29. Are they here?

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Our lips touch, a sweet short kiss... The booze making her a little bolder and i know i should stop this, she is a little tipsy not full out, i dont know what i am doing drunk but still... I just can't stop... The feeling of her lips on mine make me want more... Another kiss follows... And another one until we are lost in a mind blowing, breathtaking kiss... Hands gliding all over each other desperate to touch were we can... Each kiss gets longer, hungrier and more desperate... I groan and lift her in my lap... She cups my face with both hands kissing me passionately both of us swallowing each other's moans.

I can't resist and let my hands glide under her shirt on her back feeling her soft skin under my fingertips. In return she starts to pull on my shirt and we break the kiss for a second as she pulls the shirt over my head before crashing her lips on mine again her hands roaming over my chest setting my skin on fire... She shivers as i gently massage the skin on her back loving the feeling of her soft skin under my fingertips again... She tastes like scotch and mint. She is delicious... We kiss until my lungs burn and scream for air and when we finally come up to breathe, she presses her forehead against mine closing her eyes breathing heavy her chest heaving up and down a small smile on her lips... "Mya..." I whisper breathing heavy to and my voice hoarse. But she shakes her head and puts her finger on my lips... "Shhh no talking..." She whispers before removing her finger and crashing her lips back on mine shutting me up... 

I dig my fingers in the flesh on her back practically clawing at her. She moans throwing her head back and i take the opportunity and suck on the skin in her neck marking her just a little one barely visible if you dont know it is there... But i know and fuck i love it... Her hands glide in my hair grabbing it making me groan... She is grinding on me and i am now painfully hard my dick poking her. She smiles and grinds onto me even a little harder softly whimpering in my ear... 

"Mya maybe we should..." I start to say as i dont want her to regret anything in the morning... But i dont get the chance to finish the sentence as she grabs my face my lips forming an O as her eyes go dark and are filled with lust... "Chris... Shut up..." She growls and i groan... "I dont need fucking sweet and respectful Chris..." She growls and my eyes grow wide at the feral look in her eyes... "Right now, i need possessive, rough and dominant Chris... The Chris who used to fuck me into oblivion, made me cum hard and made me feel desirable as he showed me who the fuck i belonged to..." She growls letting my face go and i start to grin... 

Fuck her words drive me wild and i stand up lifting her with me... "Be careful what you wish for baby girl..." I growl as she wraps herself around me smirking... "It was your time to make a wish today... Hope you made the right one..." She whispers and i smirk... "I will tell you when it comes true..." I growl back at her taking big steps desperate to get her in my bed and out of these clothes... 

I groan as she places a trail of kisses from my neck onto my shoulder making me walk even faster... But then she sinks in her teeth making me hiss of pain and pleasure... Fuck i forgot... She is a biter... When overly excited she sinks her teeth in you. I can feel it... Her teeth sinking in my flesh on my shoulder leaving her own mark... How could i fucking forget that... I loved it... And fuck i still do... It may be crazy but fuck i loved it...

I walk into my bedroom and kick the door shut behind me and within a few steps i stand at the foot of the bed. Without wasting a second i throw her on the bed watching her as she bounces... She lets out a little yelp and pushes herself to sit up. Those perfect green eyes look at me with that little dark twinkle... I run my finger down her jaw... Down her neck over her collar bone before dipping my finger between her tits that are still covered by her shirt... Without warning i grab the fabric in both hands ripping the fabric apart. She gasps but her eyes never lean mine an i smirk as i look at the torn fabric, her tits now fully exposed to me... I dont bother removing the now rags... I have access that is all i fucking need...

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