushes... There is a knock on the door, and he flinches again... "It is okay, kiddo... It is just Oliver's mom... She is a doctor, and she is going to take a look at you, okay?" I say and he nods relaxing again... I walk to the door and let Mya in... "Hey sweetie..." She says smiling at Kevin before she looks at me... "His back... Is the worse..." I say swallowing back my disgust... She nods and pats my chest... "You get it now?" She whispers and i nod... "Yeah..." I mumble... 

"Hey sweetie... Is it okay, if i take a look at you..." She says putting her doctor's bag on the counter... "Am i in trouble?" He asks and i bite my lip to keep my emotions to myself. This kid has been beaten and God knows what and he thinks he is the one in trouble... "No sweetheart... You are not in trouble... But you are hurt... And i want to make sure you dont need to go to the hospital..." Mya says and she gives me a nod and i smile at Kevin... "Hey kiddo... What is your favorite food?" I ask distracting him and he blushes... "Pizza..." He says and i smile... "Mine to... What do you say we eat pizza tonight..." I say and his face lights up... "Pepperoni?" He asks and i chuckle... "Of course..." I say and give Mya a kiss on her cheek before leaving the room letting her do what she has to... I order pizza and walk to the living room where Oliver is sitting on the couch with the dogs... I sit down beside him and pull him into a hug... 

"Dad?" He says and i hum. "Is Kevin okay...?" He asks and i sigh... "No bud..." I say not wanting to lie... "But he will be bud... Your mom is checking him out now..." I say and Oliver nods... "His dad is not a nice man..." He whispers and i sigh... God what do i say to that. "I know bud... But we will help Kevin and his mother, okay?" I say and he smiles and nods hugging me again... "That is what friends do... Help each other..." I mumble hugging Oliver tighter... I could not imagine doing to Oliver what has been done to Kevin... It makes me sick to even think about it...

I watch cartoons with Oliver until Mya appears with a dressed Kevin... "Where is mom?" Kevin asks looking around and Mya smiles... "Your mom is taking a nap. She was really tired..." Mya says and leads him to the couch... "You go watch cartoons with Oliver and Chris... I will go make you something to drink. I think dinner will be here soon..." She says and i smile opening my arm for Kevin to sit on my other side... He blushes and gets on the couch and gets comfortable cuddling into me... I smile as i sit there with both boys giggling at the TV... Mya winks at me and goes to the kitchen only to appear a little later with some juice for the boys... 

She tells me to stay put when the doorbell goes, and she goes to get the pizza's... The boys are excited about the pizza, and we eat in the living room. Kevin eats almost a whole pizza like he hasn't eaten in weeks. Mya has to tell him a few times to take it easy that he can eat as much as he wants and that no one is going to take his pizza away.  When it is time for bed Mya puts the boys to bed in Oliver's room... Stacy had not woken up yet and when Mya and i finally were alone she told me everything... 

It is even worse than expected... Stacy's husband is a piece of shit who beats and burns his family... The money she got for the video was to get away from him, to get back on her feet... Stacy had seen an opportunity and took it and hearing all this i could not really blame her... Mya had contacted a women's shelter but there was not a spot free for her right now... She wanted Stacy to stay here until there was... I agreed i could not in good conscious let her go back to that hell... To let Kevin go back to that hell...

Mya told me Stacy had the same wounds Kevin had... But hers were far more and some of them years old, Kevin's were fresh. When Stacy's husband started to do to Kevin what he had done to her Stacy finally gathered the strength to leave... She had been staying in shelters or sleeping in her car with Kevin... She preferred her car over the shelter as the shelter was not really safe... Her husband had cut her off... He had controlled her financially for years... Every dime she spent she had to be explained and if he didn't like it another beating would ensue... Having never worked a day in her life because her husband would not let her, she struggled to find a job and he did not allow her to take anything... This guy sounded like a nasty piece of work... It angered me... I just can't understand why someone would do this... 

Kevin had gotten into the school on a scholar ship... He is a smart kid eager to learn... "She only smiles when she talks about Kevin..." Mya mumbles and i sigh pulling her in my lap... "I can imagine what hell that woman lived in... She reminds me of my mother..." Mya mumbles snuggling into me... "We will help them baby..." I mumble and Mya sighs... "I took pictures... Of Kevin and Stacy... For when she has the courage to press charges..." Mya mumbles and i sigh... "Good... I hope she does..." I mumble and Mya sighs... "I hope you dont mind but i told her we would help her with lawyers and such..." She whispers and i smile... "Of course... Anything she needs..." I say and she kisses me... "You are amazing..." She whispers and i put a strain of her hair behind her ear... "No, you are... You saw what i didn't..." I say and Mya sighs... "I see myself in Kevin... So scared... That was me with my dad..." She mumbles and tears run down her cheek... "I am sorry baby... He can never hurt you again..." I mumble and she hums... 

"I am going to take Stacy shopping tomorrow... She and Kevin need some stuff and Oliver's clothes are too big for Kevin..." She says and i smile... "Okay... Then i will spend the day with the boys here..." I say and Mya smiles... "I did not expect the day to end like this... Sorry that naked Saturday will not be happening." She mumbles and i chuckle... "Yeah... That is a shame... But there will be other, naked Saturday's..." I say and she snuggles back into me giggling... 

"Chris?" She whispers and i hum... "You are a great man... Sweet, caring and above all gentle... I am so grateful for you..." She whispers and i blush... "Yeah well ma is to thank for that" I say, and she giggles... "I will call her tomorrow and thank her..." She whispers and i smirk... "I hope your mom will not be disappointed that Oliver is not coming for a sleep over..." Mya mumbles and i smile... "She will understand... I will ask her to come over so she can spend the day with me, Oliver and Kevin..." I say and Mya kisses me... "That is a great idea..." She mumbles into the kiss... "The boys will love that..." She says and i smile and nod... 

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