24. Hello buddy...

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I am standing at the previously agreed on spot... I am a nervous wreck as i am looking at my watch. Mya and Oliver should have landed by now. I keep staring at the exit they should come from... My heart is racing and i am all tense... After our first phone call a few had followed but they were much shorter and more to the point... I tried to keep her on the line desperate to talk to her, but she kept saying she had to go... 

After her confession she missed this, it was like she had pulled up a wall. As if it was a slip up and in order to protect herself, she pulled the wall up even higher... God i wanted to tear it down so bad... Take a fictional sledgehammer and tear it down brick by brick. But i knew pushing it would not have the effect i desired... I kept telling myself to focus on Oliver. That getting to know Oliver was the objective and i was looking forward to it... 

But it would be a lie if i said i was not looking forward to spending time with Mya to. We had agreed that on the days Oliver did not have to be in the hospital they would hang out in my place mainly so Oliver could play and not be bored in a hotel room... I smile and put my hand in my pocket making sure that i still had my spare key... I was going to give it to her so she and Oliver could come and go as they pleased. I wanted them to feel at ease and at home at my place... I hadn't put it on the keychain with the car keys yet because i wanted to give her the choice to take it...

And then i see them... Mya is looking around nervously holding Oliver's hand a suitcase in the other hand a bag slung over her shoulder... She looks around and i put my hand up... She points to me, and Oliver looks back at her... She stops walking and signs something to him. 

He must not have his processor on... But i practiced as Mya had told me he would not wear it on the plane... I hold my breath as they come closer. Mya looks just like me nervous, but Oliver has the biggest smile on his face... When they finally reach me, he waves at me and i smile... I look at Mya who nervously smiles at me before i get down to Oliver's level. "Hello buddy, nice to meet you..." I sign and his face lights up and he immediately starts to sign back but due to him being so fast i dont get it all... Mya chuckles and i blush... Mya stops him and signs to him and he nods... She opens her bag and pulls out a little device handing it to him and i smile as he attaches it just above his ear... 

"Hi!" He says and i smile... "Hey buddy..." I say fighting my tears... "Sorry bud i am not really good at signing yet..." I say and he smiles... I just smile back, and he giggles... "It is okay... I can hear now..." He says and i smile... "Did you have a good flight?" I ask him and he smiles and nods... "I got to see the pilots..." He says all excited and i smile... "You did...?! Wauw...! That is amazing... Did you fly the plane yourself?" I ask and he giggles. "No silly i am just a kid...!" He says and i laugh... "Right... My bad..." I say smirking. 

"Are you really mommy's friend?" He all of a sudden ask and i blush... I stand up and take a deep breath as i quickly glance at Mya who doesn't look at me but just anxiously looks around... "Yes bud... I am... Is that okay?" I ask looking down at me and he nods... "Ready to go?" I ask looking between Mya and Oliver and they both nod. I open the back door and without hesitation Oliver jumps in... I take the suitcase almost having to pry it out of Mya's hand... "Breathe baby girl..." I whisper softly leaning in a little and her head shoots up and she looks at me her cheeks turning red and i blush to as it just slipped out... "Sorry... Old habit..." I whisper and she blushes... 

She walks with me to the trunk of the car and as i put the suitcase in she puts her bag down... "Please remember... Even if he is not wearing his processor, he can read lips... And trust me when i say he is very good at it..." Mya mumbles and i look at her shocked as i never had thought about that... 

"Good to know..." I mumble and she sighs... "Chris..." She whispers and i turn to her... "Yes?" I say my breathing quickening a little at having her so close her delicious scent invading me and affecting me... She looks at me with those big beautiful green eyes. For a second i get lost in them... But just as she is about to say something Oliver interrupts and i smirk as we both take a step back... 

"Chris i can't get the seatbelt!" He yells and i chuckle... I close the trunk and walk to his side opening the door... "Let me see..." I say and strap him in... "So, all done..." I say and he smiles... Before Mya can even get in i open the door for her and she gives me a small smile... I take a deep breath as i walk around the car and get in... "Okay ready to go?" I ask and Oliver cheers and Mya sighs... "Yeah..." She mumbles. I watch her for a second and i can see she is tired and anxious... It breaks me to see her like this... I can see she is in turmoil with herself... I wish i could just take all her worries away... 

"Let's get you to your hotel..." I say and she sighs... "Yeah..." She mumbles and for a moment i think she sounds disappointed... I wonder why... Had she wanted to stay with me?  Should i have suggested that? I had not asked because i didn't want to pressure her... But now i wished i had asked... 

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