130. And then the girls are outnumbered.

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"Are you nervous?" A nurse asks me as she helps me put on some sort of scrubs, so i can be with Mya in the operating room... "A little... It all went so fast all of a sudden... I had kind of expected for the doctor to send her back home... But Mya had a bit of a breakdown last night and well he decided they all were ready..." I say while the nerves are raging through my body...

It had indeed gone so quick... I had called the doctor and explained the situation... He had told us to come over immediately. He had checked on the babies and Mya before he decided it was better to get the babies now... So here i was getting ready while Mya had already been rolled out to be prepped for surgery... 

"I have a question..." I say taking in a deep breath before letting out a deep sigh... The nurse looks at me... "I am not going to see them... Cut her open right?" I ask and the nurse chuckles... "No sweetie... There will be a sheet in front of it..." She says and i let out a sigh of relief... "You are going to do great... Concentrate on your wife... Keep talking to her and reassuring her..." She says with a soft smile... 

"Now let's go to your wife and get you some babies..." She says smiling and leads me to the operating room... I smile as i see Mya smiling and laughing with one of the staff when she sees me her face lights up... I might be a little nervous for all this... But she is ready... She is so ready... You can see it on her face... She looks so tired with dark circles under her eyes due to the lack of sleep over the last weeks... But there is a big smile on her face... 

I walk over to her and kiss her forehead... "Someone is ready..." I whisper smiling and she hums... "So ready... I know it all went a bit fast for you... But please dont be mad..." She whispers the smile disappearing of her face. "I am not mad baby... Just worried and maybe a little nervous..." I say and kiss her... "I trust that the doctors and you know what you are doing..." I say and kiss her again... 

I hear the doctors talking to each other and it is a weird idea that they are cutting open the love of my life while i just stand here... "Are you okay?" I ask her and it comes out a little squeakier than i intended... "I am fine babe..." She says smiling and i sigh... "No pain, right?" I ask and she smiles again... "No pain..." She says... "Now give me another kiss..." She whispers and i smile... 

"I think it is so weird that you dont feel anything..." I whisper and she giggles... "I can feel something... But it does not hurt... That will come later..." She says and i look at her shocked... "You can feel them work?" I ask in shock, and she giggles again... "I feel some tugging and such, but it does not hurt... I promise..." She says and i nod... 

I kiss her forehead again and we wait... We wait for our 3 boys... All of a sudden there is a cry... A loud cry and Mya and i look at each other... "Boy number 1" We hear someone say and as we look up a screaming baby gets hold up... "Baby one is here, baby..." I whisper and kiss her... "Why do they not bring them to us?" I whisper as i am waiting for them to... "They are going to check him first because he is born early... It is not just one baby, handsome..." She says and i nod...

"Baby boy number 2..." We hear but there is no crying... "Why is there no crying..." I say but just as i had said it, we hear crying... "Relax babe... They know what they are doing... It is different than a normal delivery..." Mya says and we see our second baby being lifted above the sheet screaming his head off and i feel relieved before he gets taken away... I only now see how many people there are in the room... People for the babies and people for Mya... 

"You are doing so good baby..." I whisper and kiss her, and she smiles... Then there is another cry... "Baby boy number 3" A voice says and i smile through my tears as a crying little thing gets lifted above the sheet... 

"We are going to take them up to the NICU to check them out..." We are being told and Mya looks at me... "Our boys are here..." She says and yawns and i chuckle and kiss her forehead... "Yes, they are..." I whisper and she yawns again... 

When they are finally done with Mya, she gets rolled out of the operating room... She is half asleep already as she is just so tired... We are waiting in our room on a doctor to tell us how our babies are... They had been taken up to the NICU. It was standard procedure with Triplets... At least that is what Mya told me... 

The door opens, and a doctor walks in smiling. After a quick update about Mya, we are allowed to go see our babies... Mya gets wheeled with bed and all to the NICU... And there they are... They are so little... A doctor comes walking up to us and smiles... He tells us that our babies are doing good... That they dont have to be in there long and that we can hold them if we want to... 

I am so nervous... But i can't keep my eyes off of them... But Mya gets to hold 2 first and i hold one... "They are perfect..." I say smiling and kissing Mya before gently sitting next to her on the bed... 

"So do we have names?" One of the nurses asks and we look at each other and smile... "Our first born will be named Alex..." I say and the nurse puts it on a tiny bracelet and changes them out on one of the babies in Mya's arms... "Little Alex..." She says and we smile... "Our second born will be Ben..." I say and she does the same and walks over to me and changes his little bracelet out. "Little Ben..." The nurse says and i smile... "Then we have one baby left..." The nurse says and Mya smirks because we finally had found a name with a C, we both liked... "Then this is Charlie..." Mya whispers and kissed his little forehead... I smiled as she also kissed Alex's little forehead... "And last but not least little Charlie..." The nurse says... "3 boys momma..." She says smirking at Mya who giggles... "Yes, me and our little girl are outnumbered... 6 against 2..." Mya chuckles and i smirk... "Oh boy..." The nurse says and i chuckle... "Oh boys..." I say and Mya and the nurse look at me as if i had gone crazy... "As you can see Chris is taking the role of dad very serious... He has dad jokes now..." Mya says and they both giggle...

After a while it is time to go back to Mya's room... She is asleep by the time they wheel her back into her room. I sit beside her for a while before i go and take a quick look at our boys again... The nurse explains me that the boys are doing really good and that they are beautiful... "They got that from their mom..." I say smiling and the nurse smiles back at me... 

Eventually i am back in the room with Mya who is still out like a light and i hold her hand and lay my head on the bed... Just closing my eyes for a few minutes...

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